Shocker. Opie doesn't get a simple joke.

0  2015-08-20 by bdizzle45

Dummy doesn't understand Jimmy was making a fat joke. 6:50 for mobile.


He's such a fucking dimwit. I don't even understand how he got that out of Jimmy's joke, it doesn't even make sense. So Erock would eat pig brains cuz he's stupid, and that's somehow cannibalistic? The nerve of him to call anybody stupid.

The Opester just needs a lil more explanation to join in on the action. Just a lil more.

Need it to be set up properly? (for the folks at home)

Just a taste?

Just a lil taste.

Lil bit lil bit!

Wow. So funny how Anthony and Jim are both like "...and because he's a pig."

"You should've told me you were doing exaggerated humor."

LOL, this quote describes Opie perfectly

"You gotta explain the joke bro, how else am I supposed to get it?"

Osmosis I hope.

You're dissecting a radio show from five years ago. What the hell is the matter with you. Take a deep breath and think for a moment. Is this where you want to be in your life? Life goes by quickly, friend. Is this how you want to use your limited time on Earth?

Welcome to the sub. Is it your first day?

Just a taste?

Need it to be set up properly? (for the folks at home)