The Chickenpox Lie....

47  2015-08-10 by OpiesBreasts

This is in the top 3 of my favorite Opie lies. Maybe some of you here never heard this one. If you have, it is worth listening to again.

This was a discussion about the Chickenpox vaccine. Opie decided that he needed to completely fabricate a story about him and his family regarding the Chickenpox vaccine. All it took from Doctor Steve, who was not even trying to make Opie look bad, was a simple fact about the vaccine. Then Tits stumbles over himself trying to cover the LIE he just told.

About 1:15:50 for mobile.

Right after his droning LIE about his brother and the vaccine, Steve points out the OBVIOUS fact that the Chickenpox vaccine was not around back then. Tits' response is so fucking awkward, and that sniveling cunt Jimmy does not even utter a single word about the blatant lie.

Tits response after his LIE was called out:

"Hmmmm.....I feel....errr, maybe might have just fucked up my....You know what, you might have just fucked up my story. My, uh, NO NO, my memory is all, I think all fucked up! I guess, uhhh, maybe what it was we all got chicken pox, but for some reason he skated.....and then got it later! Oh, wow, I gotta, uh, adjust that story if I ever tell it again. Hmmm...possibly try to make it funnier."

How about instead, you tell a TRUE story, you fucking asshole??!

The chuckling as he is telling this lie is what infuriates me the most. The show the next day, if you care to look it up, has him actually defending this lie with even more bullshit. Opie is such a cunt.

He even adds that he is heating up.....only around there does anyone laugh.


He doesn't have any true stories in his mediocre life.

That's just his nighttime attitude trying to acclimate to our demented world.

Some will be abused, some will be amused, some will be offended by the language that he used.

I think he probably just mis-remembered some vague story. I don't think he was trying to lie. He's just dumb.

"You know the deal with chicken pox right Steve?"

I'd say your analysis checks out.

He's not smart.

Yep. Even if he had an interesting story to tell he'd fuck it up because he's not capable of a good performance on any level. Even if it's just relating the facts.

I wonder if it's the same in his private life or if he's actually managed to find a job he's awful at and to do it for his entire adult life.

Given his endless record with lying all the time, I do not agree. I think he just thought up some bullshit story on the spot.

Sound logic, not (intentionally) lying, just dumb.

Even somebody not in the medical profession would have known that story was shit. People get vaccinated as children and Opie is in his 50s. Nobody was getting chickenpox vaccinations until the 1990s. Doesnt anybody remember parents trying to give their children chickenpox from a kid with it in the neighborhood? That is what the vaccine for it was before the vaccine was: catching it when young from another young person.

Wait so kids don't get chicken pox any more?

Oh shit, I havent given that any thought. But thinking about all my friend's kids, not a single one has had chicken pox.

Fucking millenials. They're more concerned with taking PrEP if you know what I mean. Kids, am I right?

I was being facetious you dipshit

I was running with your joke you dolt.

Nope. My kids pediatrician said they get maybe one case a year. Its amazing.

What a bunch of little pricks. Running around thinking they're all fancy.

Sleeping with black chicks, putting up numbers, rockstar at maths and science, underwater fist fight...

underwater fist fight

That has to be the greatest Opester lie ever. It's almost beautiful; and scores very high on the "didya?" scale.

Chickenpox Vaccine was invented in 1995.

Im left speechless sometimes due to my hatred towards him. This is a prime exlample. He is the worst.

Like I'll give Opie the benefit of the doubt here.

He's on the air 4 hours a day, 4 days a week. Used to be more than that. You run out of stuff to tell about yourself when you do that for decades.

But where he's a douche is, he always has to be CRAZYYY MANNNNN. One-upping people and talking over them and then crossing his arms like he just dropped some amazing genius.

That story was all about it being "Opie Time" and not at all about making good radio. Wasn't even an attempt to be anything other than masturbatory.

it wasnt for chicken pox, he probably confused it w another shot

See, that's a fair possibility. It can't be that, Opie iS THE DEVIL

Someone should kill him.

Look I hate this guy and I totally get why you would see this as typical Dopie lying away again but you're being a bit selective here ( I know Opie hate is subjective so I can't say you're wrong for hating him for this ). He just had a shitty story he thought was true and didn't know the specifics because he is old and has a small brain. And he then called himself out on it afterwards which, while not funny at least came across as genuine to me.

