Gawker really wants to get Louis CK somehow

6  2015-08-13 by johnnymcjonny


Donotlink.Com as well.

Honeslty whats the downside even if it was louie in the porno?

his awkward cumming

Remember the whole other controversy about him "assaulting" a woman? & they even said Gloria Allread was "looking into it". It clearly must've been nothing cuz a few weeks later Louie was showered with Emmy nominations so if there was any time to release that info, that would be the time.

It's been a long running rumor about him for like a decade, I knew about it way before the Gawker thing. Who knows if it is true, but it's stuck around enough for me to say that I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

You change your opinion on whether something is true or not depending on if you or society has forgotten about it?

This came up on Reddit fucking WEEKS ago by now. Is this really all it takes to get something published by Gawker?

They said he had red leg and arm hair. Jesus, just say his pubes were red! You weren't looking at his fucking arm hair.

The author obviously wanted to keep the article professional by avoiding potty words and only used proper words like "arm and leg hair" or "cumming".

its a vendetta. they never even tried to go after Ant so hard, but it seems like they're trying their best to dig up dirt

People actually know who Louis CK is, much better target for them.

It's cool that people get fame, etc out of ruining other people's lives.

This is what they do.

The man in the video is in many, and may I say classic, bbw\amateur pornos by a specific company. He's a large/ginger/neurotic fella like Louis but he isn't Louis unfortunately.

Yep and it's easy to find other sources to tell it's not him, but "CK does porn" gets clicks. Fuck these scumbags.

Just as one of the men was about to ejaculate onto the chest of the woman on the receiving end

These writers sure know how to make with the sexy talk. I've never heard a pearl necklace described to sound like a Cleveland Steamer.

Edit: Actually sounds more like Tig Notaro taking a batch to that EF5 damaged lot she's sporting.

Gawker really is a useless pile of shite at this point.

There was a point when it wasn't?

You raise a good point. I stand corrected.

I think Gawker sucks pretty bad now (at least as much as Reddit, which also sucks) but what are we pearl clutching about with this? They're literally doing the exact same thing that we did when we found it.

Nobody cares what happens here

Considering that they actually say it's not him, I don't agree with this. And Gawker is awful, but read the fucking article if you're gonna comment about it.