Hippie Cumia is now hawking 60s rock compilation CDs on late late infomercials. Sad.

35  2015-08-02 by DeVoidZero


That guy is actually white

That would be a step up from what he's doing now.

You don't think TACS is setting the world on fire?

Maybe some crosses in the heart of America.


too many follicles

LMAO, great find.

Hey man is that Freedom Rock?


It looks like Anthony Cumia and Stephen Collins had a baby.

I think you're confusing Stephen Collins with Richard Lewis.

No, I meant Collins, but Lewis is a better call haha.

Tommy Wiseau?

Not enough moon craters in his face.



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She's too old for him.

For real, doe: it's actually Tommy James of the eponymous Tommy James and the Shondells:


Should he be a guest on TACS?


You don't think TACS is setting the world on fire?