The nuthuggers think the "Anth Haters" are the same 2 or 3 people...

2  2015-08-03 by pissmist

Let's disprove it here once and for all.

Who listens to TACS still, and do you have an active subscription?


Never gave him a dime. I have checked out the 'Best Of' podcast here and there, and figured that if what was on those was the best of the week, there clearly wasn't anything happening that was worth paying for.

I'm also someone who never really fully believed his account of Times Square, so I never felt the need to StandWithAnt.

I subbed day 1, the politics and race stuff drove me away. The race rants stopped being funny, the politics were just the same Fox News crap I hear from older family members. "Obama is doing nothing to combat terror!!!" "Imagine if a white guy said what this black guy said!!". I can hear that same shit at thanksgiving.

They have black history month but everyone freaks out if we suggest a white history month.

I cancelled after his ridiculous stance on net neutrality.

TACS is like a cult. A small group of people who are batshit crazy

Stones in glass houses and all that

I signed up for a full year the day ant made it available. I stopped watching/listening months ago and did not renew. The show is garbage.

The problem with TACS is the constant ass-kissing and lack of ballbreaking. A year ago I never would have thought Opie would end up being able to take shit better than Anthony and Jimmy would make fun of Opie on a regular basis.

I had a subscription but I cancelled it a few months ago. It got boring with the same race rants over and over again. I'm a big fan of Ant but he's in a weird bad place right now and it's not fun to watch. Maybe he should get a therapist or some shit.

I cancelled TACS and used the savings to buy goodies from opieradio. Check out the savings maahn!

You bought tea cups from the c cup?

I checked it out a few times...never really good enough to make me want to subscribe. I don't even download it unless there's a guest I really want to hear.

I cancelled a while back. Not because I hated it, more because I was always busy when it was live. I didn't re-up because I've heard the content has been shit.

Still a member of TACS. But I don't think even LOS can keep me anymore. I enjoyed Gavin on his previous podcast, but his show on TACS is already getting long in the tooth (bababooey). He has too much time to dwell on his shitty arguments. It's unbearable now.

Edit: just cancelled.

I subscribed day one, then lost interest. Then when the Greggshells happened I re-subbed and then I unsubscribed after the whole Doxxing rigamarole.

I subscribed for a year...last month I cancelled.

Anthony can be a funny guy..but as every other podcast and successful show has proven, talking to the camera isn't a successful outing.
Rants can work...but enough with the Race and Gun focus. That horse has been beaten to death. He needs to borrow a page from Adam C. While I don't agree with Adam..he puts on a far more entertaining show...for FREE!

The appeal of O&A was the hang. A group of friends in a room being funny and trashing each other using the news of the day as fodder. That environment is long gone.

Never subscribed. I saw his times square incident for what it was and have been a hater ever since.

Watched a few best-ofs and I pirated the CK and Blawb Kelly episodes. The best-ofs really display how shit the show must be regularly, but the Bobby episode was great despite Ant trying to make everybody uncomfortable with his old man douchery. Bob is a real pro and steered the ship around it every time during his appearance.

Besides that I wouldn't be caught dead paying money for that "show". It ain't about the money so much as it's about not supporting hackery. I have a subscription to a webserver that I don't use anymore but still pay $10/month for, 5$/month to a magazine that doesn't even employ the only writer that I liked any longer, and a $15/month MMO subscription that I don't play. Any one of those things could be redirected to a TACS subscription if it wasn't a garbage show for garbage people, but Ant doesn't believe in supporting the lazy do-nothings of our society and neither should we.

What is the CK episode?

CQ*. I'll leave it as CK so that you don't look like a deranged lunatic.

haha, thanks

it was the free clips ironically that made the decision to not subscribe quite easy. awkward format and terrible reviews from paying customers for a podcast that costs as much as netflix??

you'd have to be a "ant lover" to justify it

I'm one. Fuck Ant. Gave up on him because he's a ranting cunt instead of an entertainer.

I listen to the TACS via the app I don't pay for it because there is a huge bug that lets you listen for free.

Subscribed from day 1 ...Cancelled last week before I was renewed for another year.

I'm a fan of Ant, I want to like his show, and want to be entertained by it. But the fact is it's not entertaining and Ant is doing nothing but going further and further down a road that I just don't understand, nor care too.

Dude lives in a bubble surrounded by "yes men" and it would appear that most of his "dedicated supporters" seem to enjoy living in an echo chamber, blindly defending a man who is putting out a fake laugh fest of racist political crap that is neither fresh, interesting or funny in any fucking way.

He and his current group of fans are like a "Human Antipede" at this point with all of them connected ass to mouth feeding off each others shit.

Really thought he'd flourish on his own... I was wrong.

