Joe Rogan and Yakov Smirnoff

2  2015-08-16 by LarryNozowitz


In Soviet Russia Hack finds you

That was a sucker punch...that made me cackle.

"What a country....that we can't be sure really exists because how can we say that we know for sure what's real? I mean we don't KNOW....we can't possibly KNOW. When you take DMT, cosmic gate keepers laugh at you for thinking Soviet Russia ever really existed. They laugh at you!"

"You know, I'm just a dumb comedian, but I think your hypothesis is unequivocally true and valid. I also wanted to present my theory that maybe bisexual bonobo chimps may also have something to do with this Soviet Russian conspiracy. The way these alpha male savages pound eachothers anuses with their giant juicy dicks mighr disprove the notion that Russia is homophobic. That might be my latent homosexuality talking, or the DMT, or maybe both"

Rogan is the worst, ugh, I wish someone would put him on blast.

you forgot the accent.

He really is an ass with all that shit.

That's what you turn into when you set up shop on the west coast. He should be eviscerated for those awful alpha brain and kettle bell ads but everyone out there is too big of a pussy to say anything.

Yakov has a net worth of 25 million and Rogan's is 23 million, I had to roll my spare change for gas money last week, fuck life.

Just imagine how rich they'd be if they would combine forces and start selling Joe's non-FDA approved magic bean pills to the rubes in Branson!

I still watch this video at least twice a year:

He blew Rogan's mind with the 4 magnets.

I wonder if joe chewed yakov's ear off about psychadelics all night long.