TACS was great today

27  2015-08-11 by furmp

Just finished watching it and it was pretty decent. I was very afraid in the beginning since it took place at the compound rather than the studio. Ant made a self deprecating joke about bombing at the roast. He explained his new method of dealing with twitter urges (posting cats). He then went on to be entertaining and fun for a few hours. Cycled through a shit ton of topics and never once veered too far into any race / gun / political issues. He did talk about the republican party but only because of the Trump / debate news.

All in all a great episode.

I think I'd give the episode an 8/10. But then minus 7 because of Keith.

1/10 good effort




pretty decent

Pick one

Are those my only options?

we know how dull a solo podcast usually is (MMP). this was miles above that, and we think thats great. but you're not going to show this TACS episode to random people and blow their minds. but the episode was definitely good enough that they'd recognize it as pretty decent

and outside of the quality of this show is the way we now know Ant has learned to make good solo episodes. knowing Ant will be pretty decent on days he can't get guests is great

so it can be both great, but also just pretty decent.

TACS is miles above the MMP?

I haven't listened to MMP in a while, but I'm assuming because today's TACS had no Nia

nia is barley on but MMP has dipped in quality since bill started to get big which is understandable because he's so busy and tired. the episodes pre breaking bad were the best.

i dont wait for it every monday like i used to but its still better than 90% of podcasts.

Tss barley? What is she fucking soup or sumpthin?

I still don't know what MMP is.

Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast.

Right. Now the B Bad reference makes sense. Thanky poo

im assuming marc maron podcast, but he has guests and is not a solo show.

So it's great if you lower your expectations or pretty decent if you're being honest with yourself. Now I get it.

You know, every time one of you assholes makes a post like this I usually go and torrent the show to see if the show finally made the turn and it never does. It's always the same shit. I think I have just made the realization that a man talking to himself in front of a god awful green screen will just never be appealing to me. And you know posts like these are full of shit when one of the main things that made the show great was no "race / gun / political issues." No white supremacy discussion = great show. Some of you fuckers are really easy to please.

there seems to be a belief out there that anthony simply underwent a temporary psychosis and that there's an o&a renaissance around the corner just as soon as he drops the race and gun talk

meanwhile he's barely informed about those topics that he supposedly cares about, so there's not a lot of reason to believe he's capable of offering an interesting take on much else

i listen while i work. these podcasts are complete background noise. i'll admit i'm not aware of how awkward these might be with the visual element.

"Ant made a self deprecating joke about bombing at the roast."

After denying bombing for weeks and being drawn and quartered for it on this subreddit. I'm sure it was a funny joke.

Ant has made some ridiculous promises since opening the new studio. Seems like he's genuinely concerned about sub numbers again, just like when he started out.

You mean we were right? Imagine that.

He's probably noticing the first real dent in his bank account and that acted as a wake-up call. After all, continuing with that grossly decadent lifestyle of his, support his tard brother and assorted yes-men/hanger-ons, and blowing a shit ton of cash on the NYC studio -- all without those extremely large direct deposits from SXM -- has GOT to be taking its toll.

The ol' HVAC lifestyle made a faint, distant appearance in the rear-view mirror.

Time to get serious and shit.

Of course he is, its renewal season. Not even annual subscriber signed up on day one. Gotta be interesting for at least a few weeks.

I don't like how pissy eyes faggot is afraid of having open and honest discussions about race now.

Jeeesus Christ Ro...

The showoooos Ro!

lol.. calling Ant's race rants "honest discussion"

He explained his new method of dealing with twitter urge

the cock is still Tweeting important things about blacks that could only appeal to a few fuckwits

Good, I hope he keeps it up


And lost a point for not sticking the landing ... WTF with the points? You think this is rabbit or sumthin?

Good for Ant that his show went from shit to mediocre for a single episode. Now keep this shit in the sub that's specifically for TACS.

I'd give this post 2/10. 2 for effort, 0 for content

I'd give him a 4/7 for today on my scale. I would have scored him a 6/7, but I docked two points for style and overall uneasiness/awkward flow.

why are you scoring out of 7?

Partly because if I gave him a 3/5 I thought people would get the wrong idea. I typically grade things on a scale of 1-7 though(7 being the best and 1 being the worst).


1 for every finger he has, you see 90% of Anthony's fan base are amputees and obama welfare beneficiaries

I understood every word of what you said, but I have no idea what you're trying to say.

Said no one ever, am I right, gang?

lol it's back at the house already?


ApreHL FAllS?


What is Keith a dork or something? I never noticed.

the solo TACS episode have been pretty decent recently, but this one was probably the most confident, funny, swift, and varied show he's done by himself.

And although he included some race talk, he put it off until the second half of the show, and didn't spend too much time on it. I muted my TV during the video of the niggers at the Bernie Sanders rally because I don't even want to listen to that in the context of a show making fun of it. Other than that, I was loving the entire episode.

I actually listen to TACS and you can hear the progress over the past few months. It went from total chore to intermittently interesting to frequently funny to what we had today.

And I don't blame people for giving up and shitting on Ant. It was pretty dire for a while.

Let's see if in November he is still putting the effort in. You knew with the NYC Studio and renewal season Ant was going to try hard. But let's see how much he puts into the show a few months from now.

He phoned in O and A for years, let's hope that now his own money is on the line he actually puts in the effort.

TACS is miles above the MMP?

So it's great if you lower your expectations or pretty decent if you're being honest with yourself. Now I get it.