The Young Turks on Jim Norton's tweets to Marco Rubio

3  2015-08-16 by tokeabow


Please don't link to these tabloid clickbaiting cunts. I can't stand their smug Armenian-genocide-denying faces.

If you wanna tell us the gist of what they said that is fine but just remember Cenk Uygur is an Armenian-holocaust denier.

I've fallen for clicking on videos with good titles so many times, Then when I see it's TYT I am just disappointed. I don't know what it is but their videos just have a vibe of douchebagery to them.

I hate that cross-eyed gypsy bitch they got on there

She's fuckin hot though. I want her to suck me off and then slap me across the face and send me to my room with no supper.

This is so close to the mentality this sub hates that it's baffling to me you're receiving up-votes. The SJW hive-mind that everyone finds so sickening is discernible from this this sort of marginalization.

"This man's a racist! Ignore him!' "He makes rape jokes!" "He's sexist!"

I'd put money on the fact that Cenk Uger has a faulty word-view, but so does Anthony, so does Nick Dipaulo, so does Jimmy, etc. Fine. The whole argument against SJW's is they take people we like and excerpt the worst parts of their ideology and marginalize them because they believe in indefensible thoughts.

I've seen this meme about the Armenian genocide denial every single time the young turks are brought up in this sub. I've never seen the clip in context. I've never seen an article about the controversy. Just the meme that he is evil and indefensible because of something he said in the past. I'm sure he is. But isn't it sort of silly that all the top posts in this thread are one's pointing out the politically incorrect ideas of this guy?

Cenk is an unlikeable hypocritical cunt. I'd explain why in more detail but I don't have time right now. His denial of the Armenian Genocide is just the pinacle of his cuntishness.

I think this sub goes along with the hatred of his channel because of his stance against Anthony back when he got fired (and also because he is an unlikeable cunt). But that has nothing to do with why I don't like him.

As I said above TYT are hackish and biased liberals but Cenk has never denied the Armenian genocide ever, he has only ever made statements that it did happen and was terrible.

Stop using SJW tactics.

Waiting for those boots!? Any pictures of your place in what city now?

It's a matter of record that Cenk denied that the Armenian genocide happened.

Sources: Column: Historical Fact or Falsehood? from 1991

5th letter down from 1999

His 2013 AMA where he wouldn't address this

Video of him being called on it and him weasling out on addressing it

Now go home and get your fucking shine-box

None of the links you just posted contain any denials of the Armenian genocide by Cenk. You are lying like SJW.

In a letter published by The Daily Pennsylvanian in 1991 Uygur asserted that "The claims of an Armenian Genocide are not based on historical facts. If the history of the period is examined it becomes evident that in fact no such genocide took place.

-Cenk Uyger

Where's those shoes you said you made?

Do you understand the context in which that sentance is to be read? During the multiple genocides against the Armenians pre and post first world war, both times two different things happened parallel to one another:

  1. Genocide against civillians, women children and non-combatants

  2. Armenian rebel forces, Armenian forces who were engaged in war and subversion against the Ottoman Empire were executed and killed through other means.

    The person's work Cenk is referencing is someone who was part of the initial revision of the numbers of the later genocide, pointing out many thousands who were listed as victims of the genocide were not but rather were Armenian belligerents killed by the Ottomans.

    That revision is now mainstream and it is completely obvious that you can accept the reality of the genocide while arguing against attempts to paint all the deaths as part of that genocide.

Stop doing what SJW's do. Removal of context is not very mature or honest.

Where are those boots you made for Steve McQueen and a picture of your shop?

You can't argue with this evidence

So he didn't deny the genocide. Okay mr SJW.

Where are those boots you made for Steve McQueen and a picture of your shop?

"It's very scientific, I won't get in to it right now.."

Unlikable is such a strange criticism to have against someone. Opie uses it all the time. The irony is that he is the epitope of unlikeable, so who's to say? The point I was making, is the fact that he denies the Armenian genocide is the go-to reason to dismiss him. The same logic he and others used to dismiss Anthony (and the like...) The fact you literarily yada-yada-ed the other reasons you dislike him, when I blatantly stated that no one else was providing an adequate rebuttal is sort of a red flag.

"It's very scientific, I won't get in to it right now.."

Oh, you're retarded? I see.

. Opie uses it all the time. The irony is that he is the epitope of unlikeable

At least we can agree on something.

The same logic he and others used to dismiss Anthony (and the like...)

Anthony is a racist shock jock who doesn't pretend to be a serious political pundit who is opposed to racism (although nowadays he might think he's a serious political pundit, and what happens when he does act like that? people complain about it!). What Anthony, Nick DiPaolo, and Jimmy does is nothing like what Cenk does.

Cenk is the type of guy who says an American student wearing an American flag on his t-shirt to school in America is racist because it is the anniversary of a battle between Mexico and France (I'm not American btw, so from a non uber-patriotic American standpoint, this is still obnoxiously retarded).

Cenk also had a discussion about the "Washington Redskins" and how they should change their name, because of the genocide of the Natve Americans, which I don't have a problem with but to do that while simultaneously being a denier of a genocide committed by his own people which he denies for nationalistic reasons is hypocritical.

Since he has become somewhat famous he has been asked about his denialism constantly and he constantly weasels out of it despite claiming to be open and honest and willing to ask/answer tough questions. Everytime I see him whine about some celebrity or politician that said something "wrong" I can't help but think how full of shit he is.

His entire show is just TMZ with politics. There has been too many times when I clicked on their links because they made it look like a news report only to have them cackle about it and then out of nowhere make a judgement of how "it really is".

