Anthony Cumia Show at the Tampa Bay Comic Con.

163  2015-08-02 by GumbleDog


ay nye

Holy shit is that depressing. Usually people say "shit, there was only like 15 people people there!" sarcastically exaggerating. In this, there are literally only 15 people there.

I'm sad now

He told this entire subreddit (probably the majority of his remaining fans) to fuck themselves last week.

He's a lazy, pathological liar with no standards, gratitude, or sense of self awareness. He deserves everything happening to him.

edit: To clarify how he's a lyur alryte- remember a month ago when he flat out made up a story about Sam Roberts shit talking Opie? He got called out on it by Sam himself and had to eat crow on camera by admitting that he made the whole thing and then swept it under the rug. He fucking stinks.

Is there a clip of his retraction/apology?

Aww, there there! :)

Looks like they hid him in back by the shitters again.

Nice touch. So he can be reminded of how he flushed his career.

Hopefully it's the White's Only one

Oh my god he really did pull a Scorch. The photos they put on twitter made it seem like he was talking to a nearly full audience: it was taken from a middle aisle 4 rows back, so all you can see is the back of about 6 people's heads in the very center aisle and the one next to it. But when you zoom out, as you can see in this photo, there's maybe 2 rows worth of people who thought they were signing up for a Yasser Arafat meet & greet.

Honestly, just cuz scorch is weird looking, I'd bet he'd pull bigger numbers at Comic Con than this.

The photos on the twitter account are from one of the panels. The audiences were bigger, but not because of Anthony.

I like my story better

and THAT is P... F... G......

Wow, at least in rehab he'd be talking to more people during group therapy.

Virgil's regular crowd is probably bigger.


This has to be fake. There's too many people.

Definitely fake there is one black person too many in the audience.

He's blind. Nobody has told him.

The world is full of wannabe tokens.

That crowd isn't very big.

Oh, literal Sgt. Fartbox

Perhaps less than that Bumbi...

How depressing, holy fuck. This will be his total subscriber base in a year, if he keeps going the way he is.

edit: I keep clicking on the image just to feel a little more sad and laugh each time. Jesus Christ.


But we were wrong - and you, Anthony, you were right.

Keith should have invited some of those fat girls to be seat fillers

he probably took as many pics of fat chicks as people who attended

I wonder how many people wanted to get up and leave 20 minutes in but felt too awkward.

Everybody has to pull their weight and laugh nice and loud.

Shit, O&A did for 20 years.

Probabably somewhere between the third King of Comedy reference and the tenth mention of how Obama and the governor of New York are planning a home invasion to take away his guns.

I look at that, and I can't help but notice that right above is a picture of him sitting next to Letterman. Honestly it just makes me sad.

Jesus, I think my kid's podcast gets more listeners.

...and he was stillborn.

whats his podcast called?

Nice,2 spare seats,it's almost a sellout!

I really hope this trip serves as a humbling moment of clarity...

Him having to do a show in public should put his basement lunacy in perspective. Seeing people in front of him that just want to be entertained and have fun and knowing that if he were to start doing the show he did in his basement he would look and feel like the maniac hes become.

He did a ghetto casino/tattoo convention for less people 6 months ago. How long with this Keith experiment last? Why would Rat tweet this pic?

This gives me a warm & fuzzy feeling

He can't even sell out the Olive Garden at this point.

olive garden

Doesn't phase Cumia. He's used to having 15 staring up at him.

Virgil is a bigger draw at this point.

How can no one pont out its dumb of him even advertising there. Guaranteed the words "only fucking geeks and nerds go to comic con" have come out of his mouth before. Only podcasting guys like Kevin Smith and nerdist belong there. Not some proud pedo stormfronter. How is it possible for someone to lack such self awareness.

Kevin Smith and Chris Hardwick fill rooms at comic con with more people than Ant's subscriber base.

I came here to post this. What value does he even get marketing-wise? He does 'sane rational Anthony' for a day, attracts a few new listeners. They listen for a day and realize the show is a completely humorless take on gun rights, black wrongs, and... and... sorry struggling to think of a third topic here. Anyway, then what?

It's sort of laughable how inane Anthony's approach to marketing/business is. He just thinks if he keeps going to events it will translate into new listeners. That's not the case.

when a cop is in charge of your show/life, this is what happens

The visual culmination of making things up as you go combined with absolutely no work ethic.

I'm really not sure how Anthony makes it into next year. This would be a big blow to any man's confidence.

Maybe he connected with a young lady down there.

Yep... He's getting what he deserves.

Nice to see all the fat people Keith was making fun of were there to see Ant's show.

