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7  2015-08-03 by TankHankerous

Opie out of work today because he is helping Anthony set up their new studio for tomorrows Return of Opie and Anthony?


Opie and Anthony are sucking each others peckahs and jizzing all ova each other and licking each others peckas

This is more likely


Pics or it didn't happen.

I prefer this situation


Maybe the first time I've actually laughed at a chip line here. Perfect.

Nah. He's busy with The Philly Crew enjoying some delicious steaks slathered in barbeque sauce and a nice avocado-key lime beer.

This is how we do it!

That gross motherfucker never disturbed me more than when he tried to justify putting barbeque sauce on steaks. Worst rich man of all time.

Sweet Baby Rays and steak or go fuck your mother.

BBQ sauce was pretty much invented to be put on steaks

No, it's for chicken and ribs.

so you just eat steak dry? Noob.

^ this man eats stone crab with ketchup

Dry? Lol, the fuck kind of steak are you making? Jesus, you guys are some low-rent white trash mother fuckers/huckers.

Dude steak sauce shouldn't even be put on a steak.

Steak sauce is meant for shitty steak. I don't mind a shitty steak because I like most any kind of meat, but if you're putting A-1 or some random ass mediocre BBQ sauce on an expensive steak then you are a dumb shit mother fucker with horrible, trailer park trash tastes. Do you BBQ steak enthusiasts also eat your cereal with beer instead of milk?

Right, I mean good steak. A1 is fine for round steak, which Opie ain't eating

so you just eat steak dry? Noob.

Yes of course I eat my steakbdry. What am I, four?

Father Doris was supposed to bring his badminton set, but he never showed.

wheres father Doris ?

Is that how they do it philly style

I hear about "The Philly Crew" all the time and I've heard Opie reference them from time to time, but who exactly are they? How is Opie related to them? Have they done anything that I would know of?

Funny you should mention it...


Just a tassssstttteee

He took off because he's still hanging at his beach house. On Periscope someone asked him to go on Ant's show and he said he doesn't see that happening anytime soon. O&A is dead forever. They have their own brands now.

beach house

On Periscope

jesus christ. Can't these two teenage girls enjoy their vacations to Hawaii and the Outer Banks without obsessing over their phones and social media?

For all the hate they've spewed about "ME ME ME" people over the years, these two assholes are just as bad.

Stop it. Be rich and just enjoy what comes with it.

Pekkah head!


Management is happy with the direction of the show. Nice try on the hate tho

Opie is enjoying a beach party with the old Jackass crew.

He was disappointed when he fired up the grill and made steaks, and they lined up at his bedroom door instead of the grill.

Mmmmm steak, who is screaming in my bedroom? Mmmm, anyone want a hot dog?


LOVE the bbq sauce on my steak.

Bbq on steak is good. PERIOD. Sniff.

as long as you don't put any ketchup on it....what am i fourrrr?

I know ketchup is for infants but what about barbecue sauce? I'm All In with smothering a $30 steak in Sweet Baby Rays!

Sweet Baby Rays is awesome. Put it on whatever you like. It's funny those people who get irritated when someone puts something on their food they don't like.

Ah you're right. Opie trolled me hard with that one.