Topics you'd be fine with Ant leaving out of TACS tonight

1  2015-08-06 by Lilcumia

Cause its all he talks about...

War against African Americans Gun rights What you can't say in the media

Rich Vos and Bert Kresler (?) in studio


Bert Kresler

How the fuck do you get an "L" from Kreischer? Have you never heard his name pronounced? It takes 5 seconds to google his name and spell it correctly, idiot.

I fixed my daughter Rebecca up with that nice Burt Kresler boy from down the block. You know, Shiela's daugtah?

Because he's a retard who can't decide if he loves or hates Anthony.

To be fair one of the New York papers spelt his name Bert Keichner.

Who gives a fuck?

I'm inclined to agree with /u/Zenaesthetic, I think it's very important you feel bad about yourself.

Very. Very. Bad. About yourself

I would say anything political, but with the GOP debates tonight, you basically have to talk about that somewhat, right?

I hope he doesn't.

If he made jokes about their looks and performance, fine.

If he went ALL IN with some

Y'see, there are four strategies here contending for appeal to disaffected Republican voters. That's who's deciding this election. If anyone but Bush III gets the nomination, the GOP can coast to a win on turnout. Obama won't be there to boost the black vote. They don't show up if it's not for a black guy. If the Republicans do show up, there's your win. But Bush doesn't appeal to Republican voters much at all, except as not-Hillary, and he's the least not-Hillary Republican there is. He's trouble in the general and primary voters know it. There's an opening there for certain other contenders to get in. They're all trying different hooks. Trump's hook is the sharp one, the emotional-rhetorical hook. Talk mad shit and laugh. Act like you won. Cruz is running the patriotic hook. Walker's hook is pragmatism, the competence hook, "Look what I already did." Rand Paul's hook is philosophical and historical, the faces-on-your-money hook. In the following four clips we can see the four distinct...

also fine. But so fucking boring. (Anybody read all that? NOOOOOO.)

Anthony shouldn't talk about electoral politics at all. "I'm with whoever the Republicans put up, because every Democrat is worse." Right. Now onto the weather.

Plus, he's already made the same points about the Republican candidates and the upcoming debate two shows in a row now.

On the subject, does anyone else find his rationale for hating Christie to be retarded? There are plenty of legitimate reasons not to like the guy, but Anthony managed to find the only two that make no sense:

"When hurricane Sandy left New Jersey devastated and in desperate need of federal relief, that piece of shit was polite and cordial to Obama. He's dead to me."

"This isn't fat-shaming, but fat people are incapable of controlling any facet of their lives and careers."

"When hurricane Sandy left New Jersey devastated and in desperate need of federal relief, that piece of shit was polite and cordial to Obama. He's dead to me."

This one is absolutely ridiculous. "He shook a black man's hand!?"- DONE!

"This isn't fat-shaming, but fat people are incapable of controlling any facet of their lives and careers."

This one I kind of agree with, especially since Christie talks about how marijuana should stay illegal because it's unhealthy for you. Meanwhile he weighs a metric ton from shoveling mountains of food into his gullet.

That second point came from an alcoholic who got himself fired.

Sure, but the right way to resolve that hypocrisy would be for him to chill out about marijuana, not slim down just to retain the moral high ground.

I agree that obesity demonstrates a lack of discipline, but it's a specific kind of discipline, and it doesn't necessarily reflect on the person's general competence. It's always the same logic when people shit on candidates for petty nonsense: "IF HE CAN'T CONTROL HIS DAUGHTERS HOW CAN HE CONTROL THE COUNTRY?!?!"

Any reference to his shitty hair.

The fact that homeless people never shit in public until the new mayor was eleceted.

Comedy. Leave that stuff to the clowns. Anthony has more important things to discuss!

What reddit has to say about ANYTHING!!

Race, guns, race, race, guns, guns, and race.


Jaws movie references...that movie is an overrated pile of shit..there I said it...oh and blacks