-liberals was blocking the audiences from entry arrright

5 black guys were blocking the door...but yeah, they were Liberals too.




Oh that's gotta sting.

These are Scorch crowd numbers...and the Sam Roberts show.

Free PIZZA and Hulk Hogan action figures for all TACSciples in Attendance!!!!!!!!!!

And Lookin GOOD Radio podcast.

Anthony Cumia - Radio Superstar!


Anth walks out wearing Johnny Quest jacket: "It still fits!"

Cut to Anth singing "Listen to the Music" way off key

Hahaha great shot. Ant is living in a dream world where he is still a relevant radio personality.

How sad.

Is this the same Comic Con where his asshole handler was posting pictures of fat broads? KKKarma.

they had a twin panel too, I knew the original pic had to be modified

After the taping, Jackie Martling swung by and begged Ant to salvage what little dignity he has left.


You have a special talent.

Ant: "I make more money doing this than I did at SXM"

where'd you find the time to make this? you need a hobby dude.

Why can't photoshopping be a hobby? Painting or making clay pottery is a hobby too.

I was kidding... did you even look at the picture?

I apologize, I don't understand sarcasm due to my impediment.

I bet Scorch is fucking laughing his balls off at this

this makes PFG look like MSG

I'm sure security paid close attention to the token black gentleman there. With how Anthony has been with his racism, that guy has got to be a self hating, uncle Tom type.

Probably a random. I'm assuming once he sat there it got too awkward to leave considering the crowd size.


You have to admit, a crowd like that, showin up for 5 minutes of comedy and 3 hours of broken-record nigger-hatin', something like that would really be... P.... F.... G

Know what I mean?

Virgil, ist that you?

Fuck Ant. He deserves this kind of humiliation for his delusional ego and general human garbage-ness

edit: I Hope Fez was there to laugh at him

Now I just feel bad about making fun of him now.

I wish this sentence had the word now in it more times.

His audience is 13% black.

That's probably about right in real life, but he wonders why his "They aren't people" tweets didn't go over as well.

Isn't USA 13% black? That's amazingly representative.

He had this many at his other crowd shows but this subreddit was too busy attacking opie to notice how pathetic it looked.

Ant's fighting the viral spiral with his downward spiral campaign.

Oh no... (Jimmy voice)

I wish Patrice was alive to analyze every inch of this photo.

I love that one chair is empty. Someone went through the process of getting one of those chairs and then just left it. Probably some excuses about taking a piss only to run up to the con suite, mutter something to everybody about the 'bigoted guy in the lobby,' before soothing his discomfort by sucking down a few Pepsis while talking to a few bronys.

He's making more now on his own than when he was on OnA.

SO much more!

This makes me sad. I hope he's raking in the caysh.

lol oh shit.


Lonely Anthony

"I do what I do...FOR YOU PEOPLE!!!

(No not you fuckin schwoogie)"

Do you think he had time to take pics with everyone who attended?

Depends on how urgent his desire to ball up into the fetal position and sob uncontrollably was.


Holy fuck-a-roni.

im surprised whoever took this pic wasnt taken out by KTC

The only thing that goof can take out is an oxycontin from his pocket


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Four dudes have a full head of hair, five are balding and another four are wearing baseball hats indoors.

Yes, because they needed a stadium for their old live appearances.

Montreal 2013:

except that room being full or not made no difference to their bottom line or ability to get guests

I'm sure Sirius loved it that two guys they were paying 3 mil a year for and another nearly a million only could get 20 some people in a room. And as for guests ,I agree Ant's are sub-par. I miss the days of the UFC guy, the Penthouse girl with a sex advice book and the other UFC guy.

must not have minded too much if they re-signed O+J, who at their worst will still have better access to guests than TACS will at its best

Thats a comic book convention?


The new scorch.

The funniest thing about this is that my podcast has literally had that many people at a live show before. At a one day con in Melbourne, FL. Not a 3 day con with over 50k in attendance. I mean seriously. 50,000 people coming through those doors and that's all the Cuck could drum up to come sit for Anth's bullshit?

Whats your podcast? Send us a link

PMed it to you. I've already gotten trashed for posting the link here.

Thanks. Ill have a listen! Yeah this sub reddit is ruthless

Fucking classy man. You get a free plug for that. Go ahead.

Rat's gonna get a phonebook beating for this

Heh, they're all obese & balding.

Why is he even there? Maybe he'll pick up a few subs but i think most attendees dont even know who he is

Jimmy walked around the floor of big San Diego Comic Con doing Chip with a camera and no one recognized him.

Those were terrible videos.

Puppet Show and Anthony Cumia.

