I hate Roland but this picture is just sad. Why wont they make fun of this heinous monster?

28  2015-08-09 by smokinswindler


He really does look as though he should be sitting outside a pizza place in a filthy wife beater with a tiny hand fan shouting in Farzi at the kids nearby.

He's actually Mexican.

Metsican, from Rolands' pronunciation

Hopefully shouting that he's having a heart attack from being such an annoying, fat, excessively autistic faggot.

D      o         d          g            e           r            s

His tits are significantly bigger than hers

His right tit is as big as her head.

Everyone involved in the OpieRadio show looks like they are minutes from death.

But denny is the only one who will rise again on the third day

Lord Denny willing...

I'm sure the fat tub of pigshit would run/roll right to human resources to complain. There is no excuse to be that fat.

tone down the fatphobia, shitlord

ha "shitlord"

Roland is healthy at every size

Denny's partner?


Because he's a sensitive fucking baby that's likely partially retarded, aspergery, closeted gay, and was touched by his daddy, that they all pity. If only we were by a cliff in Sparta.

And he likely has no problem crying to management/human resources.

something that beautiful coming in close contact with something that hideous...

I'm surprised the universe didn't collapse into itself

He's got some double D cups. It's not just that he has huge big fat tits, they're incredibly round and womanly.

that answers the OP's question

Fez should fuck him.

Out of what?

Starts fucking men - 6 months later down to normal adult weight

Lots of good pics on his Instagram

Simon Pegg meets Simon Pigg https://instagram.com/p/5p17xpNbYr/

Eli Manning meets Eli Manitee https://instagram.com/p/5-2ZjnNbUC/

George Hamilton meets a "ton of ham" https://instagram.com/p/5ab0DHNbdV/

They probably don't want to deal with the guilt of another Steve C ending.

When will that fat shithead stop bringing up that show "Suits" does he not get that noone watches USA original programming

I liked Burn Notice

Not allowed to make fun of him on air, he gets bitter, and angry, then runs to management. He seems soft like that, until it is time to make fun of Erick, then he is all aboard.

Hypocrasy drips off this fat fuck like the lard he sweats out when he has to walk more than 20 feet without a refrigerator to replenish from.

His tit is literally reaching over and sexually assaulting that woman

She was great in The Fappening, dirty talking while diddling her twat

When you see this, and realize he looks like a fucking barn with a face drawn on it and Erock is like maybe 1/4th farm animal, that it kinda pisses you off when there's like a Beatles discography making fun of a dude who actually DOES shit for the show while they treat the bald guy who played young Frank on Always Sunny, who UNDOUBTEDLY rapes every child he is alone with and sounds like a squeak toy on air, with kid gloves....Well, you get what I'm saying!

What's that?

What's that?

We've been through this before. You think walking on Greggshells is bad walking on Rolandshells is far worse. He's a sensitive fuck that can't be made fun of. They're scared of him for some reason. It's disgusting. I guess they're afraid they won't get free tickets to shows anymore or something.


stepping on Roland Rolls


It really is strange how everybody thinks he's so wonderful. Nobody on the show ever talks shit about anybody anymore, but even when they did, Roland was exempt for some reason.

He's just a couple of Cronuts away from cardiac arrest.

I will happily buy him those cronuts..

Look at Roland standing next to the epitome of man..



Roly Poly Roly, is a tub of shit, if you cut off his legs, he has the same body shape as slimer from ghostbusters.

He also has the same eating habits, swollowing shit whole, and eating all he can find.

I found footage of him at one of his "food days" he pushed on us, so the hosts and staff get free food and we tune out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0u8rI0JvaM

A disgusting pig of a man. Fuck him.

Because little baby will start to cry just like that one time they did. Probably what caused them stop, HR got involved and said stawp picking on lil baby.

He looks like the model for this.

He's slowly morphing into Artie Lang.

Just substitute cake and hamburgers for coke and heroin.

He's got kind of a Belushi meets Artie sorta look going on. Except without the whole "he's hilariously funny" and "people actually like him" angles.

Check out this picture of him from when he was thin and worked for Carson Daly....


Somehow that is actually more creepy.

He really might as well be fat.

Is there any chance that Roland is not gay?

I think his sexuality is moot because no one ever will want to fuck him. He's really just an asexual foodbag.

You think he ever fucked? (Man or woman)

I don't think so, before he was fat he still looked like a gremlin.

He looks like a pedo and he's mentally slow. I'd watch out for this guy.

He doesn't come off as gay to me. He just seems like a mutant.

I'm guessing because he books guests but if he stopped Sirius would just fire him, so I'm not sure why theyre so scared to fuck with him.

Just wanna point out that Abigail Spencer is the most beautiful creature in the world.

Shes not you boring fool.

I heard Roland went to HR for something, which should have been immediate grounds to contrive his firing. You don't snitch about getting your balls broken when you're that fat and weird. At the very least, he should stop mocking Erock for his weight when it was definitively proven that he is shorter and almost 100 pounds fatter than Erock.

He's an uglier fatter Dom DeLuise

I feel like he would smell. Really bad.

A human head shouldn't be that wide.

my god..... those teeth

IDK, I think a good periodontist could fix that gumline.

she's a gummy bitch alright

I want her to guzzle my man juice

He ain't looking too good. On the other hand "Marisa Tomei" over there looks like a skeleton.

Oh no...

Fuck the eggshells, someone there needs to walk on them and help him.

I've never seen him until now but WOW he's totally going in my 2015 dead pool!!

Maybe everyone is just sad for Roland. I mean look at the guy. He's got to be completely miserable and hopeless.

Almost hung myself thinking that was his GF or wife... phew

if that was his GF, then I would really consider taking a long, hard look at my life.


Will his heart explode already?????

what a fucking disgrace

I never get over how fucking creepy he is.


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Because he's funny and great at his job.