Just listened to LOS with Sam Roberts

47  2015-08-23 by gagusername

Anthony just continues to sound like a jealous ex-gf. Taking unnessacary shots at Opie throughout the entire episode. He was clearly pretty drunk by the end of the show, but I felt humiliated for him. If anything about how free and wonderful his new job is was true, he would t act this way. He also felt comfortable taking criticisms of Opie from this fine sub-reddit, and regurgitating them sloppily. I thought the people here have no lives and no clue? Fuck him. What a fucking drunk pedarest loser


The "Redditors rule" mentality when it was all Opie hate and then the switch to "Redditors don't know anything" when he got a bit of very legitimate hate infuriates me.

I remember when on a daily basis people here were posting about Opie, his wife, and his kids, all while using real names. And Ant was jumping in too, like with his "I built it comment" on Opie's apartment. Then he'd go on here and on the show and talk about great we are and how important it was to listen to community feedback.

Then, when people finally started to criticize TACS for its repetitiveness/lack of effort/false promises he instantly said people here didn't know anything. By the time he did the dick cream, doxxing, claiming he didn't bomb etc we were apparently just full blown haters.

And only wants yes men. He didn't get it in this sub and that drove him crazy.

You nailed it on the head. It's the hypocrisy that drives me fucking bonkers. Opie really bugs me sometimes, but at least he said his peace and has totally moved on. If he gets a caller giving him shit, he says "go listen to Anthony, anthonycumia.com" That is how an adult handles a situation like this. Remember after the Greggshells episode, when Opie called Ant human garbage? I seem to remember Anthony pointing out that at least he was civil about it. That's why he got so much going support after that, because Opie acted like a child and Anthony took the high road. These two really deserve each other

Hey dumb ass. Don't you think it's a lot easier for Opie to move on? Nothing bad happened to him... He get's to keep the studio, the huge salary, Jim Norton, the staff etc. Also Opie hasn't moved on. It's just the new strategy of the show, to never mention Anthony or his podcast. It's very obvious. Jim doesn't even mention him any more.

okay, but who gives a fuck? Anthony got fired, but not because of something Opie did. he doesn't have to get over Opie if he doesn't want to, sure, but that doesn't mean there's some legitimate one-way gripe he should still be harping on so awkwardly. a bunch of anonymous internet fucks insulting someone isn't the same as some drunk you used to work with taking cheap potshots at you at every opportunity in front of mutual friends (and Ant lied about shit with Sam too, so there's that).

even if Opie hasn't actually moved on from Ant in his head, he definitely has as it relates to the show and twitter, and anywhere he has exposure. Not mentioning the guy who completely shit all over you is not an active sort of "strategy," and it's completely justifiable in light of everything. and you'd literally have to be a fucking mind reader to know for certain that Opie hasn't moved on. if he hasn't, again, he's not mentioning it so who gives a fuck?? basically there's nothing Opie can do without you shitting on him for this then, because he's literally not doing anything and you still find a way. How often are they supposed to talk about Anthony? Every day? He got fired over a year ago already, at some point they gotta move on and pick up the fucking pieces. Ant's hypocrisy with regards to Reddit, and himself, has been fucking enraging. To act like Opie is being worse about it is really childish.

God this post stinks. You even got me defending Opie, that's how annoying it was to read.

That has nothing to do with Anthony acting like a 12 year old. If you get kicked out of a party, you start a new party and act like its the best place to be. Dumbass

"..yeh well so are we" fuck goodfellas was awesome

That's Casino you goddamn piece of human garbage.

I see someone likes the taste of Italian sausage.

Don't we all? ;)

Am I right ladies?

Don't we all? ;)

Am I right ladies?

I wanted to post "Did it?" but the legitimacy of the post stopped me.

Meanwhile Opie has completely written Ant off.

Even after there little fight Opie tried to still promote TACs for Anthony. It wasn't until Anthony kept taking shots that Opie stopped. I don't really like Opie either but he's handled everything far better. He might get people banned from Twitter but at least he's not coming on Reddit to write a bunch of drunken rants about how we know nothing.

Hard to get drink on fruit juice.

Also Opie is stupid. He wouldn't be able to write anything.


