Nervous Hosting Jimmy feat. Comic Book Nerd Metzger Is SO Much Better Than O&J

16  2015-08-03 by DenseMan

Jimmy hates Alan Moore's dumb magic snake-worshiping nonsense.


Except for being really talented, Alan Moore is basically an edgy 14 year old.

For people who don't know about him; He's a self proclaimed Anarchist who believes in magic because of something he himself wrote and labels everything he doesn't like as mysogynistic or homophobic. He also wears a lot of rings.

An edgy but talented 14 year old is a perfect way to describe him.

He also claims to have spoken with demons dvv dvv

I think it was him I heard do an interview with Frankie Boyle where he talked about how he wanted to make a Superwoman comic book to show her relatioship with her daughter and how important feminism was to them.

EDIT: It may have been Grant Morrison actually.

Morrison recently spoke about the Earth 2 Wonder Woman graphic novel he's working on and said since she comes from a so-ciety that doesn't have any male architectural influence that her invisible plane is shaped like a pussy.

I kinda rolled my eyes at that but whatever, I'm sure he'll hook back up with Quitely again soon and it'll be great.

I actually laughed. Sounds like a pisstake.

I don't think there's anyway to explain Alan Moore properly to people who aren't steeped in this shit. His wizardry is too complex.

I think Warren Ellis explained that shit rather concisely in Planetary. We had Reagan who was old and dottering and maybe liked to talk about nuclear Armageddon too much, but British writers like Alan Moore and Grant Morrison dealt with Thatcher who literally wanted concentration camps for gay people and minorities.

I listen to every Metzger appearance, the fact this one is a nopie is ideal. Thanks!

Youtube link? Jimmy and Kurt seems totally worth listening to.

Sorry 'Slope it's not up yet. I'll keep checking.

Alan Moore did a great interview last year where he shit all over Grant Morrison for apparently trying to mimic him throughout the entirety of his career. I don't know if there's an ounce of truth in any of the things he said, but I was HOWLING at some of his comments.

One of the few actual redeeming qualities of this sub is it lets me know when there's any Jimmy-only shows.

Yeah, this was great man. I could do Jimmy, Kurt and Sam every day.