Scott Greenstein's wife

0  2015-08-21 by unclepaul84




get over it you fucking losers, he sucks now anyways.

Who sucks now?

He's a Jew James Taylor


Could you articulate why you think it was wrong for Greenstein to fire Ant. Not in terms of what you prefer to happen or if you think Anthony was in the right or wrong during and after his time square incident, but actually empathetically consider the position Anthony put Greenstein in and discuss what the better, smarter move was?

The whole thing just reminds me of that Maron story where Sam Kinneson wanted to kill Maron for spending a platonic afternoon with Kinneson's girlfriend. He was given the advice "Never put a man in a position where he has to trust you."

Do you really think Ant would've stuck his neck out for Greenstein, or that company, in the tiniest way?

Fuck I didn't know anyone on here was capable of articulating a point so well.

Could you articulate why you think it was wrong for Greenstein to fire Ant.

please. half the people in this sub would have to look up the word 'articulate' in the dictionary.

They both have Permanent Asshole Face.

Seriously, are they smiling? Sneering? What the fuck is that?

good observation