It is easy to handle things better when aren't the one fired. Ant is shitty, no denying that, but imagine how shitty Opie would be if he was fired.

If anything it's a shame they both didn't lose their jobs.

No its easy to handle things when you aren't a lonely, shut in alcoholic that dates people that are just out of high school but have the intellect of a 12 year old. Plenty of people have been fired from similar gigs for far worse things and they still managed to bounce back. Opie keeping the gig and Anthony being fired has nothing to do with it. Opies just a more grounded, level headed person than Ant. Also, when Anthony originally lost his job he talked about how liberating it was and now he's able to do whatever he wants, he claimed to have plenty of fuck you money, and he's done nothing but complain about Opie since then. If Opie was so bad it seems like Anthony would be happy to go off and start his own thing. Your reasons don't make any sense at all.

Anthony might be the funnier one but he comes across as a butt hurt ex-girlfriend on this issue. Shut up and move on from Opie already if you have no intentions of making up.

Opie still randomly brings up times with Ant wistfully, like he hasn't even noticed any of Ant's shots other than the Greggshells episode. Every mention of Opie by Ant makes is kind of making fun of him, while Opie mentions something funny Ant did, or when they did something crazy. It must infuriate Ant even more.

I thought it was funny at first, but the last couple times he interjected himself it reminded me of a guy who's chick left him, but he pretends he doesn't care.... Then the more he drinks, the more the hurt comes out.

but the last couple times he interjected himself it reminded me of a guy who's chick left him, but he pretends he doesn't care.... Then the more he drinks, the more the hurt comes out.

I thought it was funny how Jay said he appreciated Opie helping them do The Bonfire in the his studio. Then Ant came running over and said "THATS NOT OPIES STUDIO! ITS SIRIUSXMS STUDIO! SEE THIS? THIS IS MY STUIDO! I OWN THIS!"

I don't know what the fuck Ant was getting at. Opie still did them a really nice favor.

Anthony was referring that O&A never had any input on who could use their studio. Ron and Fez always used it, but plenty of other shows from other channels used to use it at night and weekends, whether Opie and Anthony were cool with it or not. Hence why Opie always complained about it. Shows that air on other channels, like Bennington and Bonfire, still use that studio, and it is extremely likely that Opie has no say about it, that Don Wickland decides that stuff. Anthony, on the other hand, does have control on who uses his studios, since he paid for it. Opie is simply a contractor selling his Opie radio product/show to SiriusXM. Opie never sunk a penny into the studio so he has no say on those matters. Big Jay is amiss in thanking Opie; he should save his thanks to Don. Opie is a cuck.

You think Big Jay was lying? Or dumb? Maybe The Bonfire was originally going to be done in a smaller/shittier studio but Opie pulled some strings and got them in the O&J studio? I doubt SXM really cares who uses what studio, provided all the studios are being used as much as possible. It's totally conceivable that Opie could get his friends' shows using their studio with a bit of office politics.

No, you're right. Better to ignore what Big Jay said and invent another reason to hate Opie - like there aren't enough legitimate reasons.

Still doesn't justify Ant's high school bitch attitude.

I guess it he gets it from the prom queens.

Ahh okay. I didn't know that. Thanks dude.


This entire comment section is tl;dr

That was so uncomfortable I almost flinched, just because was a rare moment where it felt like even some of the LoS people were uncomfortable.

Also Anthony bringing in the twitter drama with the "i don't bite" tweet. I get what he's saying, but Big Jay really has always seemed a little too anxious/nervous around Opie

You seem to be blaming Jay for that, but that's on Opie, imo. Jay's the most chill motherfucker on the planet, but Opie's Greggshells are so strong they can even put him ill at ease.

Also, you don't know what Anthony has told Jay about Opie off the air. Jay could be downright repulsed by Opie.

And if you stop and think about it, that "I don't bite" at the end of Opie's tweet was incredibly douchey/cringey. That's something a no-game-having douchebag says to a chick, or something a stupid, ugly chick would say/tweet to a guy she's horny for. It's something Florentine would say in his dumb chick's voice.

Opie should have gotten knocked around for that.

Anthony has basically put Opie in the dawgshed; he's tuned his ear to find things to bash/hate about Opie. I really don't see anything wrong with that, because Opie is that terrible, awful, and hateable.

