Sherrod Small is bad at radio

79  2015-08-12 by arobben



Because he's black!?

[Insert forced, raucous laughter]

Steingels laugh

[hand rubbing intensifies]

You could have just stopped at Sherrod Small is bad.

no shit

As opposed to good?

Yeah just heard him on a couple YouTube podcasts, guy is more dull than the fake diomand in my wife's wedding ring

Just curious: why is he bad at radio? The specifics I mean. A lot of people say he's bad, but don't really explain it further.

1.)He can't go 2 seconds without making some sort of sound.
2.)He laughs at nothing. 3.)He never says anything of substance. 4.)He agrees with every point of view that Opie or anyone on the show brings up. He has no opinion of his own really. 5.)He's not funny, he's just there. 6.)He brings up race at a rate to make Anthony blush. 7.)Not only does he bring race up too much, but his handling of it is so off base. If Patrice was a modern day philosopher on race, Sherrod is Bobo with how he handles it. 8.)Most importantly, he is abysmal at reading the flow of the show and often says dead end things that do not lead to conversation or contribute to the discussion at hand.

9.)Again, he's not funny enough to outweigh all of these negatives, which is the biggest problem, especially when he's on as often as he is.

I'm going to have to listen to one of the shows with this checklist in mind. I've def noticed #2 and #2. Opie laughs a lot at nothing as well.


I love Metzger too! I wonder why he does a show with Sherrod then.

Yeah, Opie has his fair share of idiocy, however, I know he's not going anywhere. Plus, as much as everyone hates him, I don't hold these things against him because he's not supposed to be funny, he's just supposed to advance the conversation and kind of supervise. He's over extended now in his role (like a kicker brought in to replaces the QB) because Anthony got fired.

Sherrod is specifically supposed to be funny and fit with the show, as the other comics do.

For all his B.S, one thing Opie has always been good at was having an eye for talent and knowing who fits with the show and who doesn't. That's why this sherrod thing is even more confusing, because an eye for talent and knowing who fits and who doesn't is the one thing Opie has been legitimately good at.

I'm not a big Opie hater in general. He has some annoying habits, like the laughing, but I agree with you that he really has an eye for talented comics. He keeps the show going, which I appreciate.

He's never said anything funny, he's over exposed (not entirely his fault) and his comedy does not translate well to the radio, if it does to his comedy audience (never seen him - no desire to).

And so it feels like he's assumed the role of "the black guy". Unfortunately we had somebody who had a black spin on absolutely everything and he was the best at it, and one of the greatest comedic geniuses ever.

He adds nothing but another voice on a show with too many sub-par voices. We can only hope Jimmy quits after his contract so we don't have to listen out of loyalty/hope any more. I literally cannot think of one reason to listen when he isn't there, other than sadomasochism.

See if people just put it that way, I would totally understand! Ya I listen every now and then, and while I don't actively dislike him, I don't really think he adds much.

He's solid live, as is any charismatic personality.

But him on the radio has made me "ugh" out loud at some of those far-reaching race jokes.