Can this sub take some credit in Gregg's accelerated stress balding? I hope so.

23  2015-08-08 by smokinswindler


This sub can take all the credit since the person who photoshopped it is a poster.

his real hair is still pretty awful

it's just as funny watching the Tits fans defend the real photos.

Hey, some guys have a thing for grandfathers in Abercrombie jeans.

Link? I don't believe anyone defends his cancer bonce.

I think it's awful pretty. ;)

Fuckin rat.

how long before Tits starts checking any studio photo of himself before allowing it to be released.

I'd imagine it's more that he married a wife half his age and decided to have kids in his fifties. He'll be almost 70 when his daughter starts college.

"Oh, your Grampa came your high school graduation, he's so nice to do that."

"Um... That's my dad."

Someone should have told Gregg to put the Rogaine on his head, not his chest.

Hay that guy does my favrit podacast, talkin bout gettin zooted n shit.

Because he has grown tits right?

Meh. He has better hair than me and I'm half his age. The photos where he looks really bald have been photoshopped.

If he has better hair than you, that means you're balding too, just worse.

By the age of fifty approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair. My hairline hasn't changed yet, but it has always been thin and is now growing in wavy instead of curly which makes it look like SHIT. Anyway, shitting on Opie for his above average head of hair is dumb when there is so much to actually criticize.

His significant thinning is more significant than most.

People related to OnA with worse hair than Opie: Anthony Cumia, Jim Norton, Colin Quinn, Kurt Metzger, Joe Rogan (hair transplant in his 30s!), Bobby Kelly, Sam Roberts, Danny Ross, Louis CK, Dave Attell, Bill Burr.

That was just off the top of my head. Aside from Vos, it's hard to think of any show regulars above 30 who aren't bald or balding. Black people are excluded from the list because they have different hair genetics. The myth that Opie has bad hair is just a circlejerk.

Edit: how did I forget Jim Jeffries? I mean god damn that guy is ugly.

as a former male model, Opie's held to higher standards of physicality.

But why male models?