What was Anthony's most racist rant?

0  2015-08-02 by JusticeForDeShean

Was it about Obama? Zimmerman? Freddie Grey? I'm going through my head trying to think which Anthony rant was the most racist, and was going to find and upload it as kind of a cemented proof that he is a racist POS. What do you think?


It's without a shadow of a doubt his eugenics rant. He spent a solid hour on it. He wasn't being funny, he wasn't being ironic, it was straight parroted craziness.

Btw, all three are a special kinda stupid in that hour, but cumia especially so.

That wasn't racist. Anthony may be interested in eugenics, because he's a racist, but his questions/opinions about race and IQ aren't unintelligible.

Are you familiar with Jean Phillipe Rushton's work? It's abundantly clear that different races have different average IQ's.


Besides, even before you account for socio-economic factors (which books like The Bell Curve don't do), IQ difference between races is vastly, vastly smaller than the IQ difference within a given race. So who fucking cares?

I don't give two fucks.

Right...facts only matter when they already agree with your shitty world view.

I believe you've misinterpreted what I was saying. YourOldPalHoward asked, "who fucking cares?"

and I was simply saying I don't care about a race's average IQ. That was all.


I fully agree.

Thank fuck for that.

Richard Lynn's work on Sicilian/Italian IQ has been heavily criticized.

Moreover - the "Sicilians are Arabs and Blacks" theory was debunked by a recent DNA study that was published in the NYT.

The whole of Italy - Alps to Sicily is considered a "genetic island." This means that the genetic makeup of the population is homogenous throughout. There is one other country in the world that has a similar trait: Finland.

He also seemed to be attributing the relative backwardness of African civilization to black peoples' lesser intellects. In Ant's mind, racial IQ is what drives history. No one in the discussion even brought up the fact that Africa has been cut off from Eurasian historical development by the fucking Sahara Desert.

No one in the discussion even brought up the fact that Africa has been cut off from Eurasian historical development by the fucking Sahara Desert.

Or the fact that the deadliest predator in europe is a stupid wolf. It's a little easier to get worldly and knowledgeable when you can take a boatride to a city with books and not get sent 25 feet up into the air before being mauled and drowned. Farming (and the extra time to invent shit that comes with not having to constantly worry about finding food) is also a bit more placid when the thing you're trying to fight off with your hoe doesn't weigh between 4 and 100 times as much as you.

You do realize that modern Africans have houses and cars and stuff, right?

No one's talking about modern anything. The topic has to do with invention and technological genesis, innovation and progress over the last few thousand years.

You should pay at least the tiniest bit of bare minimum attention to what you're commenting on.

He said one race(African-Americans) was inferior to another race(caucasions), can we spell it out for you any clearer, or are you too far gone in your delusions?

He didn't say that. He said the information he has looked at has said/implied that.

Lol /u/NoremacMartin thinks anything of substance has actually been shown through the loosely bundled and rarely scrutinized scientific processes underlying the soft-science of psychology.

LOL /u/rottenseed thinks NOTHING of substance has actually been shown through the loosely bundled and rarely...

Yeah, he kept refering to niggers as people.

What a silly goose.

It's Anthony on Eugenics.

He summarizes all his race opinions and debate tactics in just under 50 minutes:

  • Low IQs in Africa are genetic
  • There is just one "black community" instead of hundreds
  • "Certain people" are stupid save for exceptions; they have more children
  • When the wheels are coming off, he will force dichotomies: "whats the truth then, Jim?"
  • "Whites" are perpetual victims, and "the media" conspires against people like himself
  • "Africans" live in small villages without water and electricity
  • "Western society" is advanced, "Africans" are inferior
  • When pressured, he will start shouting ("I'm JUST saying!") and start asking loaded questions
  • "Whites" and "Blacks" are separated hiveminds
  • If media outlets report counter to his points, they are labeled part of "The Liberal Media" and ignored
  • Being considered "white", he is smart: "Oh sure, US whites with OUR inventions are inferior! YUCK! ENOUGH!"

Another time, they did a bit on Hitlers birthday, where Opie plays the straight man to Anthony's rationalizing Hitler as being misunderstood; that one was received well though.

Halfway through that I just said "JEEEESUS CHRIST" out loud. How did any of us ever support this guy? I'm honestly trying to figure it out. Did he manipulate us in some way I just couldn't see?

I am not even white and I always knew this was the case. But other than this shit he USED to be funny as fuck, especially paired with Jimmy. So I don't mind that shit, but it gets fucking tiredsome when you think how black people must feel around him. My theory is that when Patrice died a little of him died as well. The twitter Ant sent after patrice died was : " He transcended my racism" back then I thought he made a little joke, but no he was being completely honest.

yeah I remember that tweet and it was the first time i thought, uh oh is Ant just defining himself by being racist now? it was just a really weird RIP at the time

The crazy thing is whenever that eugenics talk came up it wasn't out of the ordinary, I wasn't surprised. It's amazing listening to some of the shows in those last few years where all Opie, Jimmy, and Sam are trying to make it funny again but Anthony just keeps barreling through about statistics and culture. Opie seems pissed off, Sam trying to make jokes, and Jimmy actually trying to have a conversation

He's right on most counts you list below but he isn't a good advocate for us.

