Big Jay puts Opie on the pay no mind list

25  2015-08-06 by Jimandthem


I TRIED to watch this stream...WTF is with Periscope's UI? So fucking javascript flashy overkill...goddamned stream kept pausing so as to make Opie even MORE unwatchable than usual.

sherrod made my computer lag too

Yes...his pixels arrived later than expected.

Exact same thing happened to me. Gave up pretty quickly.

people like Big J who don't need Opie don't have to kiss his ass and pretend he isn't a grub.

Its never Opies fault that people dont like him.

its Greg Hughes fault that nobody likes Opie

"Periscopin' Brothahhhh" Hes such a cringy 60 year old

All of Opie's videos contain at least one instance where somebody asks why is this idiot filming everyone and him responding with an "I'm too cool to even care man, it's just dumb periscope or something". Die.

His periscopes are even more unwatchable than Danis.

I mean, they weren't cool or anything before Jay was working for Ant. Is Jay supposed to smile and dance while Opie focuses his banality on him?

Big Jay has spoken extensively about being frozen out by Norton & his cronies while coming up. Also, O&A never invited him on show back in day except for once and he barely got to talk. Now, Opie is irrelevant and crying because he put Big Jay in an awkward position and didn't get the love he was desperately craving.

Those who want respect give respect. He owes Greggshells & Paycheck nothing.

Hasn't Norton always talked about how he prides himself on helping young/new comics? Glad to see Jay doing so well.

Helping young new comics like Rich Vos and Jim Florentine

Is Periscope literally the worst website ever made of all time? Holy shit it should not take this much to play a goddamn vertical shot shitty clip. Fuck.

Was Opie being shitty to him?

Roland looks healthy...

If you were accused of being overly sensitive wouldn't you want to downplay something like this instead of verifying it?



2015-08-06 01:42 UTC

Seemed like it. Did ABSOLUTELY nothing to him!

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Why did he capitalize 'absolutely' like that? You would never emphasize that word in a sentence.

He really is a dummy.

Love how Jay pays this fool no mind. Opie's literally a blithering idiot spewing catch phrases that mean absolutely nothing and getting in the way while the show is loading in.

Big Jay just looks awkward. I don't feel like any malice was intended...Unfortunately

Can Sherrod be any more up Opie's ass?


2015-08-06 03:20 UTC

no disrespect to @opie radio at all!! He allows @thebonfiresxm to record in his studio, super cool. I just genuinely don't know him well

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Even though Big Jay intended no insult, he accidentally tagged some guy on the handle @opie (rather than @opieradio) and in his bio line, he claims to be a Stern fan.

Cop that shit, Opster.

Jay doesn't know Don Rickles, but I'm sure he'd said hi to him if he were in the same room - especially if Don said "HEY, it's big jay oakerson."

Aww lame ;(

Opie has the worst WiFi in the biz.

can someone upload this, to a fuckin watchable 20sec clip, jesus all i see is chopped audio/video

Good. More comics should do that.

Is it just me or does this stream like a video from the early 90's?

Too true. When did Real Player change its name to Periscope?

Big Jay isn't used to Opie and preferred to listen to Ant and work with Ant. What the fuck? I didn't see anything bad there. What, just because Jay didn't fete Opie like a king that means he did something wrong?

Mirror? Explanation of what the video was? I get the feeling that posting a Pariscope link is the same as posting a 4chan link.

What's with all the hearts on periscope?

If you like what youre watching you tap the screen and a heart shows up. Different colors mean different people are liking it.

No one who's heterosexual would have known that.

Thats it. You caught me. Youre so edgy.

For all their bravado, comics are insecure by nature. Some stranger starts recording you it's gonna be awkward.

i cant really tell whats going on in the video but it seems like jay might just feel a little awkward so he didnt look at opie, this shit is so lame that it effects people outside of OnA.

i love LOS but i hate how luis and sometimes jay and dave will take shots at opie for no reason, but it just seems desperate, they act like they will be with ant forever.

There's no such thing as taking shots at Opie for no reason.

All three Skanks admit to not listening or being fans of O&A. They all listened to Stern and Ron and Fez. And Jay was only on the show twice.

So to Big Jay, Opie is really just some middle-aged man trying to awkwardly film him.

Big Jay just happened to be on the show during the up and down game with Bobo and Patrice. Funny how he was basically never a part of the show but there for one of the most well known moments.

Luis will do anything for the funny. If he thinks of a funny joke about Opie, he's going to say it. He's not doing it to try to suck up to Anthony. And Anthony couldn't care less if they take shots at Opie. Like on Bobby's podcast when Luis sucked his fake dick on the podcast. Or how Luis is trying to get gay married to Dave. Luis motto is comedy first. That's why he's a "real ass dude"..


Why don't you go suck his dick faggot

Find where they do, ive literally never heard them take a shot at him. Idgaf one way or the other, but this kinda speculative shit is creepy.

What shots did they take at Opie? Opie gets no respect in the business, so even if they leave ant's network, they aren't burning any bridges by badmouthing opie.

im not saying burning opies bridge necessarily but just doing that shit in general, getting into beefs that dont involve you just beause you're boss is involved.

and i cant think of specific things but i know luis has taken jabs at opie, its just not good even if you might never need that bridge, norton never got into the stern thing and they would hammer him for hours and jim would say nothing, its just douchey to get involved for no reason.

I agree that the beefs are stupid, unless there's a legit thing - like the comedy club owner and big jay.

It is really silly. They just want Daddy Cumia to love them.