The fact that you can't tell the difference between Cenk and Jimmy is pretty fucking damning on your behalf. People here listen to Jimmy, Ant etc. to laugh and be entertained, when they get political and sanctimonious they get bashed, if that's all they did they'd be hated too.

TL;DR Cenk has no redeeming features. Neither does Opie. The fact that you think not liking someone for denial of a holocaust or any historical fact is strange is itself strange. You're a cunt.

"I'd explain why in more detail but I don't have time right now."

This is how a moron argues. You followed it with a wall of text five times longer than my initial post. You have the time, you just don't have the substance.

"It's very scientific, I won't get in to it right now.." Oh, you're retarded? I see.

I don't get this. I'm retarded for using a movie quote that uses the exact same rhetorical strategy you just used? And for someone who can't go a paragraph without calling someone a cunt, you certainly have a very "cunty" vibe.

I don't know much about Cenk Ugar. I watched a few of the Game of Thrones roundtables, which a pretty good, but he seems like a blockhead. He also flounders in the Sam Harris debate.

"Cenk also had a discussion about the "Washington Redskins" and how they should change their name, because of the genocide of the Natve Americans, which I don't have a problem with but to do that while simultaneously being a denier of a genocide committed by his own people which he denies for nationalistic reasons is hypocritical."

Everyone's a bit of a hypocrite. From what you wrote he's obviously not pro-genocide. Like I said in my first post. I see this brought up EVERY time TYT are mentioned, but no posts an article or a video clip to see the thing in context. I'm not saying you shouldn't like someone because they deny a holocaust. Of course you should. I was saying it seems crazy on this sub. It seems more in line with the SJW mentality that is public enemy number one here. X believes in Y, therefore they should be ostracized and disregarded. Once again, I don't disagree with you. But the people that feel the same way about racism, rape, misogyny have the same logic.

"I'd explain why in more detail but I don't have time right now."

This is how a moron argues. You followed it with a wall of text five times longer than my initial post. You have the time, you just don't have the substance.

I didn't have the time when I said "I didn't have the time". 6 hours later when I replied I did have the time. The fact that you can't undertsand time shows how retarded you are. I didn't read any further.

Retarded and Cunt. You're a real fountain of wisdom. The point, dummy, is if you don't have time to to rebut the argument I made, then don't bother responding. It's foolish and also pompous to claim you have an argument, but you're to busy to bring it up. That's some schedule you're on, no time, once again, to finish my post. You're a bore.

World view, nigga. World view.

TYT are indeed annoying liberal hacks but they don't deny the Armenian genocide. The term tyt is one that is used broadly without political connection. Don't critique liberals then use their own tactic of smearing your opponent.

Did you get a picture of those boots you made for Steve McQueen?

Yeah I'm sure it's the genocide you take offense with. Not that everything they say goes against your trucker conservatism or anything.

I hate them by title alone.

A rampant child rapist would think that. /u/buttriot

These people are such fucking hypocrites. They say it's fine that Jimmy said these things because he's a comedian and comedians live in a different world, yet when Artie had those tweets about Cari Champion they were on the other side. It's OK to have loose standards and a flexible morality when it comes to your agenda.

When liberal SJWs are convinced enough by your prior statements that you "don't really mean it" when you say "offensive" shit (ie shit that'd get Trump boycotted), they make excuses for you

That's why Louis gets away with all his shit cuz he is a known liberal, and it's why Ant and Artie don't.

Shit, this is the best way I've seen it described, absolutely true. It's about demonizing people who aren't leaning towards their views, or even leaning hard enough, as that line moves a little bit every day.

I know, I just like people to be consistent with their outrage, but we are talking about TYT here, and people like them are never consistent.

which is funny because Artie even admits that he tends to side with liberals but the perception of him is much different

exactly where the rape trigger shit now?

TYT is one of the worst excuses for news on the web. It's just so boring.

Oh, The Young Turks? They have that Cenk Uygur guy who denies Armenian genocide, right?


Make no mistake, they would not be defending Jim he if made a joke about some SJW bullshit. His tweet is in tune with their agenda. The Young Turks are the cuntiest of cunts.

I don't know how many of you watched the video but the guy hosting it said he's been listening to opie and anthony for 12 years.

I can't stand Norton. He is also becoming like Howard just like Opie is. He's saying things to look hip. He was the opposite on the WNEW years.

Jimmy Dore is a funny guy. There is nothing said in this video that should get anyone here up in arms.

That was a good video. Who even knows if these guys would be the ones to get up in arms over comedian's jokes? If they have then obviously I'm wrong, but I would need to see it before calling them hypocrites. They don't all just say what Cenk or that one girl says. The anti-SJWs can be just as rabid as the SJWs.

Chunk is a holocaust denier.

Oy gevalt

I dont mind the Young Turks so much..

Go watch a bit of their 3 hour debate with Sam Harris. Cenk takes the stance of "Islam shouldn't be criticized, but Christianity is fair game". It will infuriate you.

I am more infuriated that anyone would listen to that for 3 hours.

Guess why? To Cenk, Islam = people of color. Christianity = white people(even though most are Latinos now). What a fucktard.

It wasn't just that though. Cenk refused to accept that some religions could be worse than others. He thinks all religions are equal, in the same way that all races and genders are equal.

Check this out

At some point during the discussion with Sam, Cenk says something along the lines of "people tend to side with the religion they were raised in" referring to, say, Western atheists who are sympathetic to Christians. I'm not sure he realized how much that completely sums up his position on the matter considering his Islamic upbringing. When that Sam vs Ben Affleck thing went down, the first video Cenk put up in response had all this shit about how sweet his Muslim Aunt is how she would never hurt anyone. K thanks for that, Cenk.

Ok I will, I sat through Ant taking it in the ass in that gun debate for three hours.

Not like you have anything better to do if ya think about it