Would you pay to have the show back the way it used to be?

5  2015-08-15 by DontUnclePaul

Economics being the best way to judge sincerity; what is the maximum amount you would pay to have the old show back?


Sorry ... my dislike for Opie now runs too deep to give him a penny. He is like the dogshit that lodges between the treads of my sneakers.

Exactly, I can't even listen to old shows he's in. Now that I don't tune him out it's unbearable.

Bout tree fiddy

Get your own goddamn money!

I ain't giving you no tree-fitty you goddamn Loch Ness monster! Get your own goddamn money!

Fiddy cent?

It's like going back to a wife who cheated. Things will never be the same.

Has there ever been a great radio show that had a run that lasted longer than two decades? Loved Mike & the Mad Dog back in the day, but they broke up after 20 years and it wasn't as good at the end. Stern had a great run from the early 80s to the early 2000s. Artie gave it new life and extended that run for another 5 years, but Stern's just been cashing checks since Artie left. There's no telling how much I'd pay to hear Stern, Opie & Anthony and Mike & the Mad Dog in their primes on one station giving you 12 to 15 hours of great radio every day. I'd probably never turn the tv on. But at this point, sadly, there's probably no going back to the way it was with those shows.

Apparently Mike & The Mad Dog are open to a reunion with Francesser possibly leaving WFAN

Yes, I've listened to all other radio stations and there's just nothing close to O&A even during their shit periods.

I listen to the same 100 show clips at work every single day. Today i listened to 4 blind Stevie clips and realized that no one would dare do that these days. I also miss Sam, the fucked was hilarious.

I listen to the blind Stevie stuff every few months, my favorite segment is the one with Troy and his mom, but they're all good. His incompetent arrogance amuses me almost just as much as the lawsuit that ensued after his tenure as an intern.

I have a playlist of about 200 clips that I cycle through at work. Really miss the show honestly. I don't really like either of the new shows; just doesn't compare.

No. Give me the O&A show, minus the O, id'e pay $7-$10 a month for that.

Probably $10 a month if it was 4 hours, 5 days a week. I think even that is generous given how much streaming services and shit like that cost in relation to the amount of content.

$10 a month for Anthony and jim. $20 if they talk shit about titty boy

I would risk overdraft fees every once in a while to pay 20$ a month for an Ant and Jimmy show.


yes I would honestly pay like 200 bucks (a yr) to know they were gonna be there every weekday

Well I used to pay about $105 a year for satellite, primarily for O&A and I'd listen to some of the music stations and occasionally Stern. I guess I'd pay a bit more than that, but eventually it becomes too much money for a radio show.

To justify any more $$, satellite needs to offer something else of value besides O&A and Ron Bennington programming. The Bonfire is the first step in that direction in a long time.

Well I didn't pay before and opie has tainted my memory by being so gross which in turn later Ant did as well. It's like Howard I listened for years and now I mostly hate him.

i'm already paying 7 for TACS. Jimmy in there would be very preferable, but i'm mostly in for LoS. i guess $9,-/m for Jimmy on TACS.

$20/mo, easy

Nope. They have all revealed themselves to be nothing but liars, hypocrites and crybabies. It's hard enough just to go back and listen to classic clips.


never did. never will.

I'd stream it free like I have for the last few years.

2014 wasn't great though. I'd rather Opie retired with his 'FU money' and Anthony to have a little more control over the show

Maybe like $1.99 a month at most. If we're talking about just the O&A show by itself.

Netflix is is $8.99 for reference. I really don't understand how Sxm gets away with charging as much as they do.

SXM offers far more than one show. It's 150 channels of music, talk, and sports. Christ I am sounding like a fucking SXM salesman.

Its what, $18 a month? That is a pretty trivial amount of money, its 60 cents a day. Compare that to the coffees people buy, or the price of typical cable TV bundles going at around $120 a month or $4 per day. But I also spend a shit load of time in my car driving, over 30k miles a year, so I can justify it. An Ipod can only entertain you so much. Maybe others find that price steep if they drive just a few miles a day....I would too.

Oh, he needed the money, oh

I would not want the old show. I hate Opie, and I cannot even listen to old shows without that sniveling cunt irritating me. Anthony and Jimmy are also peckerheads, but I can still tolerate them.

I would gladly pay $20 a month(on top of my current SXM sub) to have the Anthony and Jimmy show on SXM, with all the regular comedians and guests. No fucking Opie. He has always ruined the show.

Nope, it had run its course. They were phoning it in for at least 2 years and clearly despised each other. All good things end, or die, eventually and O&A was no exception. That's life, kids.

A billion trillion gazillion dollars!!!!

If this was Aug 2014, and Opie and Jimmy remained loyal to the brand.... I'd be paying the same amount I am now to see Anthony et all on The Cumia Network, perhaps a bit more. But, Opie chose stability over integrity. Jimmy, well... I hope Jimmy has seen the error of his ways, and will eventually be sitting in front of the fake windows that are covering up the real windows of the NYC Studio full time.

No, but i'd pay to just have Jim and Ant.

It would be great for the tension, I have a Sirius radio so it would be great if it came back.

Nope. Soder and Oakerson's Bonfire is streets ahead of O&A, I'd pay if I could have a week of Bonfire instead of 2 days.

I would if it were with Ant and Jimmy and a different third person (Ron ... Big Jay ... Penn?) helming the show, as both Ant and Jim are at their absolute finest when playing off of someone else, and not in the lead themselves.

With Opie-- No.

Hell, bring back Fez to be the captain of this imaginary trio. At least the show would have some emotional value.

Why are you tormenting us!

I'd pay for Patrice to be resurrected and form an Ant & Jim & Patreeky show.

If everything got hashed out and it was the 3 of them again ... I'd pay $20 a month.

$20 a month

Apparently Mike & The Mad Dog are open to a reunion with Francesser possibly leaving WFAN