What is the problem with Gawker? Isn't it just people writing their opinions online?

0  2015-08-15 by Lilcumia


Do you mean besides the times that they have illegally published personal information of private individuals? I.e. Hulk Hogan's sex tape, Donald Trump's phone number etc. They're also actively feeding the most disgusting PC SJ culture currently. In short, at their worst, they're criminal and at best they're the Stormfront of the left but with actual power in media.

it's illegal to post a phone number?

I was more referring to publishing the sex tape.

It was bubba that filmed it and gave out the tape. Do you get mad at all things that are leaked without the users consent? Fappening? The feeding the culture part - so? You managed to not be affected. Trumps phone number - again so? Also didn't Trump put someone elses number out there.

Funny you mentioned the fappening. A big reason people despise Gawker is their complete hypocrisy when it comes to that kind of shit. Pic related: http://imgur.com/gallery/CQ5qgvu

They're also actively feeding the most disgusting PC SJ culture currently.

Yes, but their opinions are terrible.

In order of each sentence: Okay, but perhaps Hulk Hogan didn't want it out there. Mad? no but I do think it's wrong. I'm not familiar with the Fappening. If someone is contributing to a demonstrably shitty school of thought, then doesn't it make sense that other people would have a problem with it? You don't know me, you do not know what I am affected by or what the effect is. Giving a personal phone number is shitty. Wasn't aware, if so then Gawker and Trump are both cunts. Have a nice day shitdick.

You're kidding right?

The problem is that many retards think they are a legitimate news source.

Yes, but their opinions are terrible.