Brendan Fraser is an O&A fan? A lot of his last tweets were about Patrice, Colin, Opie, Jim Norton, East Side Dave

32  2015-08-15 by GaB91


He's fat now so maybe






Patrice talked about how him and Brooke Shields were cool with them (Patrice & Jimmy) on set of Furry Vengeance. That's how they know each other.

Oh my lucky stars, a negro!

its not verified...hmm i dont know.

followed by amy schumer and some other notable people

brendan fraser is not exactly a big star

He's Encino Man, you dumb fuck

Well, that exposes my age. Here I was impressed that an A-lister knew who Patrice was. Brendan Fraser has not been relevant since George of the Jungle in 1997.

Bump the year to 2008.

He was in Looney Toons Back in Action. He's the shit.

If Blast From The Past got a second re-write, Fraser would never escape from that bunker.

That tweet is from two years ago.

So is that hairline.

what inspired me to look up his twitter:

Lol. What's up with 8chan not showing up in google searches anymore, or was that all b.s.? I always forget abt it and still frequent the cancer that is 4chan.

the sites content

it's not full on, but god damn it's close

the profligates need to be purged

Damn that's gotta be done for a movie role or something, or he thought the Nair was mousse.

See that's worthy of note. Opie hair haters take notice.


2013-04-13 09:27:06 UTC

Everyday I have my sons read @iamcolinquinn tweets to show them a man who is humble & swell with a sense of humor that makes a guy chuckle

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I doubt that's him. Not verified.

Maybe him, Jim and Patrice were in that shit movie together

watched the Mummy again yesterday. pity he had such a short run

His another poor Canadian actor who is being screwed over by his ex wife.


Tssssss. PECKAHS!

how you want your radio show fam?

Brendan Fraser is probably one of the worst actors I've ever seen.

Go watch Bedazzled you fucking degenerate

Degenerated! Degenerated! and our minds are... vegetated!

Reagan Youth!