Anthony is the next Jared Fogle

0  2015-08-19 by unclepaul84

It's only a matter of time. I'm sure the police are just waiting until they have enough evidence to lock him up for life. I still love listening to him though. I'm going to miss him.


Okay look, maybe the guy put on a few pounds recently, but let's not get carried away here.

Anthony is the CEO of Anthony Cumia Incorporated. Show the man some respect. He's a job creator. An American hero.

A governer. A fighter. A Navy SEAL.

Were you in the military? BECAUSE I WAS.

AND he has a pool

It would certainly get Anthony's name out there again. The last time he had any media presence was when a woman beat him up.

first things first: he needs to hook up with f.h. Riley's to promote their low-cal menu.

Idk he has alot of cops palms greased to cover his ass, Keith being the prime example.


Anthony seems to know the law though. I'm sure he's gone as close to the line as possible but i doubt he ever went over. Atleast to the degree that an expensive lawyer couldn't save his ass.

I always wondered when it came to someone like Jimmy who has had a never-ending stream of prostitutes. Can he be certain that all of them were of age? I've seen documentaries on sex workers & a teenager who is being forced to have sex for money by a pimp could look pretty old & worn out very quickly. That is a real dangerous game

"seems to know the law". I take it he's well read on Zimmerman's "stand your ground" and Casey Anthony, so that's got to make him a legal expert. 2nd amendment? Make that Constitutional law expert.

How this high school dropout's accomplished so much is beyond me. I'd love to hear his take on the legalities of international border disputes and high tech patent infringements, since the man is simply a genius.

It seems his biggest interest in his life are guns & young pussy. I've heard him rattle off all the gun laws that effect him on O&A so I feel like he takes it seriously. I would assume he does the same thing about young pussy. Too bad there isn't a class on "guns & pussy laws" at Nassau County high schools

Anthony seems to know the law though. I'm sure he's gone as close to the line as possible but i doubt he ever went over.

That was true about the old version of Anthony. The new one, I'm not so sure about. More and more he seems to have been developing some kind of megalomania invincibility complex.

He definitely has gotten a bit more, uh, confident in the last few years but I doubt he'd cross that line. Also, as he's said, he knows how to destroy hard drives with a hammer and screwdriver.

I was picturing him maybe being sent a pic of, say, a new gf that was taken when she was just a bit too young, that kind of thing. With his reaction being "BAAGH fuck em all! Why the fuck should I have to not do what I want! Fucking bullshit!"

gah i wouldn't be surprised to see that reaction. or just a more enraged version of the "13-year old" talk he had with patrice and giraldo

destroying you're hard drive doesnt erase everything you've done from the internet, anything you do can be found again.

Here come Ant ballwashers to downvote everyone.

Ballwasher, ugh, pathetic. If you're not picking up lines from a "comic that never made it " you're lifting lingo from others in this subreddit. Gonna catch some flak for this. God dammit son be original for fuckin once.

-14 comment karma


This subreddit really is your life. Silly little quay, reddit karma doesn't mean shit for people who don't live in their parents basement.

Didn't you call out that dude for stealing the word"ball washers" and the next thing you type is the word "quay"? Quite the hypocrite aren't we?

This subreddit really is your life. Silly little quay, reddit karma doesn't mean shit for people who don't live in their parents basement.

That is the go to line of anyone who loses a fight on reddit. It's the internet equivalent of taking your ball and going home.

Is it?

Watch out, this badass has multiple accounts to downvote you but downvotes don't mean shit to him.

ME: We have 20,000 new accounts.

ME: We don't see numbers.

Anthony seems to know the law though. I'm sure he's gone as close to the line as possible but i doubt he ever went over.

That was true about the old version of Anthony. The new one, I'm not so sure about. More and more he seems to have been developing some kind of megalomania invincibility complex.

"seems to know the law". I take it he's well read on Zimmerman's "stand your ground" and Casey Anthony, so that's got to make him a legal expert. 2nd amendment? Make that Constitutional law expert.

How this high school dropout's accomplished so much is beyond me. I'd love to hear his take on the legalities of international border disputes and high tech patent infringements, since the man is simply a genius.

Were you in the military? BECAUSE I WAS.