Fucking black savage.

20  2015-08-23 by CuckECheese


Black Machismo was the shit and Jay Lethal is the man.

He's a Jersey guy too. I've seen him live three times, top tier talent.


The Dan Soder of pro wrestling.

That's Jay Lethal, and he is the fucking man. I don't know why he didn't make it to the E.

I hate to say it but probably his size.

Ya, but they gave Shelton Benjamin a shot and they are about the same build. J is just as good if not better than Shelton too. I always thought that would have been a great match. Hopefully with NXT around J will get a shot. If you would have told me Samoa Joe was going to be in the E a few years ago I would have laughed but now NXT has taken some of the indy greats so hopefully there are more to come.

Is Hulkamania still running wild?

Not as much these days.

Shelton's actually considerably beefier than he is. I don't think Lethal fits the type of indy wrestler that NXT has been scooping up lately. It would be cool but I'm not holding my breath or anything.

yeah Shelton was pretty good, and so was Haas. But what killed Haas was when he ran into Lilian Garcia like an idiot and knocked her out of the ring. It probably hurt Shelton too, since they were tag partners.

No one in any universe should say the E. Not even Sam is gay enough to say it.

He beat Briscoe and is the current ROH champion. He's so good right now.

Congrats on being one of the two people in the world to know that.

You're on a subreddit for a dead radio show featuring two men who struggled to keep their fan bases in the aftermath.

Yeah, I think getting fucked up on drugs and cheap sluts is a more fun lifestyle than drinking beers in your basement with expensive cameras and virgin men in their 20's.

His "Nature Boy" face off with Ric Flair was amazing.



People like "that" is why Anthony pays more taxes and his guns are being taken away.

a disgrace to the Macho Man

No that rap album he put out was a disgrace.

Wait, what?

you have a google search engine seconds away.
