Bam's Angel

0  2015-07-31 by unclepaul84


This sub really is a creepy bunch.

The more you think about it, the more it seems like a cruel purgatory. Doomed to pace back and forth about a show that doesn't exist anymore, where the creators have abandoned us and we slowly grow to despise everything we once enjoyed.

As we get further and further away from even the faintest echo of what the show used to be, we realize that we have become them. We are doxing people, we are laughing at black box recordings, we are stomping on cakes. Too late we realize that the ones claiming to be victims were the architects, but they're long gone and cant even see our huge fawkin pehkaz and they go "chippah you so fawkin hot with ya huge pehkah why dontcha subscribe or sumthin" and i say nah i gotta go.

I think we pride ourselves on that sir

She's hot and anyone disputing that is in denial. We can make fun of Opie for a LOT of shit, but this isn't one of them.

Also, beyond sketchy to seek out/post this pic.

she really is fucking hot, what am I going to say hahahaha

creepy as fuck you found that. Photo was def before the smart phone era. that shit was scanned in, hard copy. lol

really hot

Explain. There is no way to be more generic. Oh you have blond hair AND a pair of titties? YAWN.

yes, she is generic. a generic hot blonde girl.

I'll take one half stalk of celery and a glass of water please!

Fun life

You probably bang tons of hot chicks. I can tell.

I can tell you I don't bang dumb blondes who belly laugh at every hack joke.

I just realized in the last post you quoted me as saying really hot. I didnt say really hot. I said she really is fucking hot. menaing there was no REALLY hot meant. she is just hot, not REALLY hot.

so there. put that in your pipe and smoke it. i am about to :-)

not injecting morphine

step it up pussy

Oh Ken.


I find her attractive, but I gotta agree with Ken here. Maybe it was being inundated with the playboy metric of hotness growing up, but there's nothing more boring to me than a blonde chick.

Back to Bam jokes? E: She is hot as fuck, I'd do shitty radio for 50 years for her

Would you listen to Bam fuck her while you pay her bills and put her up in the lap of luxury?

If she showered after



She didn't really try with her cossstuuume though. No need with those big natural tits. Who cares?


Is that the Philly Crew with her?!

wave of buttpain and tears after Ant forces to dox civilians

"This isn't even funny anymore, this is just pathetic!"

Week later, back to spreading photos of people who's lives none of us have anything to do with

Has this meta-trolling gone too far? If I was solipsistic, I would be sure you're all doing this just to fucking annoy me.

wish one of you cunts would get a more recent shot

Her brothers the douche in the egg suit I believe. This photo was circling a few years ago.

I don't like her off center face. She also, like Jim, has a cascading neck.

it's a distorted, low quality pic. she's perfect.


Opie is in the background as always. He is dressed as the "Do not enter" sign costume pointing towards his future wife's ass.

Would you listen to Bam fuck her while you pay her bills and put her up in the lap of luxury?


yes, she is generic. a generic hot blonde girl.

I'll take one half stalk of celery and a glass of water please!

Fun life

Oh Ken.

I find her attractive, but I gotta agree with Ken here. Maybe it was being inundated with the playboy metric of hotness growing up, but there's nothing more boring to me than a blonde chick.
