
26  2015-08-19 by badguysalwayslose

There really is no other way to put it. The show has become such a multi-layered horseshit extravaganza. Opie has become or maybe always was Todd Pettengill, Jim can't hide his disappointment 85 % of the time and the hideous rotation of third mics is disrespectful to subscribers. I know Vos calls out Op on his bullshit, but he really is unbearable to listen to. Florentine is only funny in extremely small doses and makes me wonder how hard it is to actually succeed in the club comedy scene. Sherrod should not be allowed to take part in any form of media. Esther Ku, Judy Gold, Bert Kreischer, Doug Benson all big nopearoos and instant power offs when I hear them. I suppose the worst of the worst, at least for me, is Justin Stangel- at least Eric operates professionally behind the scenes. This fat fuck is unfunny, untalented, almost as uneducated in his opinions as Jimmy and when you pair that with how he looks.......its not real-it can't be. He has to be the owner of the Lynsi&Bam sex tape, there really is no other explanation. I know this is a rambling, somewhat undescriptive summary of how I'm sure a lot of listeners feel but I sure do feel swell getting it off my chest. eat a dick ya'll. peace


Vos never calls out Opie without a prewritten apology letter.

funny mofos

ME: That's the bit, you think I don't know that??

ME: That's the bit, you think I don't know that??



Yeah, you'll learn to love bert... I didn't like him either at first

I've always liked Bert for the most part. Everyone here is a negative suicidal thoughts shithead though and Bert is generally a pretty positive guy who laughs a lot so they shit on him because they can't fathom why someone could be that happy when they aren't.

Yeah, you'll learn to love bert... I didn't like him either at first



Yeah, the high pitch breathless laughter was obnoxious to me at first. But then you get to know him and he's just a big drunken teddy bear with some funny stories

What annoys me most is someone will say something meant to be quick and funny and tits will pull the idiot brake with "what do you mean?"

It's always good to have jokes explained because you can't keep up.



Use paragraphs please

I did and for whatever reason, it posted in one blob. meh. Next time professor.

On Reddit you have to double space for a new paragraph.

It's over Johnny

Isn't it ironic how Opie has turned into one of the Jocktober jocks he hated on for some many years? I mean obviously he was a dumb ass the whole time but it really puts things into perspective.

me: nice try on the hate, management loves the direction of the new show

the hideous rotation of third mics is disrespectful to subscribers.

It's not the rotating per se. It's the quality of the ones opie picks. The perfect fantasy would be to have a third mic every day, as long as they rotated Vos, Bobby, Louie, Patrice, Burr and a few others.

Florentine is only funny in extremely small doses and makes me wonder how hard it is to actually succeed in the club comedy scene.

I won't make claims about how good or not Florentine is on stage, but it needs noting that lots of comics suck on radio but are great doing stand up and vice versa.

Sherrod should not be allowed to take part in any form of media.

Don't agree. Just keep opie the fuck away from him and he's tolerable at worst.

Esther Ku, Judy Gold, Bert Kreischer, Doug Benson

I don't really mind Doug. Judy used to be a take it or leave it 80s/90s comic, but her new angry dyke shtick is awful. Reminds me of Ant a little - if she would cut out all the dramatic horse shit I wouldn't complain (though she'd still only be mediocre whereas Ant's a pisser).

Kreischer's laugh is intolerable, and his stories sound fake as fuck. Even if they were all real he's too far up his own ass over them to be likeable. Speaking of shticks. The "wild partier" stopped being anything other than douchechilling decades ago.

Esther Ku is the one that aside from physically, it's impossible to say a single good thing about. Nothing she does on stage or radio is good in any way. Shit, I respect Sandy fucking Kane about a hundred times more.

Fully agree on Opie and the Stangels. They are the worst.

You're just realizing this?

