Brett Morgen

1  2015-08-06 by [deleted]

It's interesting that people think that when they present Brett Morgen with information (even the most factual, accurate information) which challenges the narrative of his film that Morgen will do anything but disagree.

Morgen's responses to those challenging his narrative were laughable:

  • In response to a question about information that was presented in Soaked in Bleach, Morgen responded that he and only he has read all of these apparently secret documents (not included in Morgen's film) which allows him to declare that Soaked in Bleach is inaccurate.

  • When someone asked about the circumstances about Cobain's GHB overdose in Rome, Morgen said well Courtney told me that it was a suicide attempt so I believe her.

Really weak arguments by Morgen.

That being said, Morgen is an excellent filmmaker whose work I always enjoy.