This isn't exactly something he said, but he has talked many times about how he enjoys Niggermania.com and thinks the site is funny. Now we don't know exactly what he found/finds funny on that site, but that website is full of the most vile racism I've ever seen on the internet. I don't know how any healthy human being can find it funny for more than maybe 5 seconds in a very ironic way.

Even Dipaolo said he hates websites like that and was cringing at Anthony.

On a side note: Anthony use to openly say that he's racist. I know there is an old Live From The Compound show where Anthony said something like, "Yeah I'm a racist, so what"? but over the years changed to say he's not a racist. I'm assuming he changed his answer because he cares about his public image. I think we've never seen how deep Anthony's hatred of blacks go, we only get glimpses. Anyone who calls themselves a racist has some real fucking hatred.

I remember one time I went to niggermania after Anthony brought it up on the air & they had a thread about him where even they were calling him a racist. They use "racist" as a positive term so they were like "yeah Anthony is great and he really is a no joke racist too!"

The thing is, nobody re-listens to his racial bs. Ive yet to run across a "classic race rant by Anthony" clip. I'd say his biggest flub was going on that white seperatist radio show where the host himself seems to be in disbelief, and even comments to him ' dont you know you're gonna get shit for doing this?'

I dunno, I consider the "Bowling for Behave" rant to be pretty classic, although its more of a Michael Moore rant.

EDIT: Scratch that. Just listened to it. Was better in my memories.

Dru Boogie's remix was funny. The rant less so.

Funny and just awesome as a song in general. It definitely helps whatever points he made stand out in your mind more than shitty race stats.


There was one that I was listening to that made me go "shit...he really is racist".

It wasn't about a specific issue. But he was talking about whites & blacks and how they both party. He then said something to the effect of "blacks & whites, they are just too different and they could never really be friends. They may pretend to like eachother but they are too different".

Atleast that's how I remember it

But you're kinda a sissy therefore you are a barometer of racefail

Going on this show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8lVPE2Bckc

On one of the earlier eps on TACS he explains his appearance and how he KNOWINGLY went on. He then said on the Greggshells ep that is was a Keith booking error.

Open and honest debate - lying to the subscribers.

The one where Opie played Candy Crush was so intense both Opie and Jimmy (who always tries to figure out Ant's point in a way isn't racist) got annoyed and gave a little touchy mini-intervention. It gets really uncomfortable especially when Ant yells something like "your fucking black ass" or something. I think they were just terrified he'd scream another word.

edited to add: here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRuYPhk5PC0

link por favor?


It starts around 10 minutes in but you can tell it gets uncomfortable.

Also I was wrong it was "kissing your black ass, fuck you and fuck your mother" and Jimmy starts calling him Bobby Fisher which is hilarious

I don't know if Anthony realizes Jim is trying to reign him in here. "Black on white holocaust"? He keeps screaming holocaust

Also Anthony and Opie are going passively aggressively going at each other through the whole thing which is kind of funny


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I know a lot of different people have a lot of different opinions (as wrong or right they may be) but here's the problem:

When Patrice is in, or Chris Rock is in, or Neil DeGrasse-Tyson, Dwayne Johnson or Jon Jones is in you don't see Anthony go on his, "You shouldn't have children, you're inferior, muh Bell-curve" rants. That would make him have integrity.

He butters up his puckered anus and is all "Hey! What's up?". He's inconsistent.

Well that's also what kind of made us all confused. We thought he was a bit racist, but just the same as Patrice. They have friends of both skin colors and can have interesting debates.

So when Ant and Patrice got along so well, we all kind of believed "well Ant isn't really racist." Joe Rogan says this in his podcast, too. So does Jimmy in interviews (pre Tacs).

But now, the jury is in. He is an incredibly racist man. We were all quite delusional.

When Kareem Abdul-Jabbar came in he was like a wide-eyed kid. The break after he left it was, "That was one big 'Nig!".

When a Black Astrophysicist comes in, he's polite and asking him questions and trying to impress him with his knowledge. The break after he left it was making "Niggermania" jokes.

The problem is that those things weren't in the context of a joke. He isn't trying to be funny. He's just putting his personal shit out there, the same as Opie who just likes to talk about his kids. It's not fucking entertaining unless you're masturbating to Stormfront for Ant, or run a Mommy-blog for Ope.

Well Anthony is kind of a pussy. He got beat up by a girl last year.

Not just a girl but a black girl. That had to hurt 100 times more.

Yes that is one problem with him

The one where he said it was the Jews, not the niggers, who were the main problem.

The one about your coal burning mother.

I wish a bullet would go through your head.

I've been spending a lot of time on twitter reporting Ant's racist bullshit, and i didnt even know it was as bad as some of the things you guys are saying here. WOW is he fucking full of hate.

I've been spending a lot of time on twitter reporting Ant's racist bullshit

Oh thank you kind warrior. I'm sure black people are sincerely grateful that you "defend" them by reporting completely avoidable text on the internet.

He's a troll account.

I'm glad someone figured that out

I'M a troll acount? So what would I have to do to be a real account? Say that racism is even somewhat excusable? Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade(which Ant would hate for their color),and admit he's full of hate toward minorities,and it's unacceptable.

I'm embarrassed for you.

He's kidding

I don't know if Anthony realizes Jim is trying to reign him in here. "Black on white holocaust"? He keeps screaming holocaust

Also Anthony and Opie are going passively aggressively going at each other through the whole thing which is kind of funny
