Opies Lies and Contradictions (04/07/2015)

24  2015-08-14 by BlueChippa


What lies did 'everyone' start about him and his family? Did someone start a rumor that he was talented and his in-laws were't philly trash?

I assume he's referring to the Bam shit.

We didn't start that sex tape rumor. It was some shitty magazine writer I think. But it REALLY got under his skin, so that's what people here go to sometimes. I doubt anyone actually thinks it's true.

It didn't get under his skin nearly as much as people shitting on him for being unfunny and awful, and that's amazing.

Who would make that up?

that's da bit

But I don't understand. Who would do that?

no one

This is precisely why I thought the sub had gone temporarily insane when - at the height of the deserved Ant backlash - people started saying that Opie won the Greggshells battle. All he did was confirm every accusation Ant leveled at him.

He's a cowardly piece of shit. I'll never not think that

4:39 mins: " I still went down the hall and gave it a shot.. I gave it a shot with Ant.. I didn't have it, I didn't have it.. eh...I didn't have it all. I didn't give it my all.. But I certainly did. certainly, y'know, gave it a shot." stammering idiot. The millionaire moron.

I will never get tired of that song.

God his whiny voice makes me want to rub my hands over freshly laid asphalt

I swear it doesn't bother me in the fawkin least

Yeah that's why you're literally crying, shut your cakehorn

Oh it's deserved, Flanktits Mcgee. Ya lying sack of untalented over rated shit.

I don't care how many times this gets posted, I will always upvote.

i cant get over how great the song is

The song cracks my shells up every time.

"Check out the empties, mistah bar man, fill up de table, nah nah"


This was part of a two hour long lengthy discussion. When these clips are taken out of context you really have to stretch to find the "contradictions" and "lies". I suggest that people listen to all of Anthony's "Greggshells" show and all of this show. Then make up your minds. Personally I couldn't give less of a shit about any of it.

If you don't care you wouldn't feel the need to basically be saying "YEAH BUT...BUT...BUT Anthony sucks tooo!" We know he does. They both do. But you obviously have a horse in that race and your denying it makes you just like tits.

It was about an hour and a half long monologue by Opie. He was sniffing and crying into the mic the whole time. He sounded like he had been up all night balling his eyes out that Anthony didn't want to be his friend. Opie is a fucking cunt.

no one