I just re upped for another year. I enjoy it for what it is. A podcast. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't pay for it, or I wouldn't spend my life bitching and moaning about it.


Never subscribed. He was only funny with Jimmy and I knew that. The days that Jimmy wasn't there, his funny was almost non existent. I knew his show would be even more boring. Every once in a while, I'll download one just to regrets, maaahn.

Ant's racist drivel drove me away from O&A around the end of 2013.

I had it for one month for the ronnie B. episode. One good show in a month led to my decision to cancel.

I got TACS the first week it was up. Officially bailed on it with the Ron and Ant show fuck up by Keith.

Unsubscribed to TACS after a few months because I couldn't be bothered to watch most episodes. I'm pretty sure most people don't unsubscribe due to racism/pedophilia/doxxxing; they stop due to boredom. Don't listen to OJ, either.

Still subscribe to TACS and O&A subreddits. I enjoy the misery.

Subbed on day 1, still an active listener. I seem to enjoy it more than most on here these days but I am hoping for a little rejuvination from the studio.

Got a sub for only a month last November. Watched the Bobby, Colin, Jimmy, and ESD episodes. Didn't renew. And this doxxing and off-brand Comic Con bullshit made me unsubscribe to the "Best of" poddacast. I'd rather listen to Quackenbush grouse about Ant-Man.

$6.95 is a bargain for open and honest discussions about race.

I cancelled a few months back. It just got fucking boring, sorry. :(


I have an active subscription to TACS. Haven't listened to the show at all in many months. I can't even remember the last time. But I like Anth.



Signed up for a year up front, got bored with the show around Christmas but kept listening. The shows with comics from O&A were all fine, everything else just felt like he was filling time after a while.

Im a subscriber and i like the show when the comics are on, but i dont think i have listened to one show with solo Ant. You fuckers on this site are funnier than Ant nowadays.


When they are funny or good yeah. A lot of them are really bad.


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My year expired yesterday. I chose to not re-new. I am a big fan of Ant's quick wit but his solo shows are not good and I don't care for most of his non-comic guests. I will be back if the shows get better once the city studio is utilized.

I'm subscribed and watch 1 show a week on average

Maybe if you apologize you'll have your sentence reduced.

Sub since day 1. Agree that Ant is lazy with show prep. Disagree that his personal issues and kinks are new. I still sub because I can work out to his podcast.

Also there is no way to know if people posting who say they subbed/canceled are being honest so this thread is pointless.

What is the point of this thread if the people who say they still sub are buried?


no they don't that was opie

Still have a sub since day one. Then after 4 months I was over it and cancelled. I even got a little agro against TACS and KTC's bullshit. Then I felt like I should give it another chance, but barely watched. Just as I was getting ready to cancel once and for all he added, LOS & Gavin's show. TACS by itself is not worth paying for, however I do like what Ant is trying to do with his network and am looking forward to see what changes (if any) and shows will happen with the studio in place. So.. I'm not throwing in the towel anytime soon. Sorry haters. I just don't give a shit what Ant, Opie, or Jimmy do in their spare time or how shitty a lifestyle they live. I'm all for a good trashing, but I can't be ate up with hate over what comedians, radio show hosts, & podcasters do outside of the show. It's draining. I've got real assholes in my everyday life that deserve it more.

I still sub. It's got its ups and downs for sure, but overall I still like the show.

I've been a subscriber for about a year. I haven't listened to his show in a couple of months. Gavin's show is worth the $7.

I'm sub'ed and will renew when the time comes. Between the current three shows, theres more content then I can keep up with. All of it completely uncensored in subject and language. The skinny drunk wop is building a media empire based on free speech and free though and stuffed with funny. He doing just fine for long island white trash.

And yes, its a fact. There are about a half dozen losers with empty lives and multi accounts doing the vast bulk of Ant hate

Holy shit a media empire? Really. Wow.

Stuffed with funny? Embarrassing.

I have no idea how old my account is. I torrented some of his episodes at first, but I don't even do that anymore. I don't know why it's so hard to believe that maybe there are people who just don't like his show.

You never had a paid sub to TAC, shows you did listen too were illegal downloads. So, your bitching about something you stole and want it to change to something you might like. So you'd be encouraged to not buy a subscription, but too steal it again. Congratulations you win the "AssHole of the Day" award

Anthony's race obsession had originally turned me off from O&A at different points.

However, I still remembered when he was good, so I figured I would give his new show a shot. I wasn't going to pay to give it a shot though.

I downloaded only 2 or 3 episodes.

Half dozen losers? Nope, looks like at least 50+ comments here, more than 2/3 of them with accounts over a year old.

I haven't listened since 2002 when I could no longer tolerate the racist rants.

In a thread about the "same 2 or 3" multi-account spergs, you thought using your "redditor for 6 days" account was the way to go?
