Daddy, please notice me!!!

54  2015-08-11 by kevin121312


This would be acceptable if he did literally anything to improve the situation against poachers. Passive aggressive tweeting does nothing, go back to edging.

I can't wait until Donald Trump Jr wants to have Jimmy on The apprentice and he starts to tweet pro-hunting stuff.

My first thought too, lmao. I hate Animal Jimmy.



What do you expect a worm to do?

blink less

I miss chubby, angry Jimmy who could riff for 10 minutes about what stupid arseholes bears and seagulls were.

that kind of behavior is unacceptable and helps normalize a culture of violence against animals

Booo. Hope you're taking the piss. If not, get fucked.

You can't tell I was joking?

The autism in this subreddit has reached critical mass

Sorry, wrote that this morning when I was a bit cranky.

What's funny is he addressed this, but it was basically him saying, "Some people think I only say this to suck up to Ricky Gervais. And they're idiots."

And then Opie cackled and they moved on.

I guess that proved everyone wrong?

What else can he say? It's an unfalsifiable claim about his motive.

I honestly think people are giving him too much credit by chalking this up to a ploy for Gervais' attention. He's been yammering about how he hates people who "bully" animals for years, and it's not uncharacteristic of him to take a retardedly unflinching moral stance on an irrelevant topic.

irrelevant topic.

That's my biggest problem with him. If he'd say what he always says about it, but spend 20 total minutes per year on it instead of 20 total hours, I would barely even notice or care. But he has to act like one of those defiantly retarded SJWs who put on the pretense that if there's one example of injustice in the world out of literal billions, it might as well be a holocaust of horrifying oppression.

It's like if the news when they report on shark attacks would equate it to a global alien invasion or something (ok, a better example than that I'm too lazy to come up with) that affects ridiculous numbers of individuals. Just cunts magnifying a few rare occurrences by orders of magnitude, for cunty attention-seeking reasons. Media wants to sell themselves and make money, SJWs want to douche all over anyone they can find to douche on, Jimmy sounds like he's doing both when you add the shameless Ricky pleas into the equation.

Put another way, it's like if you travelled to the future when the number of people living in poverty has been whittled down to single digits, you know there would still be college pukes tying themselves together and blocking highways. So fucking self serving and obnoxious.

(granted, poaching's a lot different from what he's spent about 10 hours on in the last few weeks, but fuck him anyway)

I don't think he was being altogether sincere about his concern that these goddamn faggot birds and these fucking unions are conspiring to steal our oil.

He did his "fuck the stupid ocean, and fuck fish" rant in late 2012, well after he'd voiced his retarded opinions on animal welfare.


Hate to say it, but Jimmy has become the worst type of SJW. The type that sits behind his computer/tablet, whines about some silly cause, and does nothing about. His only saving grace is that he blatantly is only doing it so Ricky will notice and help his sagging career. I feel pity for him more than anger.

I think you mean the best type of SJW. The less people interrupting speeches, forming human walls in front of colleges, and protesting ads in the subway station, the better the world will be.

That is the worst saving grace ever but you're absolutely right

Pontificating jimmy sucks.

He turned into an absolute fucking faggot somewhere along the line.

Sucking tranny dick will do that to a man, no matter how straight you tell yourself it is.

He is sucking up to Ricky Gervais, the king of giving a fuck about African animals, yet laughing at African people.

Edit: I know African people are hilarious, but this is fucking old lady causes. Make a stand on real issues you pussy, not something you skimmed in the New York Post, and got all pissy eyed at the cute little tiger pics they showed.

Jim, opinion on Iran deal?

Too smart for him, might require research, he is too busy edging on Pornhub to actually know what the fuck he is talking about.

Hey, it got him a part as Rent Boy #2 in Gervais latest movie. It was just enough of a part to be embarrassing for a normal man, but not nearly enough to get paid scale.

Is that really the role he has in the film?

yes and he had to dress like a woman. Very sad for a guy who has been in comedy for close to 30 years.

Too bad when they cut his scene.

That's fucking brutal! After his major role in Spiderman too. I bet all those years of sucking tranny dicks has lead to this moment

Ok Opie.

Wow I didn't even connect the 2, no wonder he's so passionate with this shit lately


I bet he has an opinion on the Iran shit

Religions are bad, Dr kaku said we should all become one and get off this planet!!

"Animal rights jimmy" back in action

What the fuck has happened to our sweet little boy?

He's grown into an unlikable old bulldyke.

They all do seem to have aged a decade in little over a year. It's really sad knowing we can never go back to how it was. Even as annoying as Opie was. I really don't want to listen to anything else. It's all just a pale imitation of what was the best round the table show I've ever heard.

How sad is the truth.

12 months of Opie.


