Is it true Louis CK made a speech after Patrices' death and Jim thought he went too far?

12  2015-08-05 by Lilcumia

Any truth to this? If so where can I find it?


I don't know about him making a speech but on the show after Patrice died Louis talked about Patrice being overweight and knowing that he needed to get his health in check or he could die and being selfish for not trying harder to eat better for the sake of his friends and family, if not for himself.

It came off a little self-righteous after about the 3rd reference to it, but louie did dedicate one of his shows to Patrice. I'm sure he was truly sad and has lots of respect for him.

But he looks bigger every time I see him squeeze into one of those late night chairs...

Very true, Louis has gotten fatter each year since his show has been on the air.

Yeah but he's so SJW at this point that if he lost it ,just like lina dunham, he loses his "fans" with it. He's just a silly fat father who tells rude jokes but he's lovable.

I know people like to say this, but what exactly makes Louis "so SJW?"

Have you seen the last season of Louie?

Yes...but honestly don't remember anything crazy except maybe the fat girl episode (but that was the season before).

I mostly just think the term SJW is really overused. Anybody slightly liberal expressing their opinion seems to qualify as one around here.

Yeah but if I remember correctly, he said all this in the context of explaining to his kids who Patrice was. And what he said was something like "I explained to them that this was someone who didn't take care of himself, which you have to, and now he's dead as a result". It wasn't some weird ancient Catholic funeral shaming.


That might be it. Was Louis in the day they announced he died? I'll check YT.

You seem to post here alot but you havnt heard one of the most popular shows? The show after Patrices death when almost all regulars plus several major comics called in to offer their condolances?


its a stream of new fags that are just fans of ant

''New fags'? You can go fuck yourself as well. Its not 2006.

This isn't r/4chan faggot.

thats what this has been the past few weeks? you dont think youre just seeing what you want to see? and then saying tacsdiscussion people are delusional?

It was during their Patrice memoriam show where different comics/friends stopped by. I don't know if that was the day they announced he died or not.

I don't remember Jim objecting—and I don't know how he could—but Pontificating Louis did make an ugly appearance on the O&A Patrice memorial show.

Every event that's happened since Louis got divorced is pretty much exclusively about how Louis has his shit together and everybody else doesn't—and maybe HUMANITY DEPENDS! on us listening while he tells himself that. The Patrice memorial get-together probably wasn't the ideal time to call Louis out for becoming that particular kind of unbelievable cunt, but...


I'm a man with an asshole and shit and I just fill it with shit and cum and cum fuckers and shit


this was Opie

AAA-HOAHHOAHHHAHOAHAAAAA (Gervais obnoxiously guffawing)

I only hear Ricky's laugh through Jay Mohr now.

You replied to yourself twice?

I think you're reading a bit too much into his humorous observations about cherry coke being the biggest killer in the black community.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Is this a novelty account?

No. You didn't hear? Louie is totally a PC SJW WHITE KNIGHT who isn't funny anymore.

The Louie people talk about on this sub is an unrecognizable version of the actual person. He's not a closed-minded conservative windbag like DiPaolo, therefore he's indistinguishable from Tumblr SJWs.



Louie is a pretension ass.

So... He's like an ass before the tension sets in? Is that what you're saying?

Nailed it!


Maybe if he pontificated about his death incorrectly(fact-wise)? Otherwise he KILLED at the memorial show. He twisted the whole thing into bashing Bobby Kelly, which gave a much needed levity to the room, and that everyone cheerfully joined in on. Even Jim who seconded the subject and energy by BURYING Bobby, regardless of the fact that he's the best in the industry at bashing Bob. And Bobby calling back and damning the whole room?! Louie started that off, and it seems like it was much needed. Because why not bashing fat Bobby, and if had been some other comic that died and Bobby bashing came up, Patrice would've gleefully joined in too.

You have an obsession with bobby.

YOU have an obsession with bobby

You just spent a paragraph talking about him.

If anything it was more about Louie than Bobby, champ.

It's a completely normal part of the grieving process when someone dies from weight-related diabetes (or lung cancer from smoking, etc) to be angry at them for not taking better care of themselves. It wasn't Louie moralizing, it was him being sad that his friend wasn't around anymore and expressing it through anger.

Remember when Bill Burr said that Patrice was aces in his book? It has never been explained to me why he wasn't executed for that.

Probably. When Stern was asked to do Joan Rivers' eulogy, he consulted with Louis. He opened with:

"Joan Rivers had a dry pussy. Joan’s pussy was so dry it was like a sponge - so that when she got in the bathtub – whooooosh – all the water would get absorbed in there! Joan said that if Whitney Houston had as dry a pussy as Joan’s, she would still be alive today."

Hahaha this place jumps between being horrid and PC. Thats fucking hilarious and 100% appropriate for Joan's funeral.


Did Louis write that for him, or has Stern fallen off that badly?

Yeah, Stern has fallen off so badly that possibly the top comedian in the country is writing jokes for him.

Yeah, Stern was never the funniest guy but I've heard him be funny before.

That drivel is Louis level trash. He's like an unfunny pre-teen who is jealous that other people are getting attention for being funny so he has to try and be outrageous. Sad stuff really.

I'm pretty sure Louis is a bottom.

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Check around 2:27:00

I don't know if Jim said anything about it.

The answer


No it was definitely Patrice's weight that killed him.

Diabetes killed him. He had that because he was a fat. But to Patrice's credit he did try hard as fuck to eat right for a few years. They talked about it on the show all the time. Think he went full vegan after reading some book called skinny bitch or some shit he heard this rapper read and lost a fuck ton of weight.

He tried his hardest to eat right in front of people. Given a few years of dieting, he would have lost a lot more weight then he did. Not that I judge him for it as I'm slightly overweight myself, I just think people are thinking too much of him when it came to his healthy eating.

He talked about it all the time when he was trying to eat right. Problem was he would eat 15 oranges and an entire watermelon in one sitting. He also talked about his "experiments" when he wouldn;t leave the house for 2 weeks and see how long he could go without showering.

Oh yeah exactly. He ate healthy foods, just way too much of it.

being overweight increases the risk for stroke


"It wasn't Patrices weight that killed him. Strokes can happen to anybody"

"being overweight increases the risk for stroke"

"No shit"

speculating or saying something caused someone to die is "making an ass out of yourself"? You must get embarrassed fucking easy.


Eating healthy for a year or two won't undo four decades of eating garbage.


This is similar to what Gavin mentioned on TACS yesterday. Just because something is possible doesn't make it plausible. There is a 99% chance that Patrice's stroke was caused by his weight; you can't just say "eh strokes can happen to anybody".

Patrice said numerous times he was going to die from diabetes caused by his weight. He mentioned he was blind in his left eye and couldn't feel his toes a few months before he past.