Hoping to end rumors of his balding head,Tits releases photo of his balding head.

20  2015-08-09 by FootThingOnHisFoot



poor Op,thick on the sides nuthin on top.

Poor Opie, he really looks happy there amongst the animals. Look at his little face. All smiles. I kinda feel bad for all the things we've said about him. He's just a regular guy trying to do the best that he can and we hate him for being himself. We genuinely hate him for existing at all.

I'm gonna defend Opie from now on. I'm sick and tired of all the bullying he's subjected to here.

Actually, I can't be bothered. Fuck him and his happiness. I don't get any so he shouldn't either.

He needs some individual follicles strategically placed on he front of his dome

also some strategically placed tape in front of his mouth

He looks like Lloyd Christmas' brother


The only other people capable of that doofus facial expression are being pushed in chairs with wheels on them.

To quell an inferno burp sometimes you gotta fan the flames, brotherman.

You mu mu mu make me happaaaay

This looks like something from Dumb and Dumber.

the follicle numberrrrz have seen better days

He looks like a character from Joe Dirt

#You ain't seen nothin' yet...#

The top of his head is turning into whatever Trump's got.


Forget the hair, his teeth are nasty.

He's getting pretty good with the hair tool brush in Photoshop.

