Sherrod Sucks

148  2015-08-12 by jamieblake

Do not comment but upvote me and post the same exact title until this takes over the page.

Edit: WE DID IT!!!!


yes, but is he black?

I'm not sure..

Wait a minute......Sherrod Small is black?????

He's fucking awful.

Sherrods one of those corny black dudes that might as well be white. White ppl aren't scared JUST BECAUSE someones black (despite what Sherrod thinks) it's the size, demeanor, etc.


He's black alright, Opie Radio's all in with diversity and the PC crowd…the numbers don't lie, the audience is exploding...PERIOD!!!

I don't know anything about this "Sherrod"

I don't know what he does, I don't know what he lives on. Why don't you tell him you don't want to see him anymore, and that marriage is out of the question.

What's this reference? I'm guessing it's from The Graduate.

(Godfather II)

Connie, Connie, Connie...

Oh thanks.

Oh hi Mark.


i think people are downvoting you because, if that's true, they are jealous.


Sherrod is less than adequate.

He should stick to just doing Race Wars.

I used to think he was funny in general but he is not good on the show. If only Patrice was alive.

Listen, its not an easy life for these club grinder comedians. They run from town to town each weekend, hoping to make 1500-2000 before taxes for the weekend (thurs-sun), if they are lucky and are headlining SideSplitters in Tampa or a similar club in Anytown USA. They have to pay for their own medical/dental benefits, they have no 401K. By the time they reach their 40s/50s they generally are addicts. Lets give these guys some support! Its not an easy life when you have no savings and your future looks bleak. This little run on the radio for Sherrod is a little ray of sunshine for him.

$1500-2 grand for a weekend?? That sounds pretty damn good to me. What's that, 4 hours of work at the most? Sheeeit.

When you are 45 years old, thats a tough grind! Go down to Tampa for 4 nights and bring home $1000 or so after taxes?

Tough grind? The guy has fun for a living. He chose that lifestyle. He's not even close to 45, he's gotta be in his early 30s. He's had TV exposure and is a fairly big name in the comedy world, so I really doubt he's broke or grinding his ass off for no money. And if he's doing 4 nights in Tampa and bringing home $1000...he should fire his manager. I really don't think he's having that tough of a time.

Jerry Graf is doing well, Jerry Graf is doing VERY well.

He's 42...If you are Sebastian Maniscalco, you can make 6k in a weekend at sidesplitters because they can charge 3x for the tickets. Sherrod Small/Dan Soder and those types don't draw... so they take the minimum headliner price.

You don't think Sherrod draws? He was on all those goddamn VH1 shows and Chelsea Lately for 5 years, everyone knows that guy.

Also, he probably gets paid to write on various things too, so don't discount that income. Soder is a REALLY sought after writer these days, he's hot as a nigger's frying pan. (I don't know what that means)

both guys going in different directions. Soder is gonna make it. Sherrod has never been a draw outside of NY. I used to promote in Boston and Miami.

Get me shows there. Im funnier than Sherrod.

its a struggle for a long time... look at Big Jay and Soder. They have their own satellite show, all over tons of podcasts and radio shows and still struggle on the road. Takes such a long time or a couple of viral videos to become a draw.

By the way, why did you stop promoting? What happened?

Kind of like real got overcrowded and become a tough game about 6-7 years back. Landed a tech sales gig and never looked back. Still, was a lot of fun as a younger guy.

Did you get to score with any mega babes from it?

Who was the biggest pain in the ass comic you had to deal with?

I worked for a firm that promoted, so I didnt generally have in person meetings with most of the comics. But, some guys used to do their own bookings... so, you could talk to guys like Bob Kelly when he was just starting out in Boston. If you were working on a Burr gig, you were dealing with his manager. Met Dane Cook a couple times, what a smug prick! Coolest of the cool touring comedians: Sebastian Maniscalco (he will be a national star very soon), Pete Correale, Brian Regan, Jeff Edwards (underrated!) and Jo Koy.

Edit to add: I dont think the job ever helped much with chicks. Not all that glamorous.

Do you have any Barry Katz stories, or was he already in LA? Who's MANAGER was the biggest pain in the ass?

Oh, I know. The struggle is real. I just think you're low balling things a tad and making it sound a bit more dour than it is. 2 g's a week for 3-4 weekend spots sounds like a pretty fucking good deal to me. If you were able to pull that off even MOST weekends a year, you're looking at $80-100k to do something you love more than anything. Cmon.

Listen, its better than being homeless. But this is for headliners who probably worked for less than half that for many years leading up to becoming a headliner. I guess, in my experience, the touring comedians battling it out in clubs every weekend had a rough lifestyle and seemed to die younger than the average American. Might just be part of being a comedian. None that I spoke to ever seemed to really enjoy going to Tulsa one week and Tampa the next to make a couple grand. Jimmy Norton lucked into the best of both worlds.


Yes, comedians only work for the four hours they're on-stage, never any time else.

Pretty much, actually. I don't know what comedians you're talking about. If you have 4 shows lined up on a weekend, you already have your set together.

If you want to count hanging out after the show with your friends til 3am and having fun "work," than I guess you're right, technically?

Im not saying comedians don't work hard, but I thought KnickedUp was being a bit dramatic and dare I say slightly ill-informed with his post. "So I'm....callin it IN."

I agree with everything that you said however he is ruining that exact opportunity that not too many comedians get. If your going to be on the show then know your audience and appeal to them. He is the exact hack comedian that they all made fun off for years.

He's simply not that funny. I don't really like him, but I know how hard it is to be a career club grinder. Sherrod probably feels some pressure to try and talk and be funny all the time on air. Its not working.

I had a pretty long disussion with Pete Correale about this. Another NY lifelong club comic. Jimmy Norton plays these same type clubs too, but he has a nice 300K job at Sirius as well.

I dont think Sherrod leaves the city.... ever

I hope he dies on the air.

Hey money

He's no fun

I dunno. Opie & Sherrod has a nice ring to it.

I got a time out from the mods

Opie and Sherrod make up one helluva duo. You guys are just jealous haters.

So we're Jocktobering ourselves now?




Does anyone else think he's pretty funny on race wars?


I didn't hate Sherrod at the stare of Race Wars by the 3rd episode I was like, holy shit nigga is this your gimmick?! By Episode 5 it was all but confirmed.

What, that he's the black perspective to Kurt's white perspective on a show called Race Wars?

He's much less atrocious than on O&J most of the time, but he's still capable of ruining the momentum, vibe and hilarity of entire episodes. Like the most recent one