More likely ... "Gregg Hughes" in Ashley Madison files or "Anthony Cumia" on Jared's hard drive?

40  2015-08-19 by [deleted]

... or Jim Norton's name in film credits?


Opie doesnt have passions or desires or hobbies or interests.

Well he likes his documentrees.

He likes the idea that he likes documentrees.

Can't wait for his review of supersize me

ME: I saw the documentree with Morgan....Morgan Sherlock, who's a good friend of the show, the one where he only ate McDonald's for a month. Holy ffffuckk. Ffffuuuccck, just brutal. That kind of food does that to you?? How is it even legal?

You mean him explaining to us how a man ate only McDonald's for 30 days? That sort of in-depth analysis?

And he wouldn't even google the thing and find out that that documentary was rather bunk.

So true lol

or talents.

More like Mrs Hughes name appears on Ashley Madison.

How dare you sir she would never cheat on Bam

Most accurate.

I doubt Opie has had sex more than 15 times in his life and 5 of those times involved "marshmallows" in the ass at Geneseo.

I can just see Opie's profile on Ashley Madison

Turn ons: "ME: Islanders hockey, U2, Buffalo Bills/New York Jets/New England Patriots, Sherrod Small, interrupting people"

Turn offs: "ME: humor, skateboards, haters, intelligence"

Tell us more about what you are looking for: "ME: sniff I'm just uhhh... you know... looking for... uhhhh... oh man, how do you say it... I've been filling out online profiles since I was 18... looking to cheat on my wife. burp Period."

Your best features: "ME: hairline, chest, bottom teeth"

Your features that could use improvement: "ME: none, Anthony got fired"

Describe your sense of humor: "ME: whatever lines the Stangels feed me"

Describe your sense of humor: ME: Jokes and phrases Jim used three years ago

I can't shake the conviction that Opie smells like turds and bad breath.

That's probably fairly accurate


You seem oddly obsessive about another man's looks, something you like to share with the community?


Hey you might be able to help me out. What happened to FormerTacsSub? He deleted his profile. Your obsession about another man's looks is very similar to his. Are you two docking right now?


This is the subreddit where a bunch of obsessed people talk badly about people who they watch and listen to 24/7 while having no other life in the hope they can find something to point at and laugh.

Its kind of like homophobia. The people who are most vocal about their hate are usually the ones in the closet doing the very same deed. Same thing here, just with men obsessing about other men...

Right, just like all those racists are secretly niggers themselves. Shuttup.

There is a difference between skin color and internal feelings, but I have to state that right, because you obviously do not understand that by your statement.

Apparently I hit a nerve with you. Don't worry, we'll all watch you jerk each other off while obsessing about a couple of old men. You may not realize this, but it is rather entertaining from the outside.

Best Sweetest Boy.............Jim Norton

More like Key Grip....of PEKAHS!

FYI : fezmwhatley at siriusxm was found in the dump...

Why would a pedophile have pics of and old washed up alcoholic?

I think he meant more as a file trading partner.


Neither. Keith the cop was on Ashley Madison.

Why would Ant, a 55 year old, pock-marked Italian dog, be on a pedophile's hard-drive?

Opie is all in on anything his wife likes. (I bet his wife uses Ashley Madison)

You catch that last real Housewives of ******* episode?

Them bitches are hilarious. Quanita, is mad at Shaquanda, because she wore the same dress as her.


Gregg Hughes in the Ashley Madison files. He had to get revenge on Lysni for the whole sex tape fiasco.


Ugh, this gave me douche chills

I don't believe you. How much is Opie paying you?