Another awkward/funny Bill Burr clip. He fucking HATES Brian Redban.

24  2015-08-04 by sanfrancisco69er


Redban is the most useless, untalented person in the entire Los Angeles podcast scene. Rogan scooped him out of his message board to be an IT guy and then somehow decided Redban could do comedy. It's actually worth listening to him turn up as a guest on other people's podcasts because he's so cringeworthy it becomes entertaining. And every comic in LA that I know doesn't just think he's unfunny, they think he's a shitty person and resent the fact that he's around.

What he do that makes other comics think he's a cunt?

He didn't work for it, he's got a bad personality and is just sort of a sleazy douche. I'm not going to list a bunch of anecdotes but he's just not particularly likable. Take a message board pest (literally) give them Ant's values and Opie's talents, and put them in charge of a series of interchangeable boring podcasts. Then place this alongside a bunch of truly funny people on Doug Loves Movies who have been working to get there for fifteen years and you've got Redban.

He was supposed to pay some comics a few years ago for shows they did and for some reason Bryan decided not to pay them and it caused a shitstorm for a while. Duncan Trussell was one of them. It was pretty well documented on some of the old JRE's.


I've had cancer scares that were funnier than Brian Redban

Redban? More like bedpan, because he's full of you know what. Redban needs to be redbanned.

double home runs, cocksucka!!!

It really sucks, cause Brian Redban is trying to be a comedian, but he just doesn't have it.

8 minutes in that dim bulb redban says "but you chose to be on stitcher." The whole point of what bill was saying was they took it without asking. He must have said it 20 times.

Redban is a great big dummy.

You just don't understand RSS feeds.

I'm amazed Bill stayed as calm as he did talking to that fucking dunce

He loses his cool a little bit in part 2. He starts talking directly to Joe like "this is one of these fucking guys that...." ignoring that he's part of Joe's podcast.


He fucking HATES Brian Redban.

Don't we all?

I would think so, yeah.

He's almost as bad as Danny Ross.


Danny was kinda fun on the uninformed show with bill burr and joey roses.

At least Danny had some real funny moments, Redban is just a piece of shit.

Everybody hates Redban. "Let's see if I can fit the number seven randomly into conversation lulz sooooo quirky XD." He's such a fucking idiot.

what does that mean?

wowwww thats fucking gay, and kind of a bad rip off of this demetri martin thing:

Atleast Demetri had a point, Redban does it because he's "so random." It's something a fourteen year old would think is funny.

Edit: typo

I can't stand Redban.

I feel like Burr has this same argument with Redban every time he's on the show, and Redban always loses.

Why does Joe employ, or even tolerate, this passive-aggressive douche-zilch cunt?

I just realized this is just the audio. The video is so much worse.

I've noticed Joe getting on Redban pretty hard on podcasts lately. Brian says something completely stupid and Joe just goes off on how dumb and unfunny it is for awhile. I'm thinking his time on the JRE is coming to an end.

I noticed and hope so.

Redban's passive aggressive attitude here is infuriating. And bill calls him out every time saying exactly why what Redban is saying is wrong, and Redban keeps going back and saying the same point over and and over. What a cock.

Redban's contributions:

"What if, right before the fight, Anderson Silva put on really heavy mercury fillings in his mouth?"

He doesn't hate him, the guy's just being a passive-aggressive douchewoman.


I wonder does Joe rogaine owe him a life debt from highschool or something. That's the only reason one could possibly keep redban a cohost

I wonder does Joe rogaine...

Saturday Night DEAD, amirite?

Do you guys want to see my Bill Burr impression?

"Boo hoo hoo! I miss Patrice because he was aces in my book. I wish I could put his dead, diabetic dick in my mouth although it looks like I'll have to settle for Nia's monstrously enlarged jumanji clit. Boo hoo hoo!"

Ah Jesus, Joe

Ah Jesus, dude.

so edge

what does that mean?