Mark Normand vs. Sherrod Small

163  2015-08-13 by E-rockComment

Upvote for Mark, downvote for Sherrod. Votes will be tallied as such.


Normand jerking off story > Sherrod's "career"

hmm, Normand b/c we really aren't joking when we say Sherrod is a hack who does old black v. white shit all the time and is never called out. The day he does a white v. black DANCING joke/bit is the day im driving the NYC w a pistol

He doesn't even do Black vs White well. He asked Brett Morgen of he ever masterbated to Courteney Love (IIRC) and said you can't lie to me nigga I'm black.

Or just dumb shit that has absolutely zero to do with being black. He may be the worst comic to come on the show. I'd take the awful stories from the Stangles over Sherrod calling to say hi any fuckin day.

Yeah even though the black/white thing has been done to death, chris rock and dave chapelle are legit funny when they do it.

They were watching some ghetto fight videos the otjer day and his take on it had me like ??? Id rather listen to anthony watching worldstar videos. Im black btw.

Im black btw.


"You got my email"

Sherrod:"I don't use Email nigga. I use Bmail. BLACKMAIL nigga.....Nmail nigga mail don't know about that tho cuz you're white

Flava Flav is about to pistol whip Sherrod Small on the grounds of "coonery."

Holy shit, why is this comment so funny to me.

Don't feel weird it's hilarious and I just spit vodka and Gatorade all over my iPad



We get it. You're black, nigga.

It's not 'Chris Rock', btw, it's 'Chrissy'

That's literally the second worst thing.

I would pick Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi over sherrod small.

Highly underrated comment.

its obvious that sherrod beat up normand because he knows he's a better comic.

It was fun hearing Sherrod melt down and drop his jolly black person act on Race Wars a couple weeks ago about this. He made a joke that got nothing about having to "mark normand" somebody into the wall then big jay said something about not making fun of Sherrod going over time on stage and he got super serious and sputtered uncomfortably about how that wasn't what the fight was about and that no one knows the real story.

Yea he said it was about normand supposedly bad mouthing kurt. But then nobody wanted to talk about it and it was "you know what know"

I imagine Normand could be a guy that you'd want to punch if he was drunk and talking shit but only a fake alpha would actually do it.

I just wish sherrod wasnt so secretive. If you fuckin feel what you did was right and what he said was wrong...come out and say what he said.

You gotta link or date of show?

Race Wars

it's the 8/6 show

I'm listening right now, and Sherrod told Kurt and Big Jay that they wouldn't have made it in comedy if it wasn't for black people. Not even five minutes in. The guy is a fucking weirdo.

They both started on the black circuit with Keith Robinson as their sherpa.

He makes no sense, his opinions and thoughts are not only not funny...they are are absolutely right.

Yeah the fact he clammed up and wouldn't elaborate like some kind of gossip girl cunt was very telling, specifically being on a podcast that doesn't shy away from any topic as taboo. Weak.


Didn't he already talked about it a few times on podcast, and everybody knows you don't step on rodshells if u wanna be in top 5 2

Sherrod is tough to Jim (zero T Cell Norton) and the other comics who never lifted a weight in their lives. In the real world, Sherrod would get his ass handed to him if he mouthed off to a man.

I'll fight you for joking. Real comedian over here Sherrod.

"Mark Normand is here, Amy Shumer's snarky butler" Love the Norm.

mark is a hilarious likeable guy that gets a bit too drunk and says something silly when he's having fun. he's talked about it on tuesdays with stories a bunch.

Normand took getting beat up by a black chick much better than ant did.



I'm team Tuesday's!


I get that Sherrod stinks on the radio, but no one even knows what the fight between him and Normand was about.


Im downvoting you for pandering for up-votes.

Self posts don't raise karma

Then I retract my statement....and go fuck myself.

Either way, this reeks of the Facebook "like this post for Mark, comment for Sherrod, ignore if you hate America" posts.

I'm #TeamNormand so of course I would make that the "upvote" option. There is no ruse!

If someone saw Sherrod in person and said something like "why you punch mark Normand you pussy faggot?"

Sherrod would literally run away.

Yeah, that doesn't seem to be the consensus on sherrod, no matter how much this sub would like to think so.

Sherrod is a pussy. Trust me.

I don't think there any more untrustworthy statement than "trust me."

Oh, in that case...

FUCK you.

Neither. I don't buy Normand's jerking off story for a second.

But one story =\= life/career/shtick.