I really hope Anthony will read this and change his way of thinking.

0  2015-08-03 by DoxofTheBay


How many fucking accounts do you have?

Never underestimate someone who has nothing else going on in their lives.

You sycophants are delusional in thinking that everyone that hates Anthony's racism is the same person.

Ants fans are fucking morons but the two or three people here who try and bring their fag intellectualism into our arguments against his hackery are so much worse.

Teal deer.

Fuck this liberal shit. I hate Anthony, but he's more or less right in any of his race rants... although I got sick of hearing them.


I sent him a similar study on twitter and told him he should think hard about what he's said and how it could possibly effect racial equality and he blocked me. BIG SURPRISE! fucking scumbag...but I admit I was pretty naive for thinking I could change him. Can't teach an old racist new tolerance.