shocking undoctored photo of Ants pitted/pock marked face.

15  2015-08-09 by [deleted]


Has he been sleeping on a gravel driveway?

We could call him man on the moon tssshshshhshs.

Holy fuck that made me laugh.

That was funny.

Shut up.

Here's a an Anthony Cumia mask

No wonder he is so angry.

He's like any character in the game of thrones book series that's described as having "angry looking boils" on his face. The character is always just as angry as his boils look.

Ol' nook and cranny face.

The younger generations are lucky we now have the technology to fix this.

Or shotgun + toe trigger.

Jesus Christ I was fucking eating. How about a NSFW tag

Yeah. I was shitting and combined with the smell and the dark blood pooling in the middle of my floating turd this made me gag.

You might want to get that checked.

Just because.. Deep Dream Cumia

fuck that's creepy

Anthony 10 seconds after Beavis cheeses him

...Jonah Hex?

Fawk u POCKsuckah

Tss whered you get dis pik, from yore POCKetbook or sumthin tss

All that's missing is the striped sweater, pork pie hat, and knife glove

He's already terrorizing teenagers

Both look like a pile of shit flattened on a gravel driveway

thats the fake dipshit.

Yeah! Now I'd fuck him!

I actually do.


uncle fester lookin mother fucker

English Muffin Cheeks.


I bet a few teenagers have burst into tears of regret when he's on top of em and they have their face right up in that.

It looks like Anthony is growing teenage vaginas on his face.

What? Progeria twats maybe.

With a face like that why did he ever shave his beard?

he looks like a burn victim

That's what happens when you shave with a boat propeller

The second dumbest thing Anthony Cumia ever did: Shave.

"Pitted, so Pitted!"



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Looks like that moment in a zombie movie where the person bitten(Anthony) is about to turn.

Thanks for adding his name. Wouldn't have known who you were talking about otherwise ( you moron ).

Holy shit, dude. Give that a NSFL tag next time.

He needs flesh coloured cement to fill those in




He has the same complexion as Terrell Suggs. What a self hating nigga.


Looks like Freddy Krugers skin

Hold on! This guy's got a fresh take on it.



what a cavernous mess!