I wish the entirety of the Philly crew got murdered by Bengal tigers.

Father Doris too!? :(



If he keeps this up he might get a 30 second walk-on part as a human punching bag in the upcoming Brent movie.

Which hopefully gets omitted from the final cut


He's so ignorant that he doesn't realize a majority of these poachers are living in absolute squalor and are just trying to feed their families. It's India, for fuck's sake.

This pontificating ass thinks it's all Western, upper-class dentists who are poaching. Ricky Gervais is a whiny faggot too. What happened to just being funny? Ever since the Office went off, he's been trying to be political & socially aware and it leads to being not very funny.


2015-08-11 19:11:58 UTC

The headline should have been, "Unfortunately, only 6 Bengal tiger poachers killed in Bangladesh, police say"

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Does anyone remember laughter?

Jim Norton Animal Rant:

jesus jim should just quit comedy and become a blogger at this point, he's better at being an annoying blogger type than he is at stand up.

since ant left jimmy is no longer playing devils advocate to ant so instead of balancing out the argument he sounds just as crazy as ant did.

Never talked positively about animal rights before this. Doesn't have any pets.

What baloney. Are you REALLY outraged Jimmy? Just steamin' over there? He doesn't even give a fuck about this. I truly think he's just growing weak and becoming more influenced by popular SJW group think.

In a year, he'll be a vegan

Yeah man I feel so much better it's not about the animals really <gulp> it's just eh...

In two years, he'll be making passive aggressive tweets against people who kill innocent plants and he'll be getting his nutrients from dirt like the worm he is.

Never talked positively about animal rights before this.

He totally has. He flipped out about kosher slaughter and shat on fishermen pretty extensively for not giving fish a fair fight. I don't remember what incident brought it up, but I distinctly recall him saying that he saw hunting as a form of "bullying" - the kind he hated Jesse Ventura for trying to pull.

I think he's legitimately planted his retarded flag on this retarded moral issue for his own retarded reasons, which to my mind makes it worse.

Yeah, it is definitely SJW group think.

Anyways Anthony is an old racist. Upvotes please.

his Twitter picture makes my blood boil.

it really is disturbing.

These grown-ass men and their need to feel "relevant" via utilizing social media is absolutely cringe-inducing and fucking insane.

White people, religion and animal cruelty. Gervais really picks the toughest, most controversial targets for his edgy antics. Can anybody rein in this daredevil of comedy?

Here Ricky Ricky

These tigers would eat a person in a second without thinking lol. But when we do the same to them it's wrong. Jimmy is such a faggot.

You nearly got me...

HE'S two guys who think the only thing wrong with six dead Bangladeshi tiger poachers is it's not enough dead Bangladeshi tiger poachers!

Jimmy after posting RIcky's, uh I mean, his own original thoughts on Twitter...

Hasn't he learned already that he's completely full of shit and his opinions on issues flip flops on who he's saying it too in a given situation…looks like Jellytits isnt the only one that lacks self awareness.

He still fancy himself the brutally honest guy

I didn't care much when he bitched about trophy hunting, since it was consistent with his longstanding hatred for "tough guys." But now he's just transparent.

Isn't he still bitching about trophy hunting? Or do you mean the volume of his tweets about it?

He could be. I don't listen to O&J or use Twitter.

They've spent entire 2-hour chunks on it in the past few weeks, along with a few 30 to 60 minute segments on other days. It's fucking ridiculous.

I hope Norton's life ends at the business end of an elephant gun being held by a Bangladeshi poacher.

Just so this wailing faggot's limp and embarrassing crusade wasn't all for naught.

tss dis guy loves animals so much you could call him a jungle jim

It's taken so long for people to notice Jim has a man crush on Ricky.

wtf is he on this for? No one likes it, but who really gives a frenchman's fuck?

Joey Diaz fan are ya? :)

fuck yea, afraid to bring him up here, these animals hate everything haha

haha, i dunno how anyone can hate joey diaz

dude he's fuckin amazing, his life philosophy, the shit he says off the top of his head, how he handle's his business. Inspiring for an underachieving pothead like me. I need to be told sometimes to stop the bullshit.

Joey back in the days Diaz

Right before I clicked I thought "this will be him pandering to Gervais for the umpteenth time." And what do you know! Fucking forlorn idiot


correct me if iam wrong, but didnt jimmy get UGGS for a girl he was fucking?


This is more important though than people murdering each other for no reason. What happened to you jimmy

They all do seem to have aged a decade in little over a year. It's really sad knowing we can never go back to how it was. Even as annoying as Opie was. I really don't want to listen to anything else. It's all just a pale imitation of what was the best round the table show I've ever heard.

My first thought too, lmao. I hate Animal Jimmy.