Jimmy Vs Opie. (It's actually Jimmy unloading on Bobo, but it's not unlikely that the things he is saying are really directed at Opie for taking the call. Opie too stupid to realize that.)

2  2015-08-21 by monkdick


Jimmy stayed with Opie. If he was so angry, he wouldn't have stayed with him.

i CANNOT stand when opie would have bobo call in, realize his stupid "bit" isnt going over and the other guys in the room are annoyed and then he changes his tune saying "WHY ARE YOU CALLING?"

ps ant is such a fag in these situations too, he was so tough when he knew he would never work with opie again and now talks shit everyday about him but he couldnt even speak up sitting next to the guy and shit on the bit.

thats why i hated that time opie was out and they still did the bit they were going to do and anthony started trashing the bit when in reality if opie was there ant would be hacking it up right next to him, ant is such a beta faggot trying to be cool.

Heard this recently here https://archive.org/details/sickfknpuppies and felt like Jimmy was really giving it to Opie (via Bobo) for taking stupid phone calls during a bit, especially one from Bobo. I went to look for the video on Youtube and after seeing the comments I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this. That retard Bobo is a good egg for taking the brunt of Jim's fury that should truly be directed at that big titted, dumbass the Opester for taking the call. 3:10 for mobile.

I think you're way off with this. Angry Jimmy is hilarious and channeling his rage on Bobo is actually brilliant.

The latest TACS is Bobo and karaoke... I can't think of a worse show.