"Roast me" sub....peckahz

13  2015-08-21 by opieanthonyjim


What a bastion of mediocrity.

Seriously; what is this odd sub, and why was it brought to our attention? ALL the girls are basically duck-faced and surreptitiously looking for compliments.

I want them all dead too.



Your hair is so green, what is it ENVIOUS or somethin?

I did like this line on the skinny duck face girl:

"Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's methamphetamine."

I want to photoshop a @BaldOpieRadio picture holding a sign that says /r/roastme and see what happens

No need for photoshop

This is why I rarely enjoy venturing outside of this sub.


Opie & Anthony: Ted the Roaster

If this wasn't a piece of shit website that breaks the web by forbidding brigading, otherwise known as following a fucking URL I would happily participate in filling that sub with Ted The Roaster and Chip. It would instantly be improved.

But sadly I just have to watch millenials try their hand at comedy.

Can't you just copy the link address, open a new tab, and avoid the brigading rule? I have never understood how they enforce that unless they get a complaint and check IPs.

Yeah, but they'd probably know I came here from the logs, because I clicked the OPs link instinctively, because that's how the fucking web works.

I remember when the idea of hyper links was fucking new and amazing, and people talked about how you could follow links and references instantly. I had the World Book Encyclopedia set as a kid. If you wanted to look up a topic and it said "See: <some other topic>" you'd have to go and get a different volume and go to that page to see what it meant.

It opened all kinds of possibilities of interactive encyclopedias and libraries.

I never would have envisioned that amazing system would be broken by a bunch of fat whiny nerds complaining that everytime they say something stupid, a bunch of people show up and take away their imaginary points.

Because millenials are never funny. Only baby boomers know true comedy.

My wife... she's uh... she's a card, y'know.

I found this comment:

"It's all one big hair, laced through your face and scalp"

for this photo: https://i.imgur.com/cGMbkxr.jpg

Great stuff

Tss... Why not "broil me" or sumthing'? Tss.... I'm on fire here, Did you just see I burned that cocksucka. I'm fucking good. Carmedy Centrals wanted me to roast President Obomers but they were only offering me 20millioon to do it. I said, "I WILL ONLY DO THIS PIECE OF SHIT ROSTS 4 20.0001milion dollors!". Still waiting to hear back from those pieces of shits.

I hope to see lots of Chip appearances

There's multiple men in that sub who posted pics thinking they were too attractive to be roasted. I fucking hate reddit.

Holy shit. Its like every preppy white open mic-er made a reddit account and then decided to use their cool quips in the comment section. Its marvelously horrendous.

You'd only find an actual funny comment every other post. And sometimes it's downvoted to fuck. It's like the the future we're facing dominated by SJWs.

The most generic, shitty jokes get upvoted. They all have a witty twist to them that makes them seem original, but none of them are. Nine out of ten upvoted comments on a fat person are about his fatness. And then the replies to the dumb jokes say "jesus! i cant even believe it" or "omg, BEST COMMENT!". Horrible.

Forehead jokes is the going thing now. Even the most upvoted jokes have weaker imitations in other threads.

But you know what's sickening? The fucking unfunny paragraphs where they try to predict the subject's personality and motivations.

That sub stinks.

The best way to go is to sort the comments by controversial, there are some great ones in there that don't see the light of day.

I don't understand posting a picture of yourself on a subreddit and saying "insult me" and then being surprised and offended when someone insults you. But that's the society being crafted.

I'm sure most of the downvotes are from people being offended for them and their designated sub-goup. Or just bruce.

These people all think they are gorgeous.

Roast me, I dare yah, lolz!

K YoUr MuM hAs CaNcEr aND BlAcKs aRe StUpId! LOLZ

It's hilarious because most of the people commenting are using jokes they clearly have heard somewhere or whatever because 90% of the stuff doesn't even apply to the ugly person they're roasting.

What's that?

Every night Opie fishes his hair out of the drain and collects it under his nipples. (We're roasting Opie right?)



it seems like a fun and cute thing to do!


I want them all dead too.

The best way to go is to sort the comments by controversial, there are some great ones in there that don't see the light of day.