My hatred for Opie is slowly turning into hatred for Jimmy

21  2015-08-12 by Grillskillz

Jimmy has become so desperate for attention. He's become exactly what he always spoke out against. What a cunt.


Give the kid a break he suffers from drug and alcohol addictions.

He was never the same after that sip of grapefruit beer

he had some rum raisin ice cream and tried to knife-fight an FBI agent.

The fucker drank a shot of peppermint schnapps and nearly decapitated a toddler. The program and Ozzy saved his life, bro.

Jimmy tried a Zima and then took a dump on the Ark of the Covenant while praising merciful Allah.

Come on dude, he accidentally washed his mouth out with Listerine once when he was fifteen. Let's not make jokes.

Opie drinks grapefruit beer. Jimmy used to drink spirits from the bottle and do speed balls for years

Yeah till he turned 18.

Jimmy has never expressed any knowledge of hard drugs when the subject comes up. He may have snagged a hydrocodone or percocet from his nana's medicine cabinet once or twice, but his "addictions" were confined to alcohol and weed.

He even stated the nausea the day after drinking is what got him to quit the most. That tells you enough about how much of a mickey mouse, inexperienced alcoholic he was during that one week of drinking he did

Eh, maybe was able to turn his life around at that age, ive lost friends that I wish had the means or foresight to do that, even if i had to listen to their self righteous bullshit.

I honestly dont think hes doing it because he wants sympathy or that he thinks comedians need flaws, just that at his age he has probably seen a lot of his friends destoy themselves through substance abuse.

Give that little mollusc a break.

That was a long time ago. For the past few years he has been goin to the gym. Goin to the gym and eatin better.

The Metzger/Sam/Jimmy show demonstrated that our sweet boy is still in there, regardless of his dumb opinions. He's just trapped in a room with humor repellant all day, so we get much more of "seriously, folks" Jimmy than we would otherwise.

sure he can still be hilarious but its not consistent enough, he takes himself too seriously these days.

I'm saying that he has no choice but to do so when his radio partner is a guy with whom he has zero comic chemistry.

It begins...

I can feel it coming

I bet you can


Why's is such a surprise..the worm has been a user for years..only attacking those that do not provide him with any type of career opportunities and remaining silent with guests in studio that have complete different political/moral and ethic opinions…he was all for trashing other radio shows when they suffered backlash for comments and being fired but remain silent like a fucking coward when his friend and co-host he was 'loyal' to got the ax…the day Ant got fired exposed him and the talent parasite Opie for what they really are….pussy men who are all talk, and without getting into if Ant deserved it or least Ant stuck to his morals and never apologised and told the studio to go fuck themselves.

Another thing…why does he find it gruelling to take a 2hr car journey to Ant's place yet the maggot was practically travelling 3 times a week to different states to do gigs?

Because those are paying gigs

No shit. He's become a fucking whiny liberal bitch.

Turned it on today to him him yelling about forcing some prolife guy to hold cum in his mouth for 9 months. It was really fucking annoying

me too, b/c he was the original reason I got into all this shit, he was AMAZING in the early 2000s, noone was as brutal, dark, and quick as him. Now hes turned into everyother boring shithead comic

I never liked Jim that much. Sure he'd have a funny line here & there, but he has the most annoying delivery ever. Anxiously speeding to the punchline with his hideous nasally weasel voice.

O&A was a funny show, but a lot of the entertainment was how stupid they are.

Different strokes I guess. Jimmy's delivery was often the best single highlight for me.

Yimmy, like all comedians is best when they have another funny guy to play off of. Since Ant is gone and building his empire, there is no other funny guy left on the Bitch Tits Morning Zoo Show.

You sad faggots will complain about anything lmfao

Hi Fat Stangels on Moped!

He said it today. That people change and he was very fucking angry. He's not anymore. Are you the same person you were 15 years ago?

Eh. I get what you're saying but the man is 47. It's not like he had some crazy ideas as a teen and then outgrew them in his 20s.

I understand that he's desperately trying to get on Hollywood's good side for a final chance at a payday but this shit is just depressing. I mean, I loved our sweet little boy but now he's become an insufferable cunt.

He's turned into a fucking repetitive shitbag. Old Jimmy would have torn into this faggot SJW, vegetable juice drinking Jim. Have fun fading away while comics like Burr, who retain their edge, host The Garden.

the anger disappeared when he re-signed

He's far more angry now than he was when he was "angry." Who doesn't he hate? Himself and whoever he thinks could get him a job someday?

He's lost his insight into it.

Silly Pat_B_S, of course Jimmy hates himself.

this fucking sub, first it was nonstop opie hatred, then you guys got bored with that, then it was non stop ant hatred, seems you are bored with that, now i guess the next 6 months will be non stop jimmy hatred.

Oh boo hoo. I guess that's what happens when you have two shows putting out a dog shit product that isn't entertaining.



Oh boo hoo. I guess that's what happens when you have two shows putting out a dog shit product that isn't entertaining.