Look at how pathetic this sub is. Laughing at it's own repeated jokes. You guys are like a bunch of Opie's in a room, making awful jokes and laughing at them way too hard.

0  2015-08-12 by franklin_27

You are exactly like Opie, no self awareness. I enjoy it so much when you embarrass yourselves like this. It truly is a treat.


Hey, it's Franklin.

Our newest -100 club member.

That didn't take long.

Hey, it's the guy with no self awareness!


Tssssss, "mikest"? Mike est the biggest fag ive ever met.

Ben, go home..


Did you think everyone would be your friend if you made that post?

I've been sayin sharrod sucks for a very long time. I'm happy everyone feels the same. Just enjoyin it. Look through my history more if u haven't already. Weirdo.

I didn't say you don't think he sucks. I'm pointing out how you wanted to be accepted by this sub and jumped on their gay bandwagon by posting that pathetic thread. You did it and you know you did it. Think for yourself for once in your life. Weirdo

You're a sad dude. Yeah that's exactly why i did it. You got me Dr. Phil.

Nope. YOU are the one who saw everyone else posting recycled sherrod small threads, and decided to try and be "one of the guys". It was obvious and there really isn't anything you can say to defend it. You can make another dr. phil comment if you want, although that was weak when you said it the first time.


You might want to get that checked out, because that condition of yours can get a lot worse.

You just embarrassed yourself again with the old " I'll ignore how i made an ass of myself so i'll say the other guy has a condition" bit. In other words, you lost again. Stop pretending that this sub is your social life, it is VERY unhealthy. Please don't respond to this, just attend to your very lacking social needs. GOOD LUCK!

What's that?

You have no self awareness, just like Opie. Except he makes millions and you just jack off all day.

/u/opiegotawife is that you? How many alts is this now?

The old "It's your alt account!!!" gag? You really are a dolt.

Yet, you didn't deny it.


You didn't deny it! So it must be true!!!!!!



The old "It's your alt account!!!" gag? You really are a dolt.