What are American members of this board's opinions of Donald Trump?

0  2015-08-11 by McGowan9

As a fairly conservative Brit (fiscally not socially) who would probably be considered a leftie by relative US standards (your Democrats are like our Tories, your Republicans are like our Tories 100 years ago), am enjoying what I've seen of the Donald. It would probably be a disaster if he won but then, hey, Reagan was an actor and he did a pretty good job as President. At least Trump is saying whatever he wants and seems to be a breath of fresh air in the American political process. What do you Yanks think? Does he stand a chance. is he just a clown? what's the deal over there?


I'm touching my cock.


We dont give a fuck what your political views are and you need to leave immediately

Relax sweetie, I get it. Don't care about your politics either. Was just attempting to frame the post with something.

Whatchu want, on dis wall?

What's your opinion on crumpets? I hear that you can't walk down a street in Ye Olde England without getting one stuck in your ass.

You love the Crumpets

Here's why I like Trump:




I think the only true way to fix the two shit parties we have is to send them a message with a strong independent, even better if it's a guy like trump. doesn't matter if the third party doesn't win, you can still scare the shit out of the big two.

because, really, your vote is wasted upon two stagnant parties that merely want to maintain power and have no hope or vision for the future. it's especially wasted if your only choice is between two political dynasties, clinton and bush. Trump has a name, but it's a name that pretty much disgusts proper and respectable established families.

you have to remember, NONE of the great presidents in america's history would be electable today.

I too believe in pee in the butt.

well, it's an issue we can all stand behind.

I don't really care any more, the political race has turned into a sideshow attraction, there seems to be no decency among these politicans and they dont even try to act civil any more, just put each other down without providing any sort of solutions to any problems. I don't like Trump, but atleast he can't be bought, though his lust for power is disturbing.

Yeah, true didn't think of that. Billionaire who can't be bought wants to be president. Sounds like a bad guy in a shitty comic book movie.

Or a hero in a shitty comic book movie, depends on how you look at it.

A hero in a graphic novel maybe. I just thought Lex Luthor.

Pretty much, he's even had plenty of storylines where he actually was the president.

Fuck him and fuck the rest of them. It's all a sham..

Controversial statement. Sources?

I prefer BBQ meself! LOLS ;)


feel free to call me retarded but what are you yappin about?

You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded You're retarded you're retarded you're retarded you're retarded

Trump's doing a bit. He's playing Everyman's Middle Finger.

He can't win but he can fuck some shit up, mostly to Hillary's benefit, but he might accidentally kill/save (same diff) the GOP in the process. Republican voters fucking haaaaaaate the Republican Party—almost as much as it hates them—and Trump is their proxy to tell it to go eat a dick. His real, I-want-President-Trump support is near zero, but that's not the point right now. Now's all "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you suck, and fuck especially you."

It's great fun.

I agree. President Trump is almost certainly not going to happen, but the GOP has lost the plot for the past 15 years or so. Its very much like a Vietnam village to me: I would love for Trump to kill it to save it.


Very well said blackirishlad. I couldn't agree more.

It doesn't matter what the polls say. Nominees are selected by political parties. If the party leaders' preferred nominee is threatened, they can just change the rules to make sure their nominee is selected.

True. So I guess what I'm asking is does Trump have a shot of being nominated by the GOP?

No chance. It's going to be Jeb Bush vs. Hilary Clinton in the general election.

What a depressing choice.

The system wants safeness and aristocracy, maaaan. But it is true. Goldman Sachs said something like, "Jeb or Cankles, either way, we're happy." That is just an Establishment V. Establishment phony choice. i think turnout would be embarrassingly low.

That's been the way it is for a while now. Goldman Sachs was the number one contributor to Mitt Romney and the number 1 contributor to Barrack Obama. They hedge their bets every election. No matter who wins, they still get to call the shots.

Trump is a giant cocksucker. I absolutely have no issue with him because of his political party, he's just a piece of shit. The fact that Americans are willing to vote for a guy like this scares me.

All the candidates are giant cock suckahs. Jeb Bush? Rubio? huckabee? Clinton? People are Supporting Trump as a fuck you to all of them and I hope he runs as a third party.

Early poll winners never win the nomination.

i'm canadian, donald trump is a clown. Completely unlikeable, inflated sense of accomplishments (he inherited a massive sum from his father - started on third base and thinks he hit a triple), racist toward the tax-paying, hard working mexicans that maintain his very own golf courses, dodges any and every tough question posed to him (albeit so do all politicians), zero political wit or experience (men like Putin would completely exploit his weaknesses), the list goes on and on. Him being president would be nothing short of dizastrous. He never will be though, the millions of U.S. citizens with a mexican background will go out and vote for the first time ever, and they'll vote for whoever is running against donald trump. Very proud people.

When he wins I hope they all go to canada

Fuck that we have enough people from there as well as everyone else flocking here. I'm all for the melting pot and stable economy but Canada really needs to slow down with immigration.

So does every other state

According to fat face no matter what she tries poor thing daughter Osborne they'll be too busy cleaning Rosie Perez's toilet to vote.

Reagan was a disaster.

Reagan was a terrible President

Trump is the republicans without all the phoniness and lies. No difference really. Awful all the way for both. Just a publicity stunt for him I'm sure, but republican primary voters are so fucking stupid that... well I mean that dipshit Herman Cain was a serious candidate for a minute, like I need to say anymore.

I think he's hysterical and catching a moribund political party that doesn't care about its core constituency and hasn't for a while completely off guard. I don't give a care about his policies, that is not what matters. The fact that he is shaking up the GOP does.

If, by miracle of miracles, he does what prior renegades like Perot and Paul couldn't and he gets the GOP nomination, fantastic. He cannot be any worse than the people the establishment want (the aristocratic continuation of Bush-Clinton), and he'd be hysterical in office. We've had donkeys and elephants in office in a one-party monopoly basically and look where the country is. Its in the toilet. Lets try a troll for a change.


I feel like that should be a requirement for running



Yes he did