Christ all mighty o&a is dumb.

0  2015-08-07 by axeheadroad

Anyone notice how any of o&a's predictions of the future are almost always wrong? Anyone that shares these opinions or bases their opinions on Opie, Anthony or lil Jimmy needs to be certified as having donkey brains.


*are dumb


also, "almighty"


Enough with your smartphones and computer tablets. I like to sit down and enjoy a container of coffee.

Look, once google is in everyones brains you wont have to learn anything. Nice try on the hate though, bro.

Two out of the three hosts did not finish high school. High school.

Not like oh they went to community college and just never stuck with it to get the degree.

They couldn't finish high school.

The other is Opie.

What do you expect?

that also shows how well you do in school is way more reflective of how much importance your parents place on academics than your intelligence. i'd like to see them take highschool standardized tests and compare.

I would like to see anyone that has been out of school for 30 years take a high school standardized test. I forgot most of the shit from high school before it was even over.

Oh fuck off, youre one of these "im to intelligent" for school clowns.

"Im smart, just lazy" Just admit youre dumb.


Hahaha, yeah im gonna lose every time when it comes to spelling and grammmer, you wiyn.



if i was trying to run from my own dumbness using laziness as an excuse i wouldn't bring up standardized tests which are basically schools' way of telling if you're a retard or not in a condensed enough way that you CAN'T use the laziness excuse. but it's okay i understand that people on forums are liable to fly off the handle with narcissistic rage and project shit onto anyone they want to when the subject of intelligence is discussed. a lot of people have some retarded notion that intelligence is 'earned' and only 'worthy' people can be classified as such when it's really just another heritable genetic trait like anything else. what you do or don't do with it is determined by completely separate characteristics. it's like if you're talking about someone who's 6'7 but didn't go to state for basketball, and instead of thinking "hmm i wonder why someone that tall wouldn't try out for the team" you think "hmm he didn't play basketball? i guess he's been 5'9 all along."

Are you drunk as well? Im not sure what youre trying to say??

Care to elaborate?


ok i'll actually try to clarify. you accused me of being someone who claims to be intelligent and justifies poor academic performance by saying they're just lazy. My original comment implied standardized testing as a better indicator of intelligence than actual class grades and credits. I didn't think your accusation made sense because standardized tests are assessments of a person's academic aptitude that are condensed enough that you can't really blame lack of motivation for poor performance in the same way that you can with actual classes. I would think that a dumb person who liked to fancy themselves a little smartypants but did bad in HS and wrote it off as being "too cool for school" would try to devalue map testing and stuff rather than support it because with a 3 page bubblesheet that has such a generalized version of the content you learn in school, you can't blame your failure on stuff like not doing homework, not studying etc. As far as the rest of it goes I was pretty much just calling you a shithead because you insulted me.

Ah, ok english isnt my first lanuage so excuse my ignorance, but could you maybe simplify what youre saying? i get the first thing but not the rest?

basically i'm just saying that in highschool I was a special flower and a sensitive artist and I couldn't be bothered to do menial schoolwork so I failed all my classes but i'm actually brilliantly smart albeit a bit of a rebel with a punk-rock attitude.

Was Rebel Without a Cause based on your life?

Yeah who would have thought a bunch of Shock jocks would get shit wrong.

Not me, thats why I made this post.

If by your own admission someone who has donkey brains could be considered dumb or wrong, and O&A here have a state-issued certificate clearing them of having said donkey brains, then I ask you this: do you have any such certificate?

We know O&A aren't donkeys.

How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?



Is it really?

Uh, you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Ouch man?

OP calls O&A dumb, yet creates a thread called "Christ all mighty o&a is dumb."

The irony is delicious.

Ive admited im donkey brained, wahst uhp??

One prediction will certainly come Feb 29th is Lasagna Hat Leap Year!