Don't worry Keith has Ant booked on Has-Been Corner

At this point you could literally make a documentary about the rise and fall of a radio legend. The fact that the Opster is doing better than poor Lil' Tony is a fuckin' crime.

why put the camera smack bang right in front of everyone?


Home run Cumia!

Good luck bro.

I hope he does a zine fest next

This makes me so sad.

LOS shirt

I love this thread.

Is he..... is he in the lobby or something? It really looks like he's in the lobby of a recently abandoned hotel.

All you haters, just remember that he has a POOL

So maybe there's hope after all that he'll lose his house

This is one from Friday at the Billy West and George Lowe interview.

He was moderating a panel, that wasn't for his show.

so those 15 people were invited and no one else was allowed into the entrance of the convention center?

Billy West, the voice of Fry from Futurama, Ren & Stimpy, etc. George Lowe, the voice of Spaceghost. At a comics convention. But yeah I'm sure they were all there to see Cumia moderate.

Chubby girl looking at the camera can get it.

shes cute, not that chubby

Chubby? The black hair one looks like a starving teenage Russian peasant girl. And she was probably looking at the camera because she was sick of heavy-breathing neckbeards trying to take her picture without her noticing to add to their spank bank of public candid shots of teens

well thats a lil far

I dunno her hand looks kinda plump. But she's pretty in the face, I'd smooch with her.

those chairs are pretty nice for something like that


love listening to old shows and hearing how happy Ant was to be in radio and how easy it is

Just looking at the picture is making me feel too awkward. I bet he's yelling about some black chick on twitter in this moment.

inb4 Anthony is a guest on season 2 of Scorch's PFG TV

"Was she a great big fat person?"

"I think I got a card..."







Oh boy, I feel bad for him. He was living the dream and now, not so much. Listening to old clips where he's talking about what his life would've been without the show, it's not much worse than this. I'm sure he has enough money and over the years he has invested so it won't run out but this is fucking sad. And to think he was the talented one vs. Opie


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since there's only 1 empty chair, i guess he didn't plan on pulling a crowd.

There's 2 empty chairs.

There's an empty chair too.

was his a live show or is this pre-taped for a vacation?

There is flooding of biblical proportions in Tampa ... that is a good crowd

Well to be fair I don't think comic con people are his demo...

Oh yeah, he didn't talk about this for weeks and beg his fans to show up.

oh didnt know, dont actually watch his show :)

Maybe not, but people at a casino are, and he had the same level of attendance when he did a live show from one.

fair enough. Not really trying to defend him, but just don't think people at comic con would be interested in seeing tACS live

What a shock that a comic con in Tampa Florida doesn't have a large following of fans for his niche show. Excellent observations boys he truly should have attracted 1000 people in a Tampa Florida Comic Con because.....because. This is the norm with these cons unless you are a big mainstream celeb you usually have small panels.

I love how people shit all over op and jimmy and said they were no talent. Then the sheen of ant started to wear thin when he just got fucked up and talked about guns and skanks and how sat radio is for fuckwad losers... fast fwd a few months and op and jim have good to great shows with good guests and ant still is getting fucked up on air and talking about guns and the shitty liberals..... and this is his fanbase.

fuck i think it rules

opie is shit and jimmy is a sellout

Totally, the fact they wanted to do a decent guest filled show, without the dark cloud of bullshit over the heads, they are total fucking sellouts!.

No sir cumia is shit i even was dupped into subbing for a few months, it was rants, some xenophobia, and no guests unless you count the occasional fat slut who they talked into getting naked. Nice try though

They were only good together. Separate they are all unbearable.


Lol if you check out the panels he hosted they were packed and he did a great job.

You DO understand the difference between interest in a panel with Lea Thompson on the 30th Anniversary of Back To The Future and the interest in Anthony Cumia himself, right?

Let me give you a hint...the pic above...that's the interest in JUST Anthony Cumia.

Sorry guy someone already posted the crowd photo from the panel showing and it was not packed.

Well I've only watched the vids and the crowd sounded large and into it.

His interview with Lea Thompson was completely packed.

opie is shit and jimmy is a sellout

Maybe not, but people at a casino are, and he had the same level of attendance when he did a live show from one.

Oh yeah, he didn't talk about this for weeks and beg his fans to show up.

The world is full of wannabe tokens.

I'm sure Sirius loved it that two guys they were paying 3 mil a year for and another nearly a million only could get 20 some people in a room. And as for guests ,I agree Ant's are sub-par. I miss the days of the UFC guy, the Penthouse girl with a sex advice book and the other UFC guy.

"I think I got a card..."

He's blind. Nobody has told him.