As a teenager James had a lot choices to hide body parts in, this was his favorite.

23  2015-08-12 by ricswrangler


Oh, a shirt of one of the 7 movies he's seen.

Surprised he's not wearing McMurphy's black beanie from Cuckoo's Nest.

Jimmy walks into the hat store.

"So what look are you going for?"

"I want to look like I work in a bakery."

ya know he doesnt look awful... could pass for a modern day hipster looking like that. NOW he looks terrible of course.

Haha. He really does look like a modern-day 20 year old hipster.

Clockwork Orange Today? - Yeah. Caligula is in the wash

Jim shares this photo to self depricate, but he probably thinks he looked good.

We all do that.

No we don't.

looks like a fucking autograph hunter...oh wait...

I wish someone would shoo--wheeze tehehe, sh--tss tss wheeze-oot that hat off.

He looks like someone i would hate. Also why does he have a picture of himself in his shirt.

I don think that it's him.


Oh literal michaeIcolestie

He's dressed like a guy in Marvin Hagler's entourage.

What an obscure reference... I knew what you meant, but I had to think about it for a second.

What did he mean?

Since you are messaging me, I assume you have access to Google.

So you don't know what he meant then? Were you right there with his comment? All in perhaps?

Prove it

Jesus, seriously? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, cranky boy?

I believe he was just referring to the boxy war hat.

You are correct. I thought it was more ridiculous than that. The multiple rings and big sunglasses are a nice touch, though.

Thanks. You seem like a reasonable human. ...Unlike some of the asses in this sub.

What's that got to do with Marvin Hagler's entourage?

What's your problem, man?

I just want to know what it means. You're giving me answers but you're not giving me the right answers.

The guy who fucking posted it already confirmed that I was correct!

Read the thread.

No need to use bad language. I read the thread and he confirmed that you understood his reference. I still don't know what it means though. That's what I was trying to find out.

The fucking hat the Jim is wearing looks vaguely similar to the boxer's hat.

That's all. That's it. It's that simple.

What boxer?

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Why all the hate for a 30 year old pic of teenager?

This sub is a bunch of negative nellys. That's what I say.


English. You?

Yeah......he was a sweet sweet boy. Eh heh Eh heh.

Yeah......he was a sweet sweet boy. Eh heh Eh heh.

We heard you!

He's pretty fuckable in this pic.

Is that Jam Master James?

Safe guess, but I don't see his floppy Kangol.

Do you think he was already sober at this time?

Why would they let him wear that shirt in the ice cream truck?


ugh, fuck me....

I don't know what's worse, the hat or all of that awful old technology he's surrounded by.

I like the padlock. Can't trust anyone in that place.


Is that..... a chin? Alcohol must have really done a number on it.

Is that his painting outfit?

He looks like Jason Bateman sans successful career

He looks like Roy Harper

What a creep.

OF course he's wearing that shirt

I just want to know what it means. You're giving me answers but you're not giving me the right answers.