/r/Punchablefaces has been taken over by SJWs

0  2015-08-11 by ClearlyHasAutism

Will /r/opieandanthony be the next victim of the politically correct, social justice hate machine?

Here's a link detailing what happened for the few people here who actually give a care.



All I want to do is say "nigger" and "faggot" while personally attacking the hosts of my favorite radio show, while being left alone by outsiders. Is that really so much to ask?

I agree, we need to preserve our safe space.

Get a load of this SJW PC Liberal SJW

Fucking SRS. Can't wait to watch Reddit burn.

I doubt they want to defend a racist, a person that kicked a dog and killed it, and a gold digging worm.

That story about the dog was a lie that opie thought made him look like a badass.

Alas, I believe this is true.

Once Jimmy cuts the shit and comes out as a Trans girl, he'll become a reddit hero. Then everybody will end up here wondering what the fuck all our problems is. Then it'll finally be over for the Pests and what's left of a show that used to be great/funny.

That's annoying, but its not as annoying as the circlejerk that was going on at that subreddit. Fucking 100 posts with thousands of up votes of the same face over and over again. I don't agree with the mods, but god damn did those people love redundancy.

Unlike us, Opies got some big tits right gang?

Yeah cuckcuckcuckcuckcuckcuckcuckcuckcuckcukcuckcuckcuckcuckuck

Personally, a LIBERAL PC SJW WHITE GUILT takeover of this sub would make my day.

I think it would be fun.

I wish. Provide some entertainment in this void.

She is a black woman. Clearly she is off limits


I don't get it.

When r/coontown went down I gave up on reddit except for this sub and a few others...ive moved to voat and 4chan

/r/punchablefaces is a sub for people with repressed anger. SJWs fit the bill perfectly and they're in great numbers on Reddit.