This is our fault.

135  2015-07-31 by CuckECheese


It's too bad, management was loving the direction of that bike.

GleepGlorpetcetc killin it for us today!

Every day I get a little Ant cartoon and I usually laugh out loud. Inevitably a family member or friend says " what you laughing so loud at? " and when I show them they say the same thing: " why is that supposed to be funny? Who is that? "

I explain that he's a 61 yo ex DJ who has sex with children and is openly racist. They then gimme the ol furrowed brow in judgment look.

Get a load of this fucking queer, surrounded by family who are interested in his interests.

They're not. They never ask about my interests. I lied so it would look like I have people in my life who care about me. I make them look at this shit coz I'm sad and alone. When FukinPeckas croaks I will have no one.

...... oh-- literal knickers?

Do they ever reply with "why are you investing so much of your own personal life being judgmental towards a D-List celebrity"?

It's sad, but the story of O&A now fills that same sort of ghoulish fascination that I hold for people like Christian Weston Chandler.

Stop sucking Ant's dick you fuck

I'm doing no such thing. I have said many times I agree he is lazy and needs more show prep. All the things you are whining about though, his personality quirks this was always him always what he did. You guys are like idiot children.

You're delusional. This is a caricature of what he used to be like. Stop it.

You're delusional. Some irrational hater who hates Ant for being things he always was.


I wish grown men would stop using this word.

I don't think anyone posting here can pull this card.

I am/was the biggest Ant fan in the world. You have no idea. I'm just not blind to the change that's been going on and above all else the most important part: his show isn't funny.

You have no idea either. I have said again many times that I agree he is really doing a crappy job prepping the show and the quality is bad. I agree with this. You guys keep missing this. I'm just saying the traits people are attacking him for now he always had.

Wahhh! Stop fighting!!!

I think we just see it more now. The stories about young girls were funny until you see it in front of you.

That's not it at all. We saw it plenty. He told a story about taking his asthmatic 17-year-old girlfriend to the pediatric ward in like 2009, for fuck's sake.

The only difference is that we don't like him now (mostly for stubbornly sacrificing humor on the altar of racial political talk and thinking we're all assholes for not loving it). We're judging his flaws more harshly now because he's burned up the good will that used to let us see past them.

That's hearing not seeing. I never realized how weird it was until all these pictures and videos came out

Yeah you stupid ballwashing fuck, why don't you just kill yourself?

Has anyone noticed Ant hasn't made any racial tweets since his Reddit episode & subsequent kitten tweets?

Maybe he's learnting.

He probably didn't get shit faced drunk tonight unlike every other day of the week.

give it another day

wait till some cop righteous kill another you know what

The collection of assholes on this sub is unsurpassed

When Ant said this, I actually took it as a compliment. We surpassed O&A themselves :)

I really thought nothing would be funnier than the movie poster of Greggshells the first time it was posted here, but there have been so many things posted here that are just brilliantly funny.

I love this.

Post the original from a few months ago


this is slightly less embarassing than luis j gomez admitting he's snorted perocets on todays sam roberts show. he's sniffing acetaminophen instead of trying to remove most of it through cold water extract. the j stands for dain brmage.

Yes, because cold water extract is something everybody knows about.

Now you're beginning to annoy me Luis, I want to put a vinyl record on the top of your cueball head and slap your face to make it spin.


You wouldn't know a mata leão from a zé buceta.

Yeah, cuz I'm not a fucking wetback.


Ok, terrific. Google them, compare and contrast with your name and realize I'd meet you for a improvised kumite at any Chuck E Cheese nationwide.

You leave my namesake out of this.

I may have a drinking problem Mr. Cheese, although I've been beaten multiple times I can't seem to cease and desist my violence provoking language. Forgive me. I'll catch his chin with a check left hook in a McDonald's lobby.

I think you might have extracted a little too much cold water.And people sniff hydrocodones/pills it would make more sense to just swallow, but it's really not a big deal that they didnt research the most scientifically effective way to take them.

I'm not claiming to be a chemist, I would sometimes CWE and briefly use a toaster oven to evaporate the liquid just enough to the point where leaving it overnight would evaporate it entirely to a crusted powder. It got me fairly buzzed, I think it was more the ritual of snorting though, I love that shit. At least it wasn't the entire 325-600 mg acetaminophen. Generic oxycontin before oxyneo and whatever it's now will always remain king.

Yeah, exactly. I'm not sure what you just said but people will snort pills just for the ritual of snorting them, whether it's actually beneficial or not. It's stupid but you can't really knock people for doing it.

Wrong, unlike Luis J Gomez I at least try to remove the tylenol from the pill before engaging in the ritual. This board has turned into some photoshop postin' o&a quote regurgitating square mother fuckers.

I'm with ya on the other shit but I'm not gonna bother to criticize someone on how effeciently they ingest opiate pills. Maybe they could do it slightly better but I'm not gonna be an opiate snob and let that bother me.

So you approve of snorting tylenol. It isn't snobbery, it's instinct, the first time I came in contact with a pill that had a opiate mix I immediately googled how to separate the tylenol because I know it's poison. The fuck is goin' on around here!

I never snorted hydrocodones and percocets, just ate them. I knew people that went as far as sniffing hydrocodones and thought they were dumb for doing it and made fun of them, but never geniunely looked down on them and "lost respect" for them or whatever you originally said about Luis I dont even remember anymore.

I only said it was embarrassing, which it is.

Dude, just stop.

So you capitulate, coward?

I can't imagine a PR is particularly adept at google



If only Sam's mother didn't love him so much he'd be just as damaged and would've delved deeper into the topic. I'd love to hear some more LOS drug stories now. Sorry Ant, don't think you can purify Xanax for insufflation.

When will Faux News Cumia learn? If you're gonna do the crime, you gotta pay the crime.

eeeew did you actually just call it faux news?

He did the crime, now he has to pay the crime.

Seriously it's Faux Noise maaaaaan.

He's a parody of the O&A subreddit, only his jokes are antiquated and irrelevant, kinda like Anthony.

You wouldn't know a mata leão from a zé buceta.

He probably didn't get shit faced drunk tonight unlike every other day of the week.

give it another day

wait till some cop righteous kill another you know what

You're delusional. Some irrational hater who hates Ant for being things he always was.