Ants subtle Seinfeld references

6  2015-08-21 by CheetahHeels

I'm trying to find a bunch of examples of Ant passing off seinfeld as something that happened in Real life. here around the 4:10 mark

If anyone has anymore I'd love to hear them


I'm glad someone posted this because can we talk about how inept Opie is at rolling with something? His ballwashers would spoil it everytime Anthony did a seinfeld thing and Opie, with no awareness whatsoever, would yell out SEINFELD! GOTCHA!

It ruined the bit completely.

He always gets over excited when he actually gets the joke

12 year old girl type shit

That was always fun. My favorite was when Anthony would very subtly make fun of Opie to his face since he's too stupid to know he's being made fun of.

I hated when he'd pretend at the end that he had figured it out like 5 minutes prior and that Jimmy had been the only one to fall for it...

Here's one - - (9 min 50 sec in)

And another - - (1 hr 18 min 00 sec)

He did one on the show with East Side Dave last week. Eating a snickers bar with a fork and knife

Here's a compilation, you lazy shit dick.

Hey idiot I linked that one in the post. I'm looking for any more. Thanks for trying though faggot

Take a joke bruh!!

there is no more, shit dick.

there is are no more, shit dick.

You're welcome. Get back in the kitchen, slut.

Bake a pie, broad.

I remember this episode!

You don't need to be so mean dude.

Go get your fucking shine box.

How is it only 10 minutes, I swore he did this more than that at 10:10. Jimmy catches it though.