What the fuck do I care if Anthony comes off as petty? It's not like he was some kind of hero of mine before he started in on Opie.

It's ironic that some people are putting so much importance on Anthony's pettiness.

yea i get what ur saying, i totally wasn't trying to blame big Jay, i just meant hes always been pretty withdrawn and quiet around opie so i could see how opie, douchey ignorance aside, legit meant he should chill. but like you said, jay mightve told some stuff off mic to Ant and was trying not to fuck soder over, i just didnt think that tweet may have been poorly phrased instead of pseudo-taunting or whatever

Let's not forget that they hardly ever had Big Jay on even when the Opie and Anthony show was still together. He's one of the guys that just seems to have slipped through the cracks. As a result of that he probably doesn't felt part of the "crew" (ugh).

Jim and Jay didn't have any real issue with each other. Everyone just said that they did. There "issue" was literally the same thing that Opie and Jay have. They just dont know each other well, they feel like they don't have much in common, and neither of them has taken the initiative to start a conversation and find things that they have in common.

People make it seem like these guys despise one another when that isn't the case.

This sums up my thought of Ant there:

Hey man

That's pathetic. That is a monumentally insecure thing to say. Big Jay is saying Opie did a nice thing for him and Ant has to say, HEY I DO A NICER THING!

It's safe to say Anthony hates Opie a hell of a lot more then Opie hates Ant. Opie doesn't even give a fuck about Anthony, AT ALL.




Because Opie got to keep the job, the studio, Jim Norton, the large salary etc. How hard is that to understand? Also Opie cares. It's part of the shows strategy to never mention Anthony or his show any more. In the last many many months they haven't mentioned him one time. They didn't say "Oh today Anthony is moving to his NYC studio" or anything. It's obvious that it was planned that way.

It's a shame. If only Ant wasn't such a faggot and just talked to people outside of Xanadu.

It kind of made me cringe how he kept running over & interrupting.

Luis should've given him a real ass elbow

He's visibly annoyed the last time it happens.

The moment this ballwashing subreddit started turning on him is the Walking on Greggshells show. Sure it was a good episode and everything in it was true. But he was such a whiney baby about it it made him out to be the bad guy.

For a really stupid guy, Opie actually did the right thing. He addressed it once and never addressed it again. Ant continues to be an obsessive.

It was the smartest thing Opie ever did. Everybody thinks he's taking the high road/doesn't care, but in reality, it's just that he's incapable of fighting back.

And Anthony's continued obsession has people almost forgetting how gut-wrenchingly cringey Juggsy's retort was.

Even if he was going to be good at fighting back, he has nothing to gain.

Are the "haters" suddenly going to be OpieRadio fans after Gregg gets a few good shots in at Anthony?

he's incapable of fighting back

Well put but in this one case it works out for him.

It was the final episode of the saga. Anthony's continued comments wether true or false are meaningless and bring no new insights. He should leave it alone.

Sorry, this sub likes Ant now. Try again in 3 months.

I think we flip a little more often than that.

Its truly a mind boggling roller coaster ride here. Very entertaining sometimes.

It just depends, the hate is on Opie, until Ant says/does something retarded... Then he gets about 2 weeks of punishment before the hate returns to the Opester.

Ant managed to attack Opie enough that he would stop plugging his show but not enough that it became entertaining.

If you were a 50+ year old man who single handily destroyed yours and your business partner's life work due to your drunken racist pussyness, you would be bitter too.

I like it when he takes shots at Opie. Fighting between them is more interesting than their shows. There's a reason show fights are some of the most viewed Youtube clips.

They are most entertaining when they are taking shots at each other. And it helps increase interest in both shows.

"Whats a pedarest, Walter?"

"Shut up Donnie"

Is this on sirius or tony's network or their podcast or what? I'M SO CONFUSED!!

was this an episode exclusive to Ants network or will it be available on youtube? I unsubscribed a couple weeks ago but I'd like to see this.

It's one of the free podcasts LOS puts out each week. It's on YouTube and iTunes. Too lazy to link sowwy

Ant should stop with the 'shots', it's just coming off as bitterness at this point which is rarely funny. But in all fairness, Ant is the only one with any reason to be bitter. Opie keeps the show, Jimmy, and the 3 million dollar salary. Ant has to start from square one, only now with the 'racist' stigma over his name.

I'm maybe 10 minutes in and I wanna say that it's an absolute travesty that SR appears to be the only one interested in listening to the show audio/being aware of his levels.

I don't think there will be an issue of people chatting over each other or people speaking out of the mic but I do think that haVing headphones on really does help keep the speakers more aware and in the moment.

Whoops, apparently Dave and Luis are as well, just couldn't see the black ear buds.

The jocktober talk is great, I'm laughing hard at Sam's "Im the hole, FOR SURE!"

That episode was pretty hard to watch because of that very fact. I made a comment on the live stream thread about how Anthony is so rich now that he basically can have television shows take place in his house just so he can interrupt the shows whenever he feels like it. It's a joke, but there's a bit of serious disappointment too.

I think he continues to take shots at Opie as a way to try to mend bridges between the shows. It's a stupid way, but it seems to be the only way he knows. I think we all agree that Ant needs to swallow his pride and make a few phone calls; not to apologize, but to just talk like a grown human being with other grown human beings on the level.

He could have his Sirius gig back and continue hosting the Anthony Cumia Network, add more talented podcasters to his network and really do something tremendous with what he's already built instead of languishing in bitterness with KtC, who also seems to be all about being Ant's benefactor and not so much his friend as of late. Repayment for years of helping Ant out and not getting much in return perhaps? I don't know. All I can say is that relationship is going to turn toxic if Ant can't learn how to muster up some kind of seriousness and be real with people. I don't know the man off-air, so I don't know shit, but it was extremely uncomfortable watching him on that episode steal Luis's mic whenever he wanted to interject with his drunk babble. Of all the LoS guys, I think Big Jay would be the only one who would shit on Ant right now because he's got more irons in the fire and really doesn't need Ant for anything. Listening to Dave and Luis defend Ant's roast like a couple of model employees was BRUTAL!

TL:DR That episode was not flattering for Ant and he needs to call some people and have an adult conversation with them instead of lobbing playful shots at them over the air, hoping they get back to him.

I havent listened to tacs in a while. What shit has he recently said about Opie?

Pedarest? Or pedarass?

Haha i finally finished it, its weird that Sam is actually the best smasher of them all. Luis high talking about superhero powers and Sam saying "I dunno, I didn't bring my dream diary today" toward the end was close to reminding me of peak O&A

Shouldn't the main topic be the possibility of the return of Jocktober?

I feel bad for the LOS guys getting involved in a business partnership with him.

Anyone remember that "lil beavis" guy? He called ant once to talk about selling t-shirts. Instead of sending an email saying no thanks he goes on a twitter tirade about a supposed "shakedown."

That guy was a fruit.


When was the last time any of you laughed at O&J? Seriously, the only time I've laughed at the show was when Metzger filled in for Opie. We had a full show of Uncle Paul and chip jokes. Opie has stifled Nortons characters and the show has basically become a show where two out of touch middle aged men talk about weight loss and Caitlyn Jenner.

I bet you faggots love Sherrod too.

Did anyone say that O+J was great? I know I didn't. Hang up and try again later


Kill yourself


Scanning your post history, you seem to have a problem with "your" and "you're". I'll bet most times you get away with it, because most people aren't fucking lunatics having anxiety attacks over misspellings. Also, go fuck yourself

lol, he just made a post on this sub saying "He will show there is alternative on Siruis/XM" like a fucking moron, so I wouldn't take anything he has to say about spelling and grammar too seriously.


Haha you got owned retard

Your biggest crime is not being funny.

He deleted his account after this post, spelling Wikipedia "wikkipedia", using the wrong meaning for an acronym and improper grammar.

I guess he shouldn't have been so rude over one little misspelled word.

What do you mean? He seemed like a reasonable guy :)


I think we flip a little more often than that.

Hey dumb ass. Don't you think it's a lot easier for Opie to move on? Nothing bad happened to him... He get's to keep the studio, the huge salary, Jim Norton, the staff etc. Also Opie hasn't moved on. It's just the new strategy of the show, to never mention Anthony or his podcast. It's very obvious. Jim doesn't even mention him any more.