Pedophile Cumia already setting his sights on a new Dani.

0  2015-07-31 by serraphim


Jesus Christ, don't be so fucking ridiculous. Anthony would never go for them.

They're too old.

Dude, you are a genius. I thought you were gonna say too young and you went with too old and I spit my drink all over the place. Holy shit, still getting over it, never heard anything like that on here before. I was SURE you were gonna say too young. You got me SO good.

did you steal that paragraph from Andy Kindler?

No one's curious about why the OP is watching these videos?

I thought it was kinda obvious, it's the only way I can get an erection, not proud of it.

OK, serious answer. If you Google Image "vinnie brand dani" scroll down and you'll find the YouTube screen grab, it actually looked like a young Dani Golightly so I clicked on it. 'end of story'

Sure, you tell the cops the same thing. I've reported you to the cyber police and your information is being forwarded to Anthony. Enjoy your dick in prison and the doxx.

I like to laugh as much as the next regular Joe, but think about this for 10 seconds:

This is what 14 yr old girls look like. If you're over 20, is there a thought in your head going: yeah, I'd try to fuck them. Is there? Because if there is, you're not "into young girls" you're just fucking sick, and Anthony is that man. 54 years young... shudders.

I'm so confused. This really does seem like genuine tween lulrandom Vine horseshit, but there's a clear Uncle Paul reference staring me in the face. Is "Frickle Frackle" not some gibberish alliteration that Jimmy made up?

Why would that not surprise me in the slightest!?

what the FUCKs this got to do with opie and anthony? i get anthony likes em young but he likes pizza probably to..anyone care to see a fucking 200 view video of someone eating pizza?


More entertaining than O&J

What the fuck were you watching that this ended up in your "related videos" section??

I notice the vid has 'frickle frackle' in it. Oh Uncle Paul

How did you find that you lil creep?