Again , just to reiterate, I HATE that twit but it needs to be real ( " to me damn it! " ) and this wasn't for me.

Interesting to see what boils different people about tit's behaviour though.

So would you say the same thing about the underwater scuba fight, or his brother trying to blow himself in the tub? Or how about the one where he was almost a rape victim?

If this was some one off story he told that he fucked up, I would agree. But he makes this shit up, and he does it all the time. You can hear it in the way he tells these stories.

Yes your examples are him at his embellishing worst. However this ' poxxing 'episode doesn't compare in my opinion. Not every story he tells is a work. Sometimes it's just him banging on like an old milkmaid with the early signs of dementia.

Again I'm in no way suggesting that he doesn't lie and exaggerate, he clearly does. Only that this episode is not symptomatic of that.

Dr. Steve even apologized to Opie for bringing up the vaccine timeline. Jesus, Opie doesn't even have the self-awareness to realize that a professional broadcaster should be embarrassed to be surrounded by cowed sycophants.

Check out the scabs, maaaaaan!!

still not as bad as that time he told a blatant lie, then tried to cover it up by saying "wait, I think that might have just been a dream"


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Sorry fellas, that sounded like a person who's been telling a story forever, thinking it's true, then getting corrected. I think we've all been there before. No wait...I forgot where I was. Everyone in this sub is perfect.

I think he even handled getting corrected pretty well.

Down vote away faggots. I'm no fan of Opie but this post is irrational garbage.

Excellent and usefull work gumshoe

I expected such a huge, egregious lie, from the 5 fucking paragraphs you wrote about it. I hate Opie but that was such an innocent offhanded story with poorly remembered vague details that everyone tells all the fucking time.

Even if Opie was a malicious liar, you wrote FIVE PARAGRAPHS about it. That makes you a fucking LOSER, objectively. Opie will never have reason to write so much as one word about you.

Hahahahahahaha look how much you wrote LOSER. Everyone laugh at the fucking LOSER.

you wrote 3 paragraphs

That's why we are laughing at you.

Woah look out! You really turned that one back around on me! I thought you were gonna zig and you zagged!!

Yeah, FIVE PARAGRAPHS, glad you can count. Its actually not all that hard to type that out when you aren't punching one character in at a time with one finger, like your retard ass is doing.

Its actually not all that hard to type that out when you aren't punching one character in at a time with one finger, like your retard ass is doing.

ooooooo GOT ME


Just noticed you are a -100 account. In other words, you are a cunt.

Typing was taught to me when I was in seventh grade. Elementary school kids are taught it now. You not knowing how to type is not so much me being a nerd, it is more you being just plain dumb. You are a dumb, fat fucking slob on his computer.

You are a fucking RETARD.

I'm actually not fat. I have abs. Does that make you angry? I don't even have to prove it either because you know its true.

-100 account signifies that user is an outspoken, bold and self assured individual who doesn't filter what he says for fear of social disapproval in the form of downvotes.

Someone with mostly upvotes is a pandering conformist who needs a dopamine hit of people replying positively.

Imagine an account with only upvotes, and many of them. Can you imagine the spineless, snivelling coward one would have to be to accrue such a ratio?

LOL...but of course! You lying fatso. What are you going to do to prove it, link a picture of one of the half naked gay models on your computer? Give me a break.

No, a -100 account means you are a fucking asshole. I am hated here, yet I can actually contribute something. You are just a fucking cunt.

Bye now. I know you -100 accounts feed off this attention, that is how pathetic your life is. You are a fucking loser.

I don't have half naked gay images, I have full naked gay sex images. You don't insult me with your homophobia, only yourself.

Hes been on the radio for 50 years and has admitted making up stories to fill time. Who gives a care.

Wow, that didn't take long for one of his defenders to come out. Funny, he never states that he lies in this clip, now does he?

Who gives a care? I do. I was not listening to these 3 jerk offs for bullshit stories. I do not mind if the stories were embellished, as I am sure some of the stories from ALL of them were....but outright LIES? Is that what you find entertaining?

Opie has been on the radio for about 35 years. You provide me a clip where he admits to telling bullshit lies.

You want me to go through 35 years of radio gold!? I wish I had the time. got me jackass.