Jim Florentine's podcasf

0  2015-08-09 by Marmar828

On my way home from breakfast this morning I caught some of Florentine's podcast on the "Friends of the Show" hour or whatever. I am genuinely curious as to if anyone actually enjoys it? He was reading off tee shirt phrases and just saying "ew" afterwards with these long pauses with dead air in between. I had to change the station as it was unbearable to me. I do like Florentine (not every other day though) when he's giving an unprovoked opinion on something but this was brutal.


You don't like Jim Florentine? What are you, five?

I liked it at first, but when he got to "Stupid Facebook Posts #7", I got tired of it.

The concept was funny when he really ripped into some of these things, but you are right, too often it was 1) Read stupid statement/license plate/t-shirt, 2) Pause, 3) Say "Yuck". 4) Repeat.

he alternates between that and 1) read it. 2) pause 3.) interpret something that is joking or exaggerating literally and explain why it isn't correct.

I liked his podcast before it became "awful bumper stickers part 48"

I used to really enjoy and I still listen sometimes. It has gotten very repetitive though. The awful fb posts, shirts, dating sites, slang words, etc has run it's course. But I will say, it can be laugh out loud funny at times. I forget what the show topic was, but one time he was talking about your girlfriend asking you to go pumpkin picking and he used that 'id rather pick caskets for my parents' funerals' line and it was fucking hilarious.

Honestly, the best part of the show lately is when the subject shifts to marriage/cheating and he gets overly aggressive and angry. It's so obvious his own personal situation is spilling over into the comedy.

There have been a few good ones. Divorce episode, suicide episode, being the "good friend" with women. As a whole, his hating stuff doesn't really go anywhere.

In his last episode he said he'll take a month off and then return, including a podcast with his mother, that should be more interesting than Awful facebook posts part 27.

Jim has been on cruise control with the podcast for quite a while. It was decent in the beginning when he just would talk about topical issues, but for at least the last year it's been 'Awful Facebook Posts #1036' and the other things that TroyMacClure mentioned below.

Not to mention his friend Gary From Florida. The guy was funny the first time he had him on, but he seems to think that this dude is a fountain of comedy as he just repeats the same shit over and over again about his cock adventures with pigs, while ending every sentence with 'fella'.

I just chalked it up to the shit Jim's been going through. I would think if Florentine doesn't change it up soon, people will start bailing.

Nonsense. Gary From Florida is always hilarious.

Some of the earlier ones before "stupid Facebook posts #16" were laugh out loud funny. His VFW stag party hookers story is classic.

Thanks for letting me know there's better episodes/examples of the podcast! I will check out some of the earlier ones.

I listen to his podcasts sometimes when I can't sleep. Honestly. His low, monotone voice puts me to sleep.

That said, when he just read lists of shit it screams he has no material. His older podcasts where he actually talked about topics or interviewed other comics they were really really good.

He had one recently that was an interesting listen about how he would take girls out to Red Lobster or some lame restaurant and how he tried to score with different chicks "back in the day."

Yeah those are terrible episodes.

I 100% guarantee that Opie told him that's what he should do.

His regular 'comic talking to himself' episodes are decent

I love podcasf's

Yeah I didn't notice it until after the fact. Sorry!

The episodes where he talks about stories of his different jobs and when he was younger are hysterical though.

Like everybody else has said, it was a decent bit he had going. The "Awful" series. But he doesn't get as involved with the awfulness. Just a "yuck" and moves on.

Explanation point.