Lady Di's Navy Photos: Who knew waterbuffalers could swim?

18  2015-08-08 by GRIZx


@OrbaniDiana I guess it was the navy or hard time...I see u picked both

@redhornet77 no that picture was from the Navy.

ohhhhh literal Di

My favorite part.

Some said " you know the VA can help you with finding work and medical care"

She responds " I probably will once I'm officially retired"

Retired from what? Breathing I hope.

If this is the type of people defending our country I surrender right now.

She was dishonorably discharged so probably not. Although I think she appealed it and had it upgraded so maybe.

Either way she's a piece of shit who deserves to die.

Don't compare the rest of the navy to that piece of shit.

I wish more people like her were in the military. ISIS and anyone else would probably just put down their weapons and go home if they had to deal with an army of Lady Di's.

Imagine ten Lady Di's getting tortured for months and acting like nothing is wrong. Finally the interrogators offer each one a 24-pack of Nattys and they proceed to tell everything they know.

All the sinks would be ruined.

Thank you Lady Di for your part in keeping people safe. Unlike Anthony or Opie you've done your part for your nation. God bless.

She was dishonorably discharged.

She had a dishonorable discharge in her pants

She left base and spent most of her time at pop-drinking parties.

Still more than most of us. She's a true patriot and a shining example of an american


She's just waiting to rub an oil tycoon the wrong way and be beaten to death by a bowling pin.

"If YOU have a Natty Ice and I have a Natty Ice then my straw reaches across the traintracks and starts drinking your Natty, then I-DRINK-YOUR-NATTY!"



Don't bully me Anthony!

Eh if I was pulling an R&R in Guam fresh out of Grenada, I'd throw back some dr peppers and stick it in That pig.

Wow, she actually looks human there.

Thank you for your service! (In Jesse Ventura voice)

"heres a pic if anyone is interested" lol

She was actually in the Navy? Has she ever talked about it one the show?

Last day of the intern week. On Sam's post show. Ant calls in whilst driving home. Glorious week of radio.

She used to be on a boat. Now, she looks like one.

She quit because they keelhauled her for fun.

It is hilarious the first time, but there is so many barnacle scrapes and near drownings one could take before she realized her crew hated her.

They keelhauled her every Friday in the '80s, and she would spend all week not looking forward to it.

Mock her now, but all of you would shit yourselves if you saw her floating up to shore on a makeshift raft of Natty Ice cans with a 'Hi, How Are Ya?' and tried to engage you in pointless, circular conversation.

This lady guaranteed US naval supremacy 'in the eighties'

But she did a dishonourable discharge (in the toilets)


2015-08-07 23:18:56 UTC

Here is a picture of me when I was in the Navy, if anyone is interested. [Imgur]

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This is some shit that needs to be on Scared Straight.

She looks like James Burton.

"Drunk as a sailor".


pats on back

She was dishonorably discharged.

Last day of the intern week. On Sam's post show. Ant calls in whilst driving home. Glorious week of radio.

She left base and spent most of her time at pop-drinking parties.