The only thing i appreciate about this show anymore is that they dont have jeffrey gurian on

good job, dude, chowin' down on that d currently

Roland is a pig too oink

i got rear ended at a stoplight, the rental doesnt have SXM. I dont miss it at all. I dont think for even a second "hey maybe ive missed something exciting or funny." Ive been just listening to old shows, its way better. Its so sad to see it all end this pathetically...

ive also been really getting into the old Ricky Gervais XFM show (not the animated series). it was a great fuckin show. The one little thing that annoys me is ricky yelling at karl obnoxiously.

I heard Opie be funny once, and I'm not kidding. It was when he told Jimmy that his $600/hr escort/gymnast would have been a $300 hooker if she showed her face in her promo pic. This got a chuckle.

I'd like to hear it again, but yea, as much as I love O&A's entire existence on Youtube, one listen is enough, unless it involves intern David.

You really think the Stangels are as they appear (on all fronts)? I know a classic coke scheme when I see one.

Opie and Anthony are dead

Oh well. Good riddance. That's what I say. At least we still have the undisputed King of all Media, Howard Stern, to entertain the hungry SiriusXM subscribers for years to come, friends.

The sad thing is the first point: Opie either became, or always was, Todd Pettengill

It really is like the Scott and Todd thing, too. "Great, now the old weirdo creep is gone and I can be the star of the show!" And then Opie sucks and takes it right back to 1993 alternative rock and morning zoo blather. His timing and perception of himself and his topics picked and what he does with stand ups who third mic and guests and phone calls and the Stangels could not be more dated and awful. He has anti-funny instincts.

"Spread the word...." (Camera ominously pans down until screen is black).

One problem, what makes you think Jim Florentine is succeeding in the club comedy scene? Out of everything he's ever done to reach the barely recognizable level of fame he is at, standup is what he is least famous for


STFU already


I agree that the stangle's physical appearance contributes to how bad the radio show is.

No, its just makes their hack, canned studio laughing, bring nothing to the table input that much worse. Ugh that fucking hair and chinless facial structure- god dammit justin is awful

Wow, you know all the players. With haters like you, we will always have Opie on the air. I never seen a group of faggots that hate something so much, but they listen everyday. I like the show and i don't listen to it everyday.

right. well as someone who doesn't listen everyday as well, I still can be disappointed in a show I once loved and critique its faults while hoping for a turnaround. I wouldn't consider myself a hater as much as I'm sure you don't consider yourself a floppy breasted shoulder haired vogon.

Redditor for 2 days.

I just discovered the Internet 2 days ago as well. I hope that's okay with you Morpheus.

Dick 4 life.

I just dislike the show (I agree with you on that sliver of a point). The rest of what you wrote is dimwitted.

What do you find dimwitted?

"There really is no other way to put it. The show has become such a multi-layered horseshit extravaganza. Opie has become or maybe always was Todd Pettengill, Jim can't hide his disappointment 85 % of the time and the hideous rotation of third mics is disrespectful to subscribers. I know Vos calls out Op on his bullshit, but he really is unbearable to listen to. Florentine is only funny in extremely small doses and makes me wonder how hard it is to actually succeed in the club comedy scene. Sherrod should not be allowed to take part in any form of media. Esther Ku, Judy Gold, Bert Kreischer, Doug Benson all big nopearoos and instant power offs when I hear them. I suppose the worst of the worst, at least for me, is Justin Stangel- at least Eric operates professionally behind the scenes. This fat fuck is unfunny, untalented, almost as uneducated in his opinions as Jimmy and when you pair that with how he looks.......its not real-it can't be. He has to be the owner of the Lynsi&Bam sex tape, there really is no other explanation. I know this is a rambling, somewhat undescriptive summary of how I'm sure a lot of listeners feel but I sure do feel swell getting it off my chest. eat a dick ya'll. peace"

oh word.

what do you mean by "Jim can't hide his disappointment 85 % of the time"?

His complete disengagement with what is being discussed, the fake laugh; I think he is aware of the lameness he is attached too and besides payday, it sucks.

hes half of the show and hes playing too cool for the